Place Names of South Australia - B
- Babbage, Mount - Baker Gully
- Baker Sandhill - Baldina Creek
- Baldon - Balhannah
- Ballast Head - Barabba
- Baratta - Barker, Mount
- Barmera - Barossa
- Bartagunyah - Battunga
- Baxter Range, Mount - Bedford Park
- Beefacres - Bellwood
- Beltana - Belvidere
- Ben, Mount - Beresford
- Berri - Bethel
- Bethel, Mount - Birdwood
- Birkenhead - Black Forest
- Black Hill - Blacker, Hundred of
- Blackwood - Blackwood Gully
- Blair Athol - Blanchetown
- Blanchewater - Blumberg
- Blyth - Booborowie
- Bookabie - Booleroo Centre
- Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
- Boree - Bowden
- Bower - Brenda Park
- Brentwood - Brightwood
- Brinkley, Hundred of - Broughton
- Broughton, Port - Broughton, River
- Brown, Mount - Bryan Creek
- Bryan, Mount - Buckland Park
- Buckleboo - Bundey, Hundred of
- Bungala, River - Burford Gardens
- Burgoyne, Hundred of - Bywell