South Australia - Governors and Ancillary Matters
The Role of Governor
(Taken from Geoffrey H. Manning's A Colonial Experience)
The position of Governor in the Constitution is not a prominent one, and although, theoretically, all legislation has to be approved and all Executive acts concurred in by him, in practice he follows the advice of his responsible ministers. The only occasion upon which he can be said to be thrown upon his own resources is in deciding whether a dissolution shall, or shall not, be granted, who shall be sent for in the event of it becoming necessary to form a new Ministry, and whether the royal prerogative of mercy shall, or shall not, be exercised. In the latter case he has to consult his advisers and may, if he pleases, accept their recommendation, but, on the other hand he can act independently.For the rest, the duties of Governor, who, by the way, is the only tangible link between the Home and Colonial Governments, are more social than political. As the leader of society, the first man in the colony, as well as the representative of His Majesty, can be of inestimable service, and it must be admitted that as a rule the incumbents of the office in South Australia have, since the introduction of our Constitution, been chosen wisely.
Governors - Should They Be South Australian Citizens?
Speaking roughly, we have sunk in vice-regal residences at Marble Hill and Adelaide and in kitchen gardens and other dubious gubernatorial assets about a million pounds... I calculate that it costs us �45,000 a year to keep up the vice-regal establishments in this colony. And all for what?... Put �2,500 on the Chief Justice's salary and make him Governor and vote the remaining [sum] to useful public works.
In the late 1880s the subject of the power of appointment of governors of the Australian colonies was discussed widely and suggestions were made that the colonies with representative legislatures should claim the right of appointing their own governors in the future. It seemed to some that this view could not be entertained seriously, for it involved the separation of the colonies from the control of the mother country and, even today, it is suggested that we are not yet in a condition to desire, or to maintain, independence. The veto of the sovereign of England on our legislation is considered necessary for the protection of Imperial interests, and the power vested in the Crown of appointing Governors are the sole political ties that bind us to the mother country.
When Australia can command a few dozen ironclads and fast cruisers and a disciplined force to meet the armies of European States on terms of superiority then, it was proclaimed, we may be fit for independence. But such a condition of power will require at least a hundred years to build up.
It was said that the power of selecting our own governor would give rise to jealousies and intrigues which would render the social position of such an elected governor anything but a bed of roses:
It might result in conspiracies and even assassinations as in America where the highest office of the State is so eagerly and unscrupulously sought after that, at the time of the election of new presidents, the whole community is one seething mass of agitation, intrigue and corruption.
Let it be remembered that not only does the existing system tend to keep society in a healthy relationship, with the educated and refined classes in the mother country by the advent and influence of men of high standing at home, fresh from the fields of a higher civilisation, but the Crown, through the action of its own ministers, having in its governors ambassadors, who serve to impart correct views of the state of progress and public feeling in their several fields of action, is in the highest degree enabled and prompted to perpetuate the ties of race and loyalty, which link men together more than any legislation can effect.
Such was he thrust of an argument expounded by Mr B.T.Finniss, the first Premier of South Australia, in the 1890s. His views were shared by many. However, I believe that the desire to lessen the cost of government by appointing 'local' people would not cause any diminution of loyalty to the Crown and Empire. Indeed, we aspire to be regarded not merely as citizens of the State and Commonwealth, but also as participants in the broader life of the Empire. With this end in view we should seek from the Imperial authorities the power to appoint citizens of this State to the position of Governor.
We have people who have rendered distinguished services as judges, ministers of the Crown, and occupants of other high positions in the community, and who have given proof of their great ability and administrative skill. On many occasions during the temporary absence of the governor such gentlemen have discharged vice regal duties with conspicuous success. Accordingly, there should be no position of trust or honour in this State which should be regarded as beyond the reach of any citizen.
As a matter of interest, in 1902, Australia, with 4,000,000 people, of which 1,000,000 were breadwinners, paid over �100,000 for the privilege of having the King represented in its midst and, in 1901, owing to the Royal visit, over �150,000 was spent on special grants and permanent works connected with vice-royalty.
Perhaps, in the fullness of time, the following thought emanating from a South Australian may be considered worthy of consideration:
Australia today is a nation; one people, one destiny, one arm of the Empire. Why not one Governor, one silken tie, through the Governor General of Australia... the direct representative of His Majesty, the King... [Australia] cannot afford great luxuries or too much tinsel. She suffers sorely just now from too much government of poor quality, as evidenced by the prolific extravagance, political muddles, gross losses, continuous industrial unrest, and heavy taxation that obtain within the... Commonwealth of Australia.
Finally, the following snippet of history may well be brought into the argument, together with the extent of public moneys expended on the vice-regal residence at Marble Hill:
Of the thousands of people who are on pleasure bent visit Belair and Long Gully during the year, few are aware that in the National Park, about half-way between the two railway stations is a building that was the summer residence of the governors of South Australia. The house, the walls of which are partially covered by creeper, was substantially built and is well preserved. The house has five lofty, spacious rooms. The ballroom, about 18 feet high has large bow windows opening on to a tiled courtyard. Water was brought by lead pipe from a permanent spring in the vicinity.
A sum of �1,000 was placed on the Estimates in 1858 and the only two members of the house to offer criticism were Messrs Finniss and Reynolds. The building was completed in June 1860.
General Notes
"How We Are Governed" is in the Register,
21 June 1887, page 5b (supp.).
"Ex-Governors of Long Ago" is in the Register,
13 February 1920, page 6g,
"Early Day Governors" on
13 February 1920, page 7h.
"An Old Poem - The [First] Four Governors" is in the Register,
23 August 1920, page 8g.
The Four Governors
For naval duels in middy's clothes,The sapient Whigs poor Hindmarsh chose;
But, being rather pugnacious,
Recalled him in a way ungracious.
Then Acting-Governor Stephen shone
Like a comet our little world upon.
Startling and brief was his career -
He brought a character rather queer.
(Surrounded, indeed, by a vapour light);
But he passed again into palpable night;
For, though to dazzle and blaze was his cue,
One might see the black nucleus peeping through.
Frivolous, vain and something worse;
Ambitious, proud with an empty purse;
Wanting the power, but having the will,
By any means that purse to fill.
He is gone - there is justice in that without flaw,
To Heligoland with his father-in-law.
In the meantime the Whigs, of course,
Had looked to t'other arm of the force;
For able statesmen, clear, wise, cool,
Are governed 'neath military rule,
As well as in the naval school.
They chose Gawler, whose merits tested,
Are acts of early valour rested.
They found in this (I use no trope),
That he had led in forlorn hope;
The very man they most desired,
Long he to greatness had aspired.
He came, and transient wealth and pride
Flowed in upon us like a tide.
Pomp, puff, and folly marked his reign,
And adulation made him vain.
McLaren boo'd and boo'd away,
And lent him money day by day;
First held his course rather slack,
Then threw the reins upon his back
Unchecked and uncontrolled, the pace
'Twas clear 'twould soon conclude the race.
And so it did; his doings rash
Produced a most tremendous crash -
He left us in a pretty hash.
Then Russell looked for one more keen,
One who colonial life had seen.
A travelled wight round cape and bay,
The sharp discoverer of Port Grey;
He came with many fears oppressed,
The bearer of a medicine chest;
The constitution being broken
Was proved by many a startling token.
His blood-letting and physic such,
The corporation suffered much;
Plethoric habits long induced,
By feeding high, were soon reduced;
Consumption stayed and fever lower,
The patients' health was soon restored,
And inflammation much subdued,
Although the means were rather rude;
And thus the province came insooth,
Grey-headed in the dawn of youth.
Written by A.H. Davis, a prominent journalist in the earliest days of Adelaide. The allusions to the four Governors are obvious. Milner Stephen married a daughter of Governor Hindmarsh who went to Heligoland after leaving South Australia. Cited in the Register, 23 August 1920, page 8.
"Link With First SA Governor - Hindmarsh Stephen 70 Tomorrow" is in The Mail,
13 June 1931, page 7a.
Information on Government House is in the Register,
2 February 1839, page 2b.
2 January 1924, page 11a.
For its destruction see
16 and 23 January 1841, pages 2f and 2c,
6 February 1841, page 2c.
27 February 1855, page 3f,
14 June 1855, page 2h,
28 May 1925, page 4a,
17 August 1927, page 12b.
Information on "vice regal ladies of the past" is in the Register,
7 January 1918, page 6g.
"Governors and Responsible Government" is in the Register,
7 December 1855, page 2c,
"Future Authority of Colonial Governors" on
4 January 1856, page 3a.
"The Governor and the Council" is in the Register,
19 May 1856, page 2c.
24 May 1856, page 6a.
Also see South Australia - Politics - Legislative Council
"Pensions to Colonial Governors" is in the Register,
18 July 1865, page 2b.
"Colonial Recollections - Old Government House" is in the Chronicle,
26 October 1878, page 12d.
An 1870 sketch is in the Observer,
8 August 1925, page 38; also see
Australasian Sketcher,
13 May 1876, page 21,
6 April 1899, page 2h.
"Memories of Government House" is in the Register,
11 November 1915, page 4e.
Information on the construction of Government House and later events is in the Register on
24 and 26 February 1925, pages 3f and 12b,
"The First Government House" on
17 August 1927, page 12b.
"House Built by Seven Governors" is in the Advertiser,
28 July 1934, page 9g.
"South Australian Governors - 1836-1895 - Some Biographical Reminiscences" is in the Advertiser, 29 October 1895, page 7a,
"Our Governors - 1836 to 1899" in the Express,
10 April 1899, page 3c,
"Early Day Governors" in the Register,
13 February 1920, page 7h,
"An Old Poem - The Four Governors" on
23 August 1920, page 8g,
"Some Governors I Have Known" on
22 December 1923, page 10h.
"Governors' Wives - Memories From Earlier Days" is in the Observer,
13 January 1917, page 12a.
"Our Early Governors - Notable Arrivals and Departures" is in the Register
on 28 December 1926, page 10b.
"Early Days at Government House - Letters of Mrs Gawler" is in the Advertiser,
28 April 1936, page 14g; also see
1 September 1936 (special edition), page 16.
The administration of Gov Grey is discussed in the Southern Australian,
9, 12, 16 and 19 January 1844, pages 2a, 2c, 2b and 2a. Also see Place Names - Grey Town
A visit to the colony by Sir George Grey is reported in the Register,
14 April 1891, pages 4f-5e,
8 May 1891, page 6e:
Sympathetic as a man, whilst unrelenting as an administrator, the young governor even devoted nearly half of his salary in one year to help the distressed...
A comment on Governor Robe is in the Register, 21 August 1847, page 4a:
A Governor less acquainted with civil affairs, less covetous, less gentlemanly in the discharge of his duties, more impatient of contradiction and in every way less fitted a British people - never was placed at the head of a colony.
Also see Place Names - Robe for further opinions on his credibility and South Australian, 21 June 1850, page 2b.
Comment on the State's governors from 1836 to 1846 are in the SA Gazette & Mining Journal,
1 January 1848, page 2a.
"What Should the New Governor Do?" is in the Register,
5 August 1848, page 2b.
"Our Governors" is the subject of an interesting report in the South Australian,
8 August 1848, page 2a.
"Governing by Commission" is in the Observer,
8 December 1849, page 2c.
Opinions of Governor Young are expressed in the Observer,
8 December 1849, page 2c and
South Australian,
21 June 1850, page 2b:
Sir Henry appears to [have] a kind of non-responsibility policy, under the impulse of which he tries to shift the burthen of his cares upon the backs of any unfortunate individuals he can find...
Our own impression is that his Excellency is too fond of grand conceptions, and too inattentive to practical details. Let him attempt less, and he will perform more. His minutes and addresses betray the tone of his mind. The style is more lofty than practical, and many of the expressions are loose... With all his large ideas, Governor Young wants practical talent, and has a very dim idea of public feeling and opinion.
(Also see South Australian,
9 July 1850, page 2b,
19 and 22 August 1850, pages 2b and 2b.)
"His Excellency and the Rev. Mr Woodcock" is in the Observer,
25 January 1851, page 1a (supp.).
"The Governor and the New Council" is in the Observer,
20 September 1851 (supp.).
Also see South Australia - Politics - Legislative Council
"Governor Young and His Land Purchases" is in the SA Gazette & Mining Journal,
16 October 1851, page 3b.
"Administration of Governor Young" is in the Chronicle,
27 February 1936, page 50.
Also see Place Names - Goolwa.
The Register of 21 October 1854, page 2d-g has comment on the appointment of Mr Francis Lawley to succeed Sir Henry Young:
[He is] a young man of twenty-nine years of age, who is represented as having lost his fortune and his reputation on the turf, and who wished to break away from his worthless connections and reform his previous habits...
(For the ensuing debacle see Register,
24 October1854, pages 2c-3a,
2 and 16 November 1854, pages 2d and 3f.)
A biographical sketch of Sir Henry E.F. Young is in the Observer,
2 December 1854, page 4a,
"Our New Governor [MacDonnell]" is in the Observer,
3 February 1855, page 6a.
"Administration of Governor Macdonnell" is in the Chronicle,
19 March 1936, page 50.
"Colonial Governors & Colonial Legislators" is in the Observer,
22 September 1855, page 5a.
"Fallacies of a Five Years' Term for Colonial Governors" is in the Register,
21 October 1856, page 2d.
A history of Old Government House at Belair is in The News, 2 February 1927, page 4a.
Also see Place Names - Belair
"The Governor's Salary" is in the Register,
6, 7 and 10 November 1855, pages 2d, 2e and 2d,
10 November 1855, pages 6f-1b (supp.),
1 December 1855, page 6a,
23 August 1862, page 3a (supp.),
"Salaries of Colonial Governors" in the Register,
4 December 1866, page 2a,
19 July 1888, page 4e,
24 and 25 August 1888, pages 6d and 4h,
11 December 1866, page 2d,
25 April 1872, page 2c,
10 October 1868, page 13a,
21 July 1888, page 4f,
4 August 1888, page 5a,
21 August 1888, page 3a.
"Public Salaries Bill and the Governor" in the Advertiser,
25 October 1893, page 4c; also see
21 April 1894, page 15a,
13 July 1895, page 24c,
28 December 1895, page 24d,
4 January 1896, page 28c,
9 July 1895, pages 2b-3d,
9 July 1895, pages 4f-5h,
9 and 10 October 1895, pages 7a and 7g,
24 December 1895, page 4h,
14 September 1900, page 4c,
9 October 1895, page 4g,
20 December 1895, page 4f,
22 September 1900, page 25b,
"The Governor's Salary" in the Advertiser on
29 January 1909, page 6d.
"The Governor - Question of Salary" is in the Advertiser,
19 October 1910, page 11b,
"Governors' Salaries" in the Register,
29 December 1921, page 6b,
1 February 1922, pages 7b-11e,
6 September 1922, page 6d,
31 January 1922, page 6c,
1 and 2 February 1922, pages 7c and 7b-9d,
31 August 1922, page 2d,
1 and 6 September 1922, pages 11a and 7b.
"Viceregal Expenditure" is in the Observer,
29 March 1856, page 1c (supp.).
"Future Authority of Colonial Governors" is in the Observer,
5 January 1856, page 1c (supp.).
An article from the Ovens Advertiser titled "The Governor of South Australia" is reproduced in the Observer,
25 October 1856, page 7f.
"Wilful Murder of Inspector Pettigrew at Government House" is in the Chronicle,
8 February 1862, page 3c.
Colonial Governors and their role in the Colony are discussed in the Register,
25 April 1865, page 2e,
7 January 1885, page 6h,
"Representative Government and Colonial Governors" on
25 April 1866, page 2e; also see
16 September 1908, pages 6d-7b,
28 and 29 October 1908, pages 6c and 9a,
5 December 1908, page 8e.
"Pensions to Colonial Governors" is in the Observer,
22 July 1865, page 6g.
"The ViceRegal Home [in the 1860s]" is in the Register,
22 May 1926, page 5c.
"Representative Government - Colonial Governors" is in the Register,
25 April 1866, page 2e.
"Vice-Regal Interference in Colonial Legislation" is in the Register,
16 August 1866, page 2c.
A public meeting called to discuss the Governor's salary is reported in the Observer,
15 December 1866, page 4e,
"Colonial Governors and Their Salaries" appears on
13 June 1868, page 3c.
"The Administration of Sir Dominick Daly" is in the Observer,
29 February 1868, page 13b,
26 March 1936, page 50.
Also see Place Names - Belair
A public meeting called to discuss "The Governorship of South Australia" is reported in the Observer,
27 June 1868, page 16d.
"The Acting-Governor's Salary" is in the Register,
16 September 1868, page 2g.
"The Viceregal Functions in Responsible Government" is in the Observer,
31 October 1868, page 12e.
The death of Lady Edith Fergusson is reported in the Register,
27 October 1868, page 2e,
4 November 1871, page 11f.
The grounds of Government House are described in the Register,
30 August 1869, page 2e.
A sketch of Governor Fergusson's swearing in is in the Illustrated Adelaide Post,
26 March 1869, page 1.
"Sir James Fergusson's Administration" is in the Observer,
7 December 1872, page 13b; also see Place Names - Fergusson, County of
"The Governorship of South Australia" on
4 January 1873, page 2g.
"Body Guard for the Governors" is in the Observer,
19 July 1873, page 7g.
A poem entitled "The Governor's Levee" is in The Lantern,
20 May 1876, page 6a.
The resignation of Sir William Cairns is discussed in the Observer,
21 and 28 April 1877, pages 3a and 19a.
26 March 1877, page 6a,
21 April 1877, page 4.
"The Privileges of Governors" is in the Register,
7 May 1880, page 4e.
"Colonial Governors" is in the Observer,
18 November 1882, page 24c,
2 December 1882, page 24c.
"Fire at Government House" is in the Register,
13 February 1883, page 6f,
16 and 17 February 1883, pages 2e and 3c.
Sketches of Governor Robinson taking office are in the Pictorial Australian in March 1883, page 45.
The reminiscences of B.T. Finniss are in the Advertiser,
24 March 1883, page 5e,
12 April 1883, page 5g,
9 and 17 May 1883, pages 5f and 6c,
25 June 1883, page 5g,
21 July 1883, page 6c,
16 August 1883, page 5g,
20 October 1883, page 1a (supp.).
Also see Place Names - Finniss
"Princes as Colonial Governors" is in the Register,
3 August 1883, page 4g.
"The Private Entree at the Governor's Levee" is in the Register,
17 May 1884, pages 4g-5h; also see
28 June 1884, page 4h,
1 and 7 July 1884, pages 6b and 4g.
A satirical essay titled "The Governor's Levee" is in the Chronicle,
30 May 1885, page 16c.
"The Duties and Privileges of a Governor" is in the Register,
19 December 1885, page 4f,
26 December 1885, page 24c.
"Do We Want a Governor" is debated in the Letters to the Editor's columns in the Register on
31 March 1886, page 7f,
2, 7 and 21 April 1886, pages 7h, 3h and 6h:
Speaking roughly, we have sunk in vice-regal residences at Marble Hill and Adelaide and in kitchen gardens and other dubious gubernatorial assets about a million pounds... I calculate that it costs us 45 thousand pounds a year to keep up the vice-regal establishments in this colony. And all for what?... Put 2500 pounds on the Chief Justice's salary and make him Governor and vote the remaining [sum] to useful public works.
"The Governor and Mr Homburg, MP" is in the Chronicle,
15 May 1886, page 5b.
Also see Place Names - Homburg, Hundred of
"The Governor's Place in the Constitution" is in the Register,
26 and 31 August 1886, pages 4e and 7g.
"How We are Governed" is in the Chronicle,
2 October 1886, page 5e.
A fancy dress ball at Government House is reported in the Register,
8 October 1886, page 6g,
16 October 1886, page 7a and
a ball on
21 May 1892, page 9e; also see
12 October 1888, page 3g,
19 May 1892, page 3g,
10 August 1895, page 5a.
"The Calico Ball at Government House" is in the Observer,
23 August 1890, page 16d.
"An Elected Governor" is in the Register,
4 August 1887, page 4f,
6 August 1887, page 24d,
"The Selection of Governors" in the Express,
31 December 1888, page 3c.
"A Governor for SA" is in the Observer,
28 July 1888, page 25a.
"Governors' Residences" is in the Chronicle,
17 November 1888, page 6c,
"Colonial Governors" on
19 January 1889, page 5a.
"Colonial Governors and the Colonial Office" is in the Register,
12 and 21 November 1888, pages 4g and 4f.
The appointment of colonial governors is discussed in the Advertiser,
28 January 1889, page 5f,
16 September 1908, pages 6c-7i,
28 October 1908, page 6d,
3 and 26 November 1908, pages 6d and 6d,
9 December 1908, page 6d,
9 February 1909, page 6d.
"Acting Governors" is in the Register,
18 February 1889, page 4e.
"The Selection of Colonial Governors" is in the Register,
30 September 1889, page 5b,
7 October 1889, page 4f,
12 October 1889, page 31e.
"Governors and the Parliament" is in the Register,
8 August 1891, page 4e.
An editorial on the powers and authority of governors is in the Advertiser,
18 August 1892, page 4c.
"Governors and Their Selection" is in the Register,
18 February 1893, page 4g.
"The Office of Governor" is in the Chronicle,
20 May 1893, page 4d,
3 June 1893, page 5c.
"The Chief Justice and the Governor" is in the Register,
20 and 28 July 1893, pages 5d and 7e,
3 and 24 August 1893, pages 6f and 4f.
"The Secretary of State and the Governorship" is in the Register,
23 August 1893, page 4e.
"Governorships" is in the Observer,
9 September 1893, page 24e.
"The Governor's Salary Reduction Bill" is in the Register,
14 September 1893, page 4e.
"The Lieutenant-Governor and Deputy Governors" is in the Register,
21 March 1894, page 4g.
"Introduced Governors and Native Autocrats' is in the Register,
18 April 1894, pages 4g-6d.
"Australian Governorships" is in the Register,
26 March 1895, page 4e.
"Australian Governors" is in the Register,
11 December 1901, page 6d,
14 December 1901, page 16e
12 and 19 June 1925, pages 6e and 9f,
17 July 1925, page 9f.
"Governors Then and Now" is in the Observer,
2 November 1895, page 16e.
"The Viceregal Wedding" is in the Chronicle,
25 July 1896, page 16a,
1 August 1896 (supplement).
A photograph of Government House is in the Chronicle,
1 August 1896 (supplement).
Following renovations, government house is described in the Register,
6 April 1899, page 4i.
Governors and Acting Governors are listed in the Register,
8 April 1899, page 7b.
"Breaking Viceregal Windows" is in the Register,
27 and 28 March 1900, pages 4g and 5a.
The hauling down of a flag at government house by W. Copley, MP, and R.S. Guthrie, MLC, is reported in the Register,
20 and 22 February 1900, pages 4f and 4g; also see
15 June 1900, page 4g.
"Federal and State Governors" is in the Advertiser,
11 August 1900, page 6e; also see
21 August 1900, page 4d,
18 September 1900, page 4e,
17 December 1900, page 4d,
6 February 1902, page 4c.
"Australian Governors" is in the Observer,
14 December 1901, page 16e.
Renovations to government house are discussed in the Register,
1 May 1901, page 4f.
"The Cost of Vice-Royalty" is in the Express,
11 July 1902, page 3e.
"State Governors" is in the Register,
8 January 1903, page 4c, 27 June 1903, page 4c.
"Lord Tennyson on Governorship" is in the Advertiser,
19 June 1903, page 4b,
"Viceregal Interference in Politics" on
6 July 1904, pages 4d and 6f.
Photographs of Lord and Lady Tennyson are in the Chronicle,
11 May 1901, page 4 (supplement).
Also see Place Names - Tennyson
"The Governor's Mistake" is in the Observer,
19 March 1904, page 27d.
"Colonial Governors - Their Relation to England" is discussed in the Advertiser,
22 May 1905, page 9c,
"The Governor in Politics" on
8 and 12 September 1905, pages 6c and 8i.
A Government House garden fete is reported in the Register,
13 and 14 October 1905, pages 6e and 8d,
13 October 1905, page 4e.
"The Governor and Party Politics" is in the Register,
11, 15 and 22 December 1905, pages 4d, 4c and 4f.
"The Governor and Politics" in The Herald,
16 December 1905, page 6a,
12, 14 and 22 December 1905, pages 4d, 6d-8h and 4c.
"Wives of Governors - Old Memories" is in the Register,
26 September 1906, page 7d.
"Abolishing State Governors" is the subject of an editorial in the Advertiser,
26 April 1907, page 4c.
Photographs of governors from 1836 are in the Observer,
28 December 1907, page 27.
State Governors are discussed in the Advertiser,
30 July 1908, page 6e,
16 September 1908, pages 6d-7b,
19 September 1908, page 42d,
10 October 1908, page 45a,
19 September 1908, page 43,
16 September 1908, pages 6d-7b,
10, 17 and 31 October 1908, pages 45a, 43a and 33c,
28 and 29 October 1908, pages 6c and 9a,
5 December 1908, page 8e.
"Gossip About Governors" appears on
29 March 1909, page 5f.
"Parliament and Governor" is in the Register,
18 September 1908, page 4c.
"The Governor" is in the Register,
5 December 1908, page 8e.
Photographs of a garden party are in The Critic,
6 January 1909, page 14.
"Governor and Premier" is in the Register,
21 October 1908, page 8d,
29 December 1910, page 7c,
"Residents of the Governor" on
7 October 1911, page 7a.
"Appointment of Governors" is in the Register,
1, 7 and 8 October 1908, pages 8c, 9a and 9a.
"Governor and Premier [Verran]" is in the Register,
29 December 1910, page 4d-g,
2 January 1911, page 9c.
"Government House - Proposed New Site" is in the Advertiser,
28 September 1911, page 10a,
3 October 1911, page 9a,
26 September 1912, page 8d.
"The Vice-Regal Residence" is in the Register,
28 September 1911, page 6c.
Photographs of Government House are in The Critic,
21 May 1913, page 13.
"Government House and People's Parks" is in the Register,
15 October 1913, page 12e.
Also see Place Names - Parklands
"Appointment of State Governors" is in the Register,
19 December 1913, page 7a.
"Appointment of Governors - Early History Recalled" is in the Observer,
27 December 1913, page 40e,
"Gossip About Governors - Looking Back" on
21 February 1914, page 44d.
"State Governors" is in the Register,
7 April 1914, page 8d.
"Empire Days of Long Ago - Functions at Government House" is in the Register
on 24 May 1915, page 4f.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Empire Day
"Memories of Government House" is in the Observer,
13 November 1915, page 33a.
"Viceregal Summer Resorts" is in the Register,
18 November 1915, page 4e,
20 November 1915, page 32c.
"The Duties of a Governor" is in the Advertiser,
23 June 1916, page 9a.
"Daughters of Government House" is in the Register,
7 September 1916, page 4e,
"Sons of Government House" on
28 September 1916, page 6f.
"Vice-Regal ADC's" is in the Register,
7 October 1916, page 8f.
"Memories of Government House" is in the Register on
11 November 1915, page 4e,
30 December 1919, page 4g.
"Vice-Regal Visits to the Country" is in the Register,
4 November 1916, page 8g.
"Government House Ballroom" is in the Register,
12 September 1917, page 6g.
"Government House Memories" is in the Register,
13 June 1918, page 6e.
"Abolishing the Governor" is in the Register,
2 October 1919, pages 6d-7c.
"State Governors - Valued as an Institution" is in the Observer,
19 July 1919, pages 21e-29d.
"Local Governors" is in The Mail,
12 July 1919, page 3c.
"The Passing of Government House" is in the Register,
30 December 1919, page 4g,
"New Government House" on
10 and 15 January 1920, pages 6d and 6e.
"The Continuance of State Governors" is in the Observer,
10 January 1920, page 29b.
"State Governors" is in the Advertiser,
14 July 1919, page 6d-e,
7 December 1921, page 13b:
Australia today is a nation; one people, one destiny, one arm of the Empire. Why not one Governor, one silken tie, through the Governor General of Australia... the direct representative of His Majesty, the King... [Australia] cannot afford great luxuries or too much tinsel. She suffers sorely just now from too much government of poor quality, as evidenced by the prolific extravagance, political muddles, gross losses, continuous industrial unrest, and heavy taxation that obtain within the... Commonwealth of Australia.
Photographs of South Australain Governors are in the Observer,
28 December 1907, page 27,
3 July 1920, page 23,
of a garden fete at Government House on
8 November 1913, page 29,
20 November 1915, pages 28-29.
"The Governor's Mistake" is in the Register,
24 January 1920, page 6b.
"Governor Retiring" is in the Observer,
10 December 1921, page 31c.
Information on and a photograph of the Government House wall are in the Chronicle,
4 February 1922, pages 27-45d.
"New Government House" is in the Register,
8 June 1922, page 9h.
Biographical details of Sir George Bridges are in the Observer,
2 September 1922, page 31.
"Governor and Judges" is in the Advertiser,
31 August 1922, page 6e,
1 September 1922, page 9d,
"Government House Wall" on
28 November 1922, page 8h,
"Government House" in the Observer,
12 January 1924, page 47a.
"State Governors" is in the Advertiser,
20 August 1924, page 8f,
"Local Governors for States" on
11 June 1925, page 8d,
"State Governors - Should Australians be Chosen" in the Register on
19 June 1925, page 9f,
21 August 1925, page 8d,
22 October 1925, page 10g.
"Government House Walls" is in the Register,
24 February 1925, page 3f,
"Government House and the War Memorial" is in the Register,
7 and 12 May 1925, pages 8c-10b and 10a.
"Government House and the War Memorial" is in the Advertiser,
8 May 1925, page 12e,
28 July 1925, page 17f; also see
8 April 1926, page 8e.
Also see South Australia - World War I - Memorials to the Fallen
"Government House - Should it be Moved" is in the Register,
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 July 1925, pages 13h, 9e, 9c, 9a, 9g, 9f, 8d and 8f.
"Australian Citizens as State Governors" is in the Observer,
29 August 1925, page 43b,
3 October 1925, page 28a,
27 March 1926, page 45a; also see
19 September 1925, page 52,
22 October 1925, page 10g,
26 April 1926, page 8b,
The News,
21 October 1925, page 7e,
16 September 1925, page 8g,
22 and 29 October 1925, pages 12d-15e and 14e,
The News,
26 November 1926, page 9c.
Also see the essay at the beginning of this section
"Government House - Its Historic Associations" is in the Observer,
30 May 1925, page 17b.
"Government House Grounds - Proposed Site for Town Hall" is in the Advertiser,
9, 10 and 11 July 1925, pages 10c, 16e and 14a.
"Demolition of Government House Wall" is in the Register,
24 and 26 June 1925, pages 9d and 10c (includes photo.)
"Government House Domain - Preservation Sought" appears on
9 September 1927, page 13b.
Opposition to the removal of the Governor's residence is aired in the Register,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 22 and 24 July 1925, pages 9a, 9e, 9f, 8d-9f, 8f-9a, 9e, 12c and 13c,
18 September 1925, page 8d,
1 October 1925, page 8c,
24 March 1926, page 8f.
"Government House Domain" is in the Register,
26 April 1926, page 8b.
"State Governors - Should Australians Be Chosen" is in the Observer,
27 June 1925, page 17b,
25 July 1925, page 47c.
"Vice Regents - What the King Expects of Them" is in the Observer,
11 July 1925, page 18c.
"Governor and the Legislative Council" is in the Advertiser,
28 December 1925, page 6e.
Also see South Australia - Politics - Legislative Council
"State Governors and Their Powers" is in the Register,
18 February 1926, page 8b.
Photographs of Japanese naval officers at Government House are in the Observer,
23 February 1926, page 34.
"The Governor and Premier" is in the Advertiser,
16 March 1926, page 12f.
"The Choice of State Governors" is in the Register,
22, 23 and 24 March 1926, pages 8d-9g, 9c and 9c,
23 March 1926, page 12g-i,
27 March 1926, page 45a.
"Royal Apartments" is in the Register,
29 April 1927, page 9d.
"Preserving Government House" is in the Register,
13 May 1927, page 8c,
21 May 1927, page 35b.
"State Governors" is in the Advertiser,
6 September 1927, page 12g,
"The Governor and the City" on
2 December 1927, page 12f.
"Government House - Wrangle Over Dedication" is in the Register,
14 September 1927, page 9h.
"Home of State Governors" is in The Mail,
18 February 1928, page 1g.
"Bygone Governors" is in the Observer,
26 May 1928, page 68d.
The [Past] Sorrows of Government House" is in The Mail,
12 October 1929, page 2d,
"Governors of the Past" on
21 April 1934, page 2,
"State's Fighting Governors" on
22 September 1934, page 8d,
"Memories of the Fergusson's at Government House" on
2 November 1935, page 10c.
"Governor and People" is in the Advertiser,
18 August 1937, page 20d.