South Australia - Northern Lands Development and Allied Matters
Water, Artesian Wells and Springs
Also see South Australia - Water Conservation.
Exploits of "The Pioneer Well-Sinker", Mr James Cronk, are in the Advertiser,
6 July 1904, page 8g.
Artesian wells are discussed in the South Australian,
17 and 21 December 1847, pages 3d and 2e-3d-f,
1 February 1848, page 2e.
"Water in the North" is in the Register,
7 November 1856, page 2e,
"Artesian Wells" in the Register,
10 April 1858, page 2e,
27 March 1858, page 5d,
17 April 1858, page 6c,
4 June 1859, page 7b,
20 January 1877, page 9a,
18 January 1879, page 9b,
12 April 1879, page 3b.
"Water on Cattle Runs" is in the Observer,
22 October 1859, page 6d,
"Fresh Water in the Interior" on
29 October 1859, pages 6e-1c (supp.),
"Water Supply for Northern Runs" on
21 April 1877, page 9b.
"Opening Up of Waterless Country" is in the Observer,
18 January 1879, page 3a,
29 March 1879, page 21c.
"Mining, Subterranean Water Supply and Agriculture in SA" is in the Register,
2 November 1881, page 2g (supp.).
"The Far North Mound Springs" is in the Advertiser,
25 October 1883, page 6c,
drilling artesian wells on
15 November 1883, page 4e,
16 April 1884, pages 4e-7c,
"Water Supply in the North-East" on
4 March 1884, page 6e.
"Artesian Well-Sinking" is in the Observer,
19 and 26 April 1884, pages 31e-38 and 27a.
"Artesian Water in South Australia" is in the Register,
16 and 24 April 1884, pages 4d-5e and 4e; also see
18 December 1891, page 4e,
19 October 1901, page 6c.
"Artesian Boring" is in the Chronicle,
18 June 1887, page 23c.
"Artesian Wells in Central Australia and the Far North of SA" is in the Observer,
17 March 1888, page 38e,
"An Artesian Water Supply for SA" on
24 February 1894, page 4e.
A sketch is in the Pictorial Australian in
January 1881, page 29.
"The Water Difficulty in the North" is in the Advertiser,
11 January 1892, page 6c.
"The Artesian Water Supply - Lake Eyre Basin" is in the Observer,
18 July 1896, page 41d,
"The Mineral Springs of SA" on
27 March 1897, page 33c.
The development of artesian wells is discussed in the Advertiser,
20 July 1898, page 4f,
"Water Conservation - Artesian Supplies" on
10 August 1905, page 4i.
"Artesian Wells in the Far North" is in the Chronicle,
26 October 1901, page 25a.
Photographs are in the Observer,
25 July 1903, pages 25-26.
"Our Artesian Water Supply" is in the Chronicle,
14 and 21 June 1902, pages 23a and 5a.
"Artesian Water - A Great Asset" is in the Observer,
12 July 1902, page 8b,
"Artesian Water in the Mallee" on
14 February 1903, page 3e (supp.).
"Artesian Water - Australian Underground Reservoirs" is in the Express,
29 April 1903, page 4d.
"Defining the Artesian Basin" is in the Register,
22 August 1904, page 5a.
"Artesian Water in SA" is in the Chronicle,
3 December 1904, page 40d.
"Artesian Water - The Hope of the Interior" is in the Register,
21 July 1906, page 13g,
15 August 1922, page 6c.
Artesian bores are discussed in the Advertiser,
29 April 1903, page 5h,
20 and 26 June 1903, pages 5h and 6g,
25 July 1907, page 7d.
"Artesian Water - The Hope of the Interior" is in the Observer,
18 August 1906, page 47a.
"Australia's Subterranean Waters" is in the Advertiser,
22 October 1906, page 4b; also see
22 May 1912, page 12c,
17 June 1912, page 8d,
25 October 1913, pages 6g-18d,
"Artesian Water - How to Find It" on
17 September 1914, page 10b.
"Underground Water" is in the Observer,
23 March 1907, page 33d,
"Artesian Water - Barren Soil Made Fertile" on
3 August 1907, page 52a.
An artesian water conference is reported upon in the Advertiser,
10 and 27 September 1921, pages 11c and 8a.
"Stored Water of the Ages" is in The Mail,
12 July 1924, page 1a.
"Shallow Water Bores - Developments in North-East" is in the Observer,
21 March 1925, page 6c.
"Outback Conditions - Water the Prime Need" is in the Register,
29 May 1925, page 9f,
6 and 16 June 1925, pages 4g and 7h.
"Dew Ponds - A Misnomer" is in the Advertiser,
2 July 1927, page 23g.
"Artesian Waters - Diminution of Supplies" is in the Observer,
18 August 1926, page 6.
"Boiling Bores of the North" is in the Advertiser,
8 October 1932, page 9f.
Artesian water is discussed in the Chronicle,
7 October 1937, page 51.
See Place Names - Herrgott Springs.
Northern Lands Development - Choose again