Place Names of South Australia - B
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
- Booleroo Whim
- Boolgun
- Boor Plains
- Boord Flat
LI>Boothby, Hundred of
- Booyoolie
- Borda, Cape
- Bordertown
Booleroo Whim
The reminiscences of Mrs T. Staude, edited by Rev John Blacket, are in the Advertiser,6 November 1929, page 17d:
Mr. & Mrs Staude went to Booleroo Whim in 1876 - The holding taken up was covered with scrub. Scrub rolling had not yet come into operation and the work was indeed laborious, only a few acres being cleared the first year. Having no fencing wire, stray cattle and kangaroos devoured the crop, which was little enough as it was a dry season. A neighbour, who only had a small section of land, had sown several acres saved his crop by walking round it half the night and his wife took the other watch...
Putting the well "in order" is the topic for discussion as reported in the Register,
13 September 1881 (supp.), page 1b.
Information on the well is in the Observer,
5 January 1924, page 6d.
Also see South
Australia - Northern Lands Development and Allied Matters
- Water, Artesian Wells and Springs
Booleroo Whim School operated from 1880 until 1941.
An Arbor Day is reported in the Register,
14 August 1893, page 6b.
Also see South Australia - Education - Arbor Days
An obituary of Alexander Hawthorne is in the Register,
3 August 1921, page 8e,
of John Arthur on 27 February 1923, page 8h.
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
Place Names
A town in the Hundred of Holder 26 km south of Waikerie proclaimed on 10 February 1916. Aboriginal for 'plenty'.
General Notes
The school opened in 1929 and closed in 1938.
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
Place Names
Boor Plains
Eight kilometres south-east of Kadina. Its post office opened in July 1882 and closed in 1899. James Boor, a shepherd employed by Sir Walter Hughes.
General Notes
Its school opened in 1879 and closed in 1941.
An obituary of T.H. Rodda is in the Observer,
20 December 1924, page 39d,
of Mrs Emma S. Rodda on 19 December 1925, page 43d.
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
Place Names
Boord Flat
The Advertiser of 12 March 1886, page 7e places it as "some four miles from Yankalilla."
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
Place Names
Boothby, Hundred of
According to Lands Department records it was named after T.W. Boothby, MP (1873-75). Sections in the Hundred were offered for sale on 21 March 1882 and John W. Cosh was recorded as the first to purchase land on 3 December 1883 (sections 133-34 for £947). Mr Boothby (c.1834-1893) was the son of Benjamin Boothby (1803-1868), who arrived in 1853 in the Indemnity after which he took up a position as a judge in the Supreme Court. He bitterly opposed the land reform measures of the Torrens Act and because of his continuing and persistent opposition to the laws of the colony he was removed from office in July 1867. It was widely admitted that his errors were of the 'head' rather than the 'heart'.
General Notes
Also see South Australia - Politics
Some biographical details of Benjamin Boothby are in the Register of 24 May 1853, page 3b;
also see 22 and 24 June 1868, pages 2c and 2f for his obituary and an account of his funeral.
An interesting letter on the disabilities and prospects of farming in the Hundred is in the Register,
26 August 1880 (supp.), page 2a:
Whoever possessed this place in the past were not very go-ahead to judge by the way in which it has been neglected. I never saw a place in such a state of non-development. The fine river bed grows timber mostly of a perishable nature; that is, such as die absolutely when burned or chopped down, yet a fire stick has never been used to clear off the maze of low, bushy acacias that cover the ground densely in places...
The district is described in the Register,
20 November 1906, page 7a.
"Some of the Farmers" is in the Register, 17 October 1911, page 3b.
The Hundred of Boothby School opened in 1897 and closed in 1946
(from 1913 it was called "Twelve Mile").
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
Place Names
H.B. Hughes took up land in the area under an occupation licence from 12 June 1845 and called it 'Booyoolee' (sic); according to some historians it means 'boiling up the smoke cloud'. However, SA Museum records say it is Aboriginal for 'foggy place' - the respective explanations appear synonymous.
General Notes
Information on Mr Hughes's "meat preserving establishment" is in the Observer,
6 February 1869, page 6a,
9 August 1873, page 5a.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Meat
A race meeting at Booyoolee (sic) is reported in the Register,
22 October 1870, page 5c;
28 October 1871, page 7b - Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing:
October 8th, 1870 was appointed for a day's sport to try the mettle of a few horses belonging to the shearers, men at the meat-preserving works and also at the Washpool. The weather was favourable till the finish of the last race, the Hurryskurry, when a heavy thunderstorm stopped sport and dispersed the crowd in all directions and athletics intended to wind up were postponed. Mr. Hughes who kindly acted as judge was, on his arrival, greeted with hearty cheers by about 150 men and youths in his employ and a few farmers who have lately settled in the neighbourhood...
"The Booyoolee Land Meeting" is in the Register,
7 July 1871, page 6e.
"Booyoolee Land in the Market" is in the Chronicle,
1 and 8 July 1871, pages 6a and 9f,
6 October 1877, page 12e,
"The Hundred of Booyoolie" on
27 May 1876, page 6a.
The district is described in the Register,
24 September 1872, page 6e,
24 May 1876, page 5f.
The town is described in the Register,
3 November 1875, page 6a and
Mr H.B. Hughes Stud on
17 February 1876, page 7a.
Photographs are in the Observer,
4 November 1905, page 29.
The school operated for a short time in 1873-1874.
Parliamentary Paper 24/1874 shows it being conducted by Sarah Brinkworth with 23 enrolled pupils.
Information on the district council is in the Register,
26 February 1925, page 12f.
A history of the district council is in the Observer,
7 March 1925, page 19.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Local Government
The Booyoolee Agricultural Show is reported in the Observer,
23 August 1873, page 4d,
11 September 1874, page 7b.
Also see South Australia - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows
The laying of the foundation stone of the Bible Christian Chapel is reported in the Register,
27 October 1875, page 5b.
An obituary of Theodore Hall is in the Observer,
11 May 1901, page 22e,
of Henry French on 26 August 1911, page 41a.
An obituary of H.W. Hughes is in the Register,
27 October 1916, page 8f.
Biographical details of A.A. Holland are in the Observer,
31 July 1926, page 17e.
The sale of Booyoolie Estate is reported in the Observer,
2 July 1910, page 54d.
Booleroo Whim - Bordertown
Place Names
Borda, Cape
On Kangaroo Island, named by Baudin in 1802 in honour of Jean-Charles de Borda (1733-1799), a celebrated French mathematician and astronomer. He was a founder of schools of naval architecture and simplified a method of finding a ship's position at sea and worked with Delambre on the reflecting circle which brought him fame.
General Notes
A report by Captain Freeling on the cape and environs is in the Register, 17 April 1855, page 2g:
Cape Borda, situated at the north-west extremity of Kangaroo Island, is the first land within the limits of the colony of South Australia that is generally made by ships arriving from the westward. A vote of Council has been taken for the erection of a lighthouse at this point, the cliff on the summit of which the light will be placed being about 250 feet above the sea, the light will be visible about 25 miles...
"Telegraph to Cape Borda" is in the Chronicle,
27 June 1874, page 11d.
Also see South Australia - Communications - Telegraphic - Miscellany
A school was conducted there from 1887 until 1891.
Information on the lighthouse is in the Register,
13 February 1895, page 6c,
16 February 1895, page 13a.
Also see South Australia - Maritime Affairs - Lighthouses and Lightships
"A Trip to Cape Borda" is in the Chronicle,
28 April 1906, page 40a.