Place Names of South Australia - N
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
- North Adelaide
- North Arm
North Broughton
- North Rhine
- North Shields
- North Yelta
- North-West Bend
- Northcote
- Northfield
- Northumberland, Cape
- Norton Summit
- Norwood
- Nott Well
- Novar Gardens
- Nuccaleena
- Nudjali
- Nullabor Plain
- Nundroo
- Nunjikompita
- Nunkeri
- Nunyara
- Nuriootpa
- Nurom
- Nuyts Archipelago
- Nympsvale
North Arm
In 1849, T.B. Strangways (1809-1859), hoping for an extension of the Adelaide-Port Adelaide railway adjacent to his section (part 2017), laid out two subdivisions, North Arm North and North Arm South, taking the name from the nearby North Arm of the Port River. The
General Notes
The Register of
29 November 1845, page 3a discusses "A Contemplated Harbour"; also see
9 December 1846, page 2d,
23 and 30 May 1849, pages 2c and 4a,
9 June 1849, page 3c,
South Australian,
26 September 1848, page 2b,
27 March 1849, page 2b,
11 May 1849, page 2a,
12 October 1849, page 4a,
27 November 1849, page 2f.
"The North Arm Bubble" is in the Adelaide Times,
19, 22 and 26 November 1849, pages 3d, 2e and 2h.
The Register of
23 August 1851 at page 2 discusses the sale of 700 acres of Crown land in 10-acre lots and the villages laid out in the immediate area; also see
5 January 1852, page 3b.
"The North Arm" is in The Examiner,
7 May 1853, page 7.
A meeting of North Arm proprietors is reported in the Register,
29 October 1855, page 3e.
The Register of
9 November 1855 reproduces a memorial from the proprietors at page 3a while the same newspaper on
21 March 1856, page 3b has a letter re early surveys, etc, in the immediate district.
"Road to the North Arm" is in the Observer,
21 October 1854, page 9b.
An informative letter from R.G. Symonds is in the Register,
21 March 1856, page 3b.
A meeting called to consider the "desirability of opening up the North Arm" is reported in the Register,
4 June 1856, page 3b,
7 June 1856, page 3e.
Information on the "New Powder Magazine" is in the Register,
1 September 1858, page 2f,
27 February 1873, page 4e,
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 13 January 1887, pages 4f-6h, 4f-7d, 5a, 5a-7a, 5b, 6g and 4f,
4 September 1858, page 3e.
Also see
18 January 1873, page 10c,
3 April 1873, page 12c,
16 April 1885, page 5b,
1 and 2 July 1891, pages 4f and 3h,
26 February 1892, page 5a,
1, 11 and 18 March 1892, pages 4h, 7c and 4f,
3 March 1893, page 6e,
14 November 1893, page 7c,
26 June 1886, page 2e,
17 February 1892, page 6g,
19 May 1892, page 3e,
4 July 1892, page 3c,
9 August 1892, page 2c,
7 October 1892, page 4c,
29 November 1892, page 2e,
12 and 26 July 1895, pages 2c and 2c.
17 September 1910, page 18h.
"Adelaide's Narrowest Escape" is in the Chronicle,
31 December 1931, page 36.
Sketches are in the Pictorial Australian in
January 1887, page 13.
Also see Place Names - Lefevre Peninsula.
The proposed formation of a North Arm company is reported in the Register,
24, 25 and 29 August 1863, pages 2g, 2e and 2h,
14 June 1862, page 3c; also see
15 and 29 August 1863, pages 8b and 1e (supp.),
5 and 12 September 1863, pages 6e and 4e,
19 December 1863, page 6f,
18 June 1864, page 2f (supp.),
11 June 1864, page 2h.
A discussion of The Adelaide (North Arm) Port and Railway Extension and Land Company, South Australia, Limited is in the Advertiser,
21 and 27 August 1863, pages 2d and 2d,
14 December 1863, page 4c,
13 June 1864, page 2g:
[It is] an ingenious scheme of a person from Adelaide to turn his bushland into gold without the trouble of digging for nuggets.
"The Fire at the North Arm Bridge" is in the Register,
18 January 1873, page 5b,
1 February 1873, page 5f.
A Field Naturalists' excursion is reported in the Register,
24 March 1884, page 7a,
6 March 1888, page 5a,
30 April 1901, page 8d.
The torpedo station is described in the Express,
22 March 1886, page 3f,
23 August 1886, page 3c; also see
18 January 1890, page 8c,
28 February 1891, page 6f.
An accident to an explosive lighter is reported in the Register,
17 February 1892, page 5h.
"The North Arm Reclamation Scheme" is in the Register,
5 and 12 June 1893, pages 5a-7h and 5b.
Photographs of a ships' graveyard are in the Chronicle,
20 July 1933, page 37.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
North Broughton
This school in the Hundred of Redhill opened in 1873 and closed in 1875.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
North Rhine
The North Rhine Copper mine, about ten miles from Angaston, on sections 563 and 570, was opened in 1849-50 -see Records of the Mines of South Australia (fourth edition), page 104.
Also see South Australia - Mining.
The Register of
19 September 1857, page 2f has a report of a meeting in respect of erecting a school and chapel on "3 acres given by Mr H. Evans of Evandale"; also see
1 October 1857, page 2h and
Parliamentary Paper 174/1860 where Robert Coward is reported as conducting the school of 45 scholars.
A proposed school is discussed in the Register,
19 September 1857, page 2f,
1 October 1857, page 2h.
The North Rhine school opened in 1859 and became "Keyneton" in 1918.
The Register of 14 January 1860, page 3b carries a report - "... On Tuesday the 3rd inst. the royal mail arrived for the first time in our little township ..."
A cricket match against Mount Pleasant is reported in the Register,
18 April 1863, page 3g.
A match, North Rhine versus Mount Pleasant, on Mr Phillis' property is reported on
1 April 1869, page 3a; also see
10 January 1874, page 7d.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
A report on the laying of the foundation stone of the Independent Chapel is in the Register,
19 May 1865, page 2e - its first anniversary is reported on
22 December 1866, page 3d.
The opening of a German chapel is reported in the Register,
28 April 1866, page 3f.
- Last Sunday the new German Chapel was opened in a most impressive manner... As is the German custom on such occasion a young lady is elected to lead a procession by carrying the key of the building... on a worked cushion. That place of honour was conferred on Miss Schultz, the daughter of a wealthy resident farmer...
For an account of the exodus of farmers "because of a succession of poor seasons" see Register,
1 March 1871, page 5b; also see
4 May 1871, page 5c.
A Band of Hope Festival was held on Mrs Evans' property - see Register,
8 November 1871, page 6c.
The opening of the Temperance Hall is reported in the Register,
15 November 1872, page 5c.
A picnic is reported in the Chronicle,
7 April 1877, page 21b.
Also see Adelaide - Picnics and Holidays.
"Silver Mining in the Rhine Hills" is in the Chronicle,
19 May 1888, page 21g.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Miscellany.
An obituary of John Robinson is in the Register,
12 September 1916, page 4h.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
North Shields
Matthew Smith (c.1793-1858) arrived in South Australia in the Africaine and, after residing on Kangaroo Island for a short time, was appointed resident magistrate at Port Lincoln. He took up a property near Poonindie on the River Tod which he named Shields after "South Shields" in England where "my grandfather, Matthew Smith, my father and myself carried on a patent ropery."
In April 1849 Henry James Smith, the son of Matthew Smith, purchased section 189, Hundred of Louth, and in 1865 he subdivided it into ten blocks of one acre calling it Shields
North Shields was a subdivision of sections 189 and 387, Hundred of Louth 11 km north of Port Lincoln by George Dorward in 1907
General Notes
Matthew Smith's obituary is in the Observer,
27 November 1858, page 6e.
Information on George Dorward is in the Observer,
25 February 1905, page 1b (supp.);
an obituary is in the Register, 17 April 1923, page 6g,
Advertiser, 1 May 1923, page 10c.
An obituary of Mrs Janet Murray is in the Register, 18 July 1924, page 8g,
Observer, 26 July 1924, page 38a.
Information on the village, district and inhabitants is in the Register,
12 November 1898, page 7f.
- After another taste of the waters from the "waterhole" I proceeded a few miles still north to "Clifton", the home of Mr George Dorward, first taken up from the government about 25 years ago, when it was nothing but a sterile piece of country, overgrown with mallee, stunted stringybark and bastard whitegum... He has a holding of about 500 acres...
17 February 1904, page 4h,
20 February 1904, pages 1c (supp.)-3a (supp.).
Its school opened in 1911 and closed in 1970.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
North Yelta
Parliamentary Paper 34/1877 shows the school being conducted by John Holt with 78 enrolled pupils;it opened in 1876 and closed in 1877.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
North-West Bend
Its Aboriginal name was tanami - 'never die', which was applied most specifically to a cave shelter a short distance above the junction of the Burra Creek with the River Murray. A fire was said to be kept constantly burning, and the place was regarded as having a certain magical significance. Its post office opened circa 1860 while the name was later applied to a subdivision of part sections 240-41, Hundred of Cadell by Donald McLean and Lorna J. Jennings in 1878; now included in Morgan.
General Notes
Also see Place Names - Brenda Park and Place Names - Morgan.
The surrounding district is described in the Register,
27 March 1856, page 2f-h.
- The country from Blanchetown to the North-West Bend is occupied by two or three squatters, Heywood, McBean and others... Light mallee scrub is characterises the whole of the district... It is a curious fact, connected with a ride through many miles of country, that we never saw a single sheep in any of the Murray runs, although their tracks and droppings covered the ground... Our ferryman, or rather ferrywomen - a bony Bridget of the Emerald Isle and a younger female of the family - rowed us safely over, where we were only too glad to find rest, refreshment, music, society... This was at Murpka, the station of the late Mr Walsh...
21 May 1927, page 47d.
The sinking of wells between Burra and North-West Bend is reported in the Register,
11 November 1859, page 2g.
Also see South Australia - Northern Lands Development and Allied Matters - Water, Artesian Wells and Springs.
Writing from this place, Mr D. McLean describes the best method to rid the country of wild dogs - see Register, 10 October 1870, page 5d.
Also see South Australia - Flora and Fauna - Dogs.
Information on a proposed railway from Kapunda and the working conditions of labourers is in the Register,
5 February 1877, page 6c; also see
25 April 1877, page 7b and
9 January 1878, page 5g,
4 May 1878, page 5d,
17 August 1878, page 5f,
14 September 1878, page 4e-6b,
10 and 19 October 1878, pages 6f and 4d.
Also see South Australia - Transport - Railways - Miscellany.
A sports day is reported in the Observer,
5 January 1878, page 5g.
"Nock's Act at the North-West Bend" is in the Observer,
27 April 1878, page 12b.
Also see South Australia - Social Matters - Temperance and Allied Matters - Teetotalism and Prohibition.
A complaint about the proposed government town at this place is in the Register,
30 January 1878, page 6c.
"Exciting Incidents of Early Days" is in the Chronicle,
8 July 1937, page 49a.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
The subdivider, Sir Josiah Symon, apparently had a platonic association with Lady Northcote, the widow of a former Governor-General of Australia.
General Notes
The subdivider, Sir Josiah Symon, had an apparent friendly association with Lady Northcote, the widow of a former Governor-General of Australia - See Observer,
23 January 1904, page 36a,
13 October 1924, page 7i.
A photograph of Lord and Lady Northcote is in the The Critic,
20 January 1904, page 15 (arrival at Largs Bay),
8 October 1904, page 27,
An obituary of Lord Northcote is in the Register,
2 October 1911, page 7c.
- The subdvision arranged by Sir Josiah Symon provided for a frontage right down to the high water mark, without any provision for a road along the foreshore.... The Woodville council trusts that in a quiet moment Sir Josiah will see the reasonableness of [our] request and decide to lend his support toward securing a boulevard from Marino to Outer Harbour
To this dilemma, Mr A.T. Saunders counselled that:
Paragraph 16, page 35, of the appendix to the first report of the SA Commissioners' instructions to Colonel Light says - "In all your surveys you will reserve as a public road all land on the coast within not less than 100 feet of high water mark." Also see Government Gazette, May 14, 1840. In Western Australia, when private land is required for a public road, such as in the Northcote Case, the owner is not consulted; the road is gazetted without his consent or knowledge, and that ends the matter.
12, 14, 15 and 17 January 1921, pages 7d, 9f, 6g and 3g,
12 and 14 January 1921, pages 11c and 8g; also see
9 March 1922, page 4c.
Photographs of the aftermath of a "willy-willy" are in the Observer,
8 July 1922, page 25,
The opening of the Northcote Home for mothers and babies is reported in the Register,
13 April 1928, pages 10-11c,
11 June 1928, page 14b,
7 and 11 June 1928, pages 15a and 18b.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
An Adelaide suburb, laid out on sections 692 and 701-4, Hundred of Yatala by Edwin A. Wilcox in 1925. It is a common place name in England where it simply translates as 'north field' and, of course, was built on a 'field north of Adelaide'.
General Notes
The school opened as "Gepps Cross" in 1861; name changed in 1900.
The Register of 28 December 1894 at page 3h carries a report which mentions a "North Field Athletics Club" operating near Gepps Cross.
- Sports in connection with the North Field Athletic Club were held on Christmas afternoon in Mr . Conrad's Gepp's Cross paddock... The following acted as a committee - Messrs Channon, Hirschausen, Marvial, Howe, Volprechs and P. Welsh... A concert was held in the evening in the club's assembly room... A dance followed...
13 January 1909, page 9e.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Water Divining and Rainmaking.
An obituary of J.W. Dall is in the Observer,
22 July 1911, page 33b.
A proposed consumptive home is discussed in the Register,
12 March 1926, page 8e,
2 and 8 April 1926, pages 7c and 4c; also see
2 April 1926, page 10f.
Also see South Australia - Health - Consumption.
"Government Institutions" is in the Chronicle,
10 April 1926, page 44e.
Information on the mental hospital is in The News,
14 August 1929, page 10c and
on the Infectious Diseases Hospital in the Advertiser,
1 July 1931, page 18f.
Also see Adelaide - Asylums, Reformatories and Homes.
A proposed private cemetery is discussed in the Advertiser,
9 August 1935, page 23d.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Northumberland, Cape
On the South-East coast near Port MacDonnell; named by Lieut. James Grant on 3 December 1800 after the Duke of Northumberland.
General Notes
References to a proposed lighthouse are to be found in the Register,
11 November 1854, page 2d and
21, 24 July 1855, pages 3g and 3b; also see
6 May 1882, page 35e.
- Now that the spirit of the land is keen on the subject of forming and estimating the cost and benefit of railways, roads, etc., an equal amount of its energy ought to be directed towards rendering the communication along its seaboard as safe to life and property as possible. Another sad item has been added to our list of known shipwrecks on the coast about Cape Northumberland... It is a well known amongst seamen, that every point of a coast where a change of course is necessary ought to be seen or its position surely obtained. Cape Northumberland is such a point...
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Norton Summit
The village evolved out of sections 1064 and 1065 between 1846 and 1855 when the land owner, Charles Giles, cut them up into blocks. Robert Norton owned section 1111 and in 1869 a small portion of it was transferred to the District Council of East Torrens for school purposes.
General Notes
The Register of
4 October 1871, page 5c carries a report on the Saint John's Church being uncompleted because of lack of funds -
for happier news see
5 December 1871, page 13e; also see
1 February 1872 (supp.), page 11d -
its consecration is described on
3 January 1873, page 5c,
8 January 1873, page 6a.
Its school was originally known as "Grassy Flat"; it became "Norton Summit" in 1886.
Information on the school is in the Advertiser,
6 May 1884, page 6c,
6 May 1884, page 6f,
5 August 1905, page 6g,
29 September 1906, page 6h,
19 December 1908, page 10i,
19 December 1908, page 14e.
A school reunion is reported on
30 March 1925, page 12f.
An athletics meeting is reported upon in the Register,
10 November 1874, page 6c and
13 November 1875, page 5e.
- A successful meeting of the Norton Summit Athletic Club was held at Kensington Park. The stewards were the Hon. A.B. Murray, Messrs G, Stevenson, MP, E.T. Smith, W.J. Turner. H. Hughes, W. Dean, and C. Balk. The judges were Hon. A.B. Murray and Mr T. Playford; Starter, Mr Scott; Committee, Messre R. Ackland, J. Sutton and S. Scott; Hon. Sec., Mr J. Giles; Treasurer, Mr J. Bishop...
A report on Mr Pizey's alleged dangerous quarry is reported in the Register,
11 March 1881, page 6e; also see
1 April 1881, page 5b and
9 April 1881, page 23c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Building Stone.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Baptist Church is reported in the Register,
25 April 1882, page 5b: "[It] is to take the place of the Grassy Flat Baptist Church..."
A trial shipment of apples to England is reported in the Register,
16 June 1886, page 4h.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Fruit and Vegetables.
A proposed co-operative society of gardeners is discussed in the Register,
30 November 1889, page 5c,
10 December 1889, page 5b.
Information on a cricket team is in the Express,
23 May 1892, page 2b.
A cricket match against a Governor's team at Marble Hill is reported in the Register,
11 January 1910, page 6e.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
A field naturalists excursion is reported in the Register,
26 October 1892, page 6h,
12 December 1899, page 7i.
A banquet in honour of Mr W.B. Merchant is reported in the Register,
12 July 1893, page 5e,
15 July 1893, page 9d.
A bushfire is described in the Register,
7 February 1898, page 7f,
12 February 1898, page 31.
A local bushfire is recorded in the Advertiser,
2 February 1912, page 11a.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Bushfires.
"Divination in the Hills" is in the Advertiser,
19 March 1898, page 4h; also see
2 June 1909, page 6h.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Water Divining and Rainmaking.
"Some Beautiful Gardens" is in the Advertiser,
30 March 1898, page 6e,
8, 11, 14 and 20 April 1898, pages 3g, 3c, 7a and 6c,
7 May 1898, page 10g.
C.H. Bishop's fruit case factory is described in the Register,
16 February 1904, page 6h.
An obituary of James Bishop is in the Register,
18 October 1905, page 7a.
A banquet for G. Story is reported upon in the Register,
29 September 1906, page 8g.
A photograph of the local road is in the Chronicle,
5 December 1908, page 32,
of old residents in the Observer,
11 December 1920, page 26.
"Fourth Creek Water Supply" is in the Register,
20 February 1906, page 8e.
"Riparian Rights at Norton Summit" is in the Express,
13 February 1906, page 1i,
29 October 1908, page 6e,
30 November 1908, page 6g.
Also see Adelaide - Water Supply.
The demise of "The King of the Block", a historic gum tree, is recounted in the Advertiser,
24 February 1910, page 7d.
Information on the town and district is in the Register,
7 October 1911, page 8c (includes photographs).
Photographs of Walker's Violet Farm are in The Critic,
25 September 1912, page 12.
The unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial is reported in the Register,
21 June 1920, page 8f.
Also see South Australia - World War I - Memorials to the Fallen.
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs R.C. Sutton is in the Register,
7 December 1920, page 4g.
Biographical details of the Playford family are in the Register,
21 May 1927, page 13a.
An obituary of Mrs Mary J. Playford is in the Observer,
2 June 1928, page 18e.
(Also see under Playford, Hundred of.)
Historical information on the district and the district council is in the Register,
12 October 1928, page 12e,
20 May 1937, page 50d,
3, 10 and 17 June 1937, pages 47a, 48a and 50d.
Norton Summit - Obituaries
An obituary of W.M. Cornish is in the Register, 20 April 1891, page 5b,
of Robert Norton in the Observer, 15 August 1891, page 34c,
of August Rother, mail carrier, on 6 February 1897, page 22c,
of Frank Pollard on 30 May 1903, page 1a (supp.),
of James Bishop on 21 October 1905, page 38c,
of A.C. Bishop on 15 June 1907, page 40d,
of G. Story on 25 September 1909, page 38b.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Nott Well
In the Hundred of Paisley 16 km ESE of Blanchetown was sunk by William Nott.
General Notes
The closure of a "German" school is reported in the Advertiser, 12 June 1917, page 4h.
Notice has been served upon the proprietor or headmaster of each of the German schools in the State that the Minister of Education will take over the schools from July 1st next... These places are usually built near a church, some of them even in the church grounds... 49 schools are to be closed and more than 1,600 scholars will be effected... [Nott Well School had 8 scholars on the roll]
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Novar Gardens
Originally laid out as 'Morphettville' by the State Bank of South Australia on part section 152, Hundred of Adelaide in 1921. The name was subsequently changed to honour Viscount Novar who, as Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, was Governor-General of Australia.
General Notes
The name was also applied to a station on the Glenelg-North Terrace railway line.
The Register of 23 September 1919, page 4e says, inter alia: "[Novar] is the name by which [the Governor-General] is known in the Highlands."
"Quagmire for Roads" is in the Register,
2 July 1926, page 11a,
12 August 1926, page 8e.
- A deputation of residents, all of whom are returned soldiers, made a strong protest against the treatment meted out to them by the West Torrens District Council which has opposed their petition for the suburb to be attached to the Corporation of Glenelg... The gardens, added Mr Clarke, were laid out on townplanning principles with an ornamental square, but the whole thing was a joke. "It is Piccadilly Circus in a lake district."
23 October 1926, page 32.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
An Aboriginal word, meaning 'gorge' or 'gap place'.
General Notes
Information on the mine and township is in the Register,
12 September 1861, page 2d,
9 March 1907, page 39a.
The ghost town is described in the Register,
21 December 1899, page 5f; also see
31 January 1921, page 7a.
- A mile from the Nuccaleena Mine, on the banks of Blackfellow's Creek, the remains of the old Nuccaleena Hotel are met with. This was built by Chas. Faulkner early in the sixties and was known to old hands as the bottle hotel owing to two of the back rooms being constructed entirely of bottles. A township was laid out but only the stone store remains...
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
The Aboriginal name for Pipeclay Well in the Hundred of Carribie. Aboriginal for "pipe clay".See D.L.& S.J. Hill, Notes on the Narannga Tribe of Yorke Peninsula.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Nullabor Plain
H.C. Talbot says:
The name was evidently made up from the Latin words nulla-arbor, meaning "no trees'', by Edward A. Delisser, a surveyor of Adelaide. In 1865, he crossed the Plain from the head of the bight to about sixty miles north of the present Deakin.
General Notes
The Register of
4 February 1864 reproduces a letter from Messrs E.A Delisser and Geo. Mackie in which the plain is described; also see
6 February 1864, page 3c and
24 and 31 March 1864, pages 3a and 3b,
17 October 1887, page 5e,
28 November 1887, page 3e,
21 July 1900, page 31c,
4 August 1900, page 32e.
Mr Delisser's obituary is in the Register,
11 August 1900, page 7b.
"The Country of the Great Bight" is in the Chronicle,
17 May 1879, page 4a,
10, 17 and 24 May 1879, pages 11d, 13f and 21g,
1 May 1880, page 714c.
"Water Boring on Nullabor Plain" is in the Advertiser,
22 January 1886, page 6g,
"Grand Discovery of Water" in the Observer,
25 September 1886, page 11d.
Also see South Australia - Northern Lands Development and Allied Matters - Water, Artesian Wells and Springs.
A description of Horwood's windmill in use at Nullabor Plain Well is in the Register,
26 July 1887, page 5c,
"Bores on the Nullarbor Plain" on
13 January 1893, page 7f,
"Limestone and Saltbush" on
6 November 1922, page 10b.
- Messrs J.H. Horwood and Co. have just completed to the order of Wills Brothers and Brown an unusually large windmill with suitable pump for raising water from the Nullabor Plains Well... [It] is 25 feet in diameter and of the American self-regulating type... (
12 November 1887, page 20b.
Information on the district is in the Observer,
8 October 1887, page 30c,
26 November 1887, page 29b,
3 December 1887, page 37b,
14 January 1922, page 4a.
"Opening up the Nullabor Plains" is in the Observer,
23 July 1892, page 29b.
"An Advocate for Settlement" is in the Register,
7 January 1922, page 6h.
A series of interesting articles of life on the plain and near environs is in the Advertiser,
22, 24 and 26 April 1926, pages 15e, 16a and 14a,
1 May 1926, page 15d.
The recall of "Pioneering a Track" across the plain to Coolgardie in the 1890s is in the Register, 10 October 1927, page 15g.
"Life on the Nullabor" is in the Advertiser,
19 September 1934, page 10d.
"Nullabor Caves - Surprising Discoveries" is in the Advertiser,
19 November 1935, page 18; also see
2 December 1935, page 17b.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
A photograph of its post office is in the Chronicle,11 July 1929, page 36.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
An Aboriginal word for water soaks.
General Notes
Its school opened in 1924.
F.A & H.W. Ross's farm is described in the Register,
8 February 1928, page 7e.
- In February 1914, F.A Ross, who was joined by his brother, entered into a share farming agreement with Mr W.J. Bubner and remained there for seven years... Undaunted by failures the Ross brothers stuck to it... In June 1920, after having terminated the agreement they purchased through Messre Poynton and Claxton, 5, 696 acres of freehold for £1,600 at Nunjikompita. This was just broken virgin country. F. A Ross went on the place on his own and erected a one-room humpie - nine uprights with bags around them and a galvanised iron roof...
26 January 1929, page 41.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Its school opened in 1919 and closed in 1940.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
A subdivision of part section 1142, Hundred of Adelaide. It took its name from a Tuberculosis Sanatorium, at Belair. Aboriginal for 'to make well', that is, restored to good health.
General Notes
For information on the sanitarium at Belair see Register,
10 November 1902, page 5i,
10 October 1912, page 8g,
6 February 1925, page 9f,
Blackwood Magazine, 1914.
Also see Belair, Eden Hills, Adelaide - Asylums, Reformatories and Homes
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
It is derived from the Aboriginal nuraitpa - the 'neck country', an apparent reference to this being the neck of a giant being called Wano of the Kaurna tribe. At Nuriootpa the Mount Lofty Range highlands are narrow and low which probably gave rise to the idea.
General Notes
The Register of
1 May 1852, page 3a records the name as "Nooriutpa".
The town is described in the Register,
4 September 1857, page 3c,
24 January 1884 (supp.), page 1a;
"Fertile Nuriootpa" appears on
5 January 1925, page 11c,
22 February 1927, page 7.
The district is described in the Register,
14 and 15 December 1887, pages 6a and 6d,
16 November 1889, page 9e;
a history is in the Chronicle,
4 August 1932, page 42.
Photographs are in the Observer,
19 August 1911, page 29.
"Two Boys Lost in the Bush" is in the Register,
23 February 1857, page 3d,
28 February 1857, page 6h.
In respect of the untimely death of Mr Coulthard see the Register of 1858 -
26 March (p. 3d), 27 March (p.2d), 7 April (p. 3e),
8 April (p. 3g), 3 May (p. 3c) and 19 May (p. 3g).
A report on the finding of his remains is in the Register,
16 July 1858, page 2g.
An obituary of his son, John Coulthard, is in the Register,
8 June 1908, page 4i,
13 June 1908, page 40a,
of James Coulthard in the Register,
28 February 1910, page 7a,
of William Coulthard on 8 July 1922, page 8g.
A show is reported in the Register,
20 March 1858, page 3b,
21 March 1874, page 6a.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
24 March 1906, page 29,
19 March 1910, page 32,
18 March 1911, page 31.
Also see South Australia - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
"Teetotalism at Nuriootpa" is in the Register, 1 May 1858, page 3d.
- A public meeting presided over by Mr D. Nock was held in the schoolroom... when Mr John Williams, the advocate of temperance, delivered a lecture on the subject. He read statistics showing the beneficial effects of the closing of public houses on the Lord's day in Edinburgh and Glasgow... So convinced was he of the evils arising to any community from the presence among them of houses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, that he should have no objection, with 50 or 500 other teetotallers, on the return of Mr Babbage from his exploring expedition - supposing he will have found a good tract of country - to emigrate to it and form a teetotal settlement...
The laying of the foundation stone of the Lutheran Church is reported in the Register,
13 June 1867, page 2c and
its opening on
21 November 1867, page 2g.
A report of a cricket match against a team from Gawler is in the Express,
18 April 1868, page 2c.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
Examinations at the school are reported in the Chronicle,
11 March 1865, page 3a,
9 January 1869, page 2f;
it opened in 1861; also see
16 August 1911, page 4g,
17 May 1913, page 11g.
A school picnic is reported in the Chronicle,
18 November 1905, page 16c;
photographs are in the Chronicle,
24 May 1913, page 29,
27 June 1914, page 3 (supp.).
Flooding is reported in the Observer,
5 November 1870, page 7g.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Floods.
The opening of the Institute is reported in the Register,
25 August 1877, page 6b; also see
3 November 1877, page 6c.
"The Wants of Nuriootpa" is in the Chronicle,
21 December 1878, page 21f.
The opening of a bridge is reported in the Observer,
28 June 1879, page 3e.
Information on the post office is in the Observer,
21 August 1880, page 315b.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Post Office is reported in the Register,
19 August 1880, page 5c.
Also see South Australia - Communications - Mail and Postal.
A report on a local "oil well" is in the Register,
22 April 1882, page 5d (See South Australia - Mining - Petroleum) and
the town's inaugural horse race meeting on
5 January 1897, page 7c.
also see Observer
9 January 1897, page 21a.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
"Nuriootpa and Angaston District" is in the Register,
11 November 1889, page 6g.
Information on a recreation park is in the Register,
30 December 1891, page 7b.
A sports day is reported in the Advertiser,
30 December 1892, page 6c,
11 January 1896, page 30b.
Information on a tennis association is in the Chronicle,
1 September 1894, page 12g and
Also see South Australia - Sport - Tennis.
The laying of the foundation stone of a new Anglican church is reported in the Register,
22 April 1904, page 3g.
The opening of St Boniface's Church is reported in the Register,
8 October 1904, pasge 11a,
15 October 1904, page 1a (supp.).
An obituary of Mrs Anna R. Kalleske is in theRegister,
7 June 1904, page 4f.
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs Joshua Hatch is reported in the Observer,
30 July 1904, page 2e (supp.);
his obituary appears on 14 January 1905, page 34d, Register,
9 January 1905, page 4f.
A proposed cooperative fruit factory is discussed in the Register,
21 July 1905, page 2g,
29 July 1905, page 11e.
Information on fruit preserving and canning works is in the Register,
14 January 1907, page 6f.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Fruit and Vegetables.
A Methodist Church picnic is reported in the Chronicle,
18 November 1905, page 16c.
Biographical details of Louis W. McNamara are in the Register,
11 December 1905, page 5d.
"Adelaide to Nuriootpa - By Rail and Coach" is in the Register,
11 March 1910, page 10g.
Photographs of the railway extension are in the Observer,
20 May 1911, pages 28-29,
of the railway station in the Chronicle,
17 July 1915, page 28.
Also see South Australia - Transport - Railways - Miscellany.
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs August Staehr is reported in theRegister,
1 December 1910, page 6i,
of Mr & Mrs Edward Sauer on 4 May 1911, page 5b.
Street lighting is discussed in the Register,
29 June 1911, page 7d.
An obituary of W.H. Scholz of the Willow Hospital is in the Observer,
21 September 1912, page 41d.
Photographs of the Willow Hospital and its proprietors are in the Chronicle,
7 December 1933, (supplement).
The "Establishment and Progress of a Pioneer Hospital" is in the Advertiser (special edition),
1 September 1936, page 67.
Photographs of a vintage are in the Chronicle,
15 April 1916, page 28,
3 May 1913, page 29,
of a vigilance committee on
17 June 1911, page 31,
of the opening of a bandstand on
13 June 1935, page 33.
Larrikinism by a visiting football team from Lobethal is reported in the Register,
1 July 1914, page 9e.
Also see Adelaide - Larrikinism.
Information on Penfold's Winery is in the Register,
15 May 1916, page 9c,
20 May 1916, page 9e.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Viticulture.
"Fertile Nuriootpa" is in the Register,
5 January 1925, page 11c.
An advertising feature is in the Advertiser,
22 September 1937, pages 8 and 9.
The laying of the foundation stone of the high school is reported in The Mail,
20 February 1937, page 15.
Photographs of its opening are in the Chronicle,
7 October 1937, page 35.
Nuriootpa - Obituaries
An obituary of L.W. Warnecke is in the Register, 17 May 1882, page 5b.
An obituary of Miss Mitford, postmistress, is in the Register, 18 November 1910, page 6g,
of William E. Schultz on 2 December 1910, page 6h,
of Mrs Mary Hatch on 6 April 1915, page 4f,
of E. Kindler on 28 January 1918, page 4f,
of Dorothea E. Reiss on 31 July 1919, page 6h,
of O. Polst on 9 September 1919, page 4f,
of William Salter on 18 October 1919, page 6i.
An obituary of W.E. Schultz is in the Observer, 10 December 1910, page 41a,
of Ludwig Warnecke on 26 June 1915, page 46b,
of Mrs Dorothea E. Reiss on 2 August 1919, page 22a,
of William Salter, vigneron, on 25 October 1919, page 19a.
An obituary of Gottfried Mader is in the Register, 23 March 1920, page 7a,
of Hermann G. Appelt on 28 September 1927, page 15d.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'stopping place'.
General Notes
Its school opened as "Crystal Brook West" and closed in 1971.
North Adelaide - Nympsvale
Place Names
Nuyts Archipelago
Near Ceduna. Peter Nuyts, a distinguished passenger in the Gulden Zeepaard in 1627 under the command of Francois Thyssen.
General Notes
"Wrecked in Nuyts Archipelago" is the subject of an interesting story in the Register,
18 June 1889, page 6b.
"Nuyts Tercentenary" is discussed on
24 May 1927, page 9f and
a memorial at Streaky Bay to commemorate the event on
10 June 1927, page 11f.
- Mr Thomas G. Lloyd has sent the following report: I left Fowler's Bay in a small cutter of about 7 tons, accompanied by a young man called Arnold. We proposed spending a week or two sealing on the islands... On the seventh day after being wrecked we started for the largest island in the group... in a dinghy nine feet long... After pulling for three hours we reached the island where we found about ten pounds of flour left there by myself four years before but, on examination, proved to be full of weevils which obliged us to sift it through some small tins we found. When cooked it turned black and had a very unpleasant flavour. On the 20th day we discovered a sheep's track and on tracing it found an old sheep... With the mutton and some milk thistles we found we managed to get on pretty well... We sighted a boat... lit a fire... and in due time she arrived bringing Mr Hoskin of St Peter's Island...
Place Names
Created out of section 12, Hundred of Blanche by George Shelton (1826-1903), who hailed from Nympsfield, Gloucestershire, England.
General Notes
Also see Place Names - Lowan.
The garden is described in the Observer,
18 May 1867, page 1h (supp.).
- This nursery is about four acres in extent, the property of George Shelton... [There are] A good stock of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, flowers, etc., from which, at a reasonable price, selections may be made any day to stock gardens... There are 50 varieties of apple... [At] the late agricultural show Mr Shelton... obtained several prizes... Besides the useful are to be found the English oak, ash, elm, hawthorn, etc.,...
Amos Shelton's obituary is in the Observer,
29 September 1928, page 50a.