Place Names of South Australia - S
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
- Stun'sail Boom River
- Sturdee, Hundred of
- Sturt
- Sturt, River
- Sturt Bay
- Sturt Light
- Sturton
- Sugarloaf Well
- Sultana Point
- Summerfeldt
- Summertown
- Sunbury
- Sunday, Lake
- Sunning Hill
- Sunny Hill
- Sunny Spring Glen
- Sunny Vale
- Sunnybrae Farm
- Sunnyside
- Sunshine
- Sutherland
- Sutherlands
- Sutton Town
- Swan, Mount
- Swan Reach
Stun'sail Boom River
On 7 November 1836 Robert Fisher and others found a stun'sail boom at its mouth.
General Notes
A discovery of tin in the vicinity is reported in the Register,
2 October 1885, page 5a; also see
14 October 1885, page 3e.
- The government have had sent to them a small sample of stream tin which has been discovered at Stunsail Boom River on the south-east coast of Kangaroo Island. An analysis made by Mr Goyder, junior, shows it to contain about 70 per cent of tin - a very good result... Fifteen claims for the right to search have been lodged...
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sturdee, Hundred of
In the County of Hopetoun was proclaimed as 'Scherk' on 21 January 1892, taking its present name in 1918. Admiral Sturdee of World War I.
General Notes
An obituary of Admiral Sturdee is in the Register, 8 May 1925, page 13b.
- Admiral Sturdee gained great distinction by reason of his having been in command of the British fleet which destroyed a German squadron off the Falkland Islands in 1914, after the enemy vessels in question had sunk Admiral Cradock's flag ship, the Good Hope, in the Pacific Ocean...
Place Names
Sturt Bay
The Register of 7 October 1872, page 6c says "the Surveyor-General has cancelled the survey of a township [on Yorke Peninsula] which was being laid out as Sturt Bay."
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sturt Light
Parliamentary Paper 74/1874 records it as a school conducted in a dwelling-house by William Sealy with 11 enrolled pupils; it opened in 1873 and closed in 1877. The name no doubt refers to Cape Willoughby, the lighthouse of which was first known as "Sturt Light".
Also see South Australia - Maritime Affairs - Lighthouses and Lightships.
The Register of 7 October 1872, page 6c says "the Surveyor-General has cancelled the survey of a township [on Yorke Peninsula] which was being laid out as Sturt Bay."
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sturt, River
An Essay on The Sturt River
My older brother and sister were engaged by Captain Davison of Blakiston at No. 1 station on the River Sturt and I stayed with them until Mother came and took me home as there was only one small hut of two rooms; the Boss and his wife and three children filled one and the servant girl and I had to sleep on the floor of the kitchen on a bag; little bedding and our fare was ship biscuits, rice and milk with damper and mutton twice a week for a change - the two men slept in a watchbox at the sheep yard.
(Reminiscences of George Pike - copy in MLSA.)
This river, discovered and named by Captain Collett Barker on 21 April 1831, gave the corporation a deal of trouble with its vagaries, for every winter, instead of getting steadier as it grew older, it seemed to become wilder and wilder and more unreliable, often striking out a new course for itself and doing much mischief. An interesting article in The Mail on 14 May 1921 says: ?the throat or windpipe [of Wano, the mythical creature of the Kaurna people,] would be the Sturt River... [Its] native name is wariparri - ?the wind river?.?
Settlers in the vicinity wishing to reach Adelaide with their produce had to take it to the Lady Macdonnell Hotel to enable them to cross the creek but in 1840 they completed a bridge and although it was a small structure it was well built, with an arch effect, and was the pride of all residents. The government engineer, however, in constructing another bridge alongside it pulled the old one down, for the sake of the materials. Thus, without a bridge the citizens were compelled to perform their daily pilgrimage of some two or three miles along heavy country to reach their home.
Solid workmanship was put into this work and for all but decades it withstood the torrent of the river when in flood. The advent of the motor car and lorry, however, made their mark and one of the longitudinal beams above the arch became badly cracked. Furthermore, with the increasing traffic, the bridge formed a bottleneck as two vehicles could not cross it and, in addition, was about six feet out of alignment. In 1928 the Marion District Council called for tenders for a new bridge and that designed by Messrs Edwin J. Beaumont & Co. was accepted. As much as possible of the stone and bricks taken from the old bridge was utilised in the new work.
It was generally considered that the course of the stream was too narrow, too crooked and too much obstructed by trees, driftwood and shrubbery to allow a free flow of water and unless it was widened and straightened Glenelg would, inevitably, suffer periodical swamping. In the winter of 1876 it flooded many parts of the town and late rains caused it to come down bank high, causing some consternation amongst those unfortunate ratepayers who lived within range of its depredations.
Vagrant streams from the Mount Lofty Ranges fed the Sturt and when heavy downpours occurred the narrow channel failed to accommodate the flow and as a consequence the water ran over the flats, rushed down the Glenelg railway and along the Bay Road to cover the low-lying portions of the town. In April 1876 a deputation waited upon the Commissioner of Public Works and asked for steps to be taken to prevent the flooding of Glenelg by the overflow of the River Sturt for during wet seasons the water ?lay about in great quantities at St Leonards and the people in the neighbourhood of Moseley's were inconvenienced when the water flowed down the line of railway.? Further, cellars that were ?perfectly dry a few years previously were full of fresh water which crept up the walls and destroyed the paper.?
As the river was half a mile from the corporation's boundary it had no power to interfere with persons who interrupted the flow of the river which ran through the districts of West Torrens and Brighton and one of the deputation, Mr Wigley, opined that:
When the census was taken at Glenelg last month 2,029 people slept at Glenelg which was about double the number recorded at the previous census... Of these people who had been inconvenienced by the floods and affected by sickness have a claim to have the works they needed done before any of those proposed by the government, even the importation of immigrants, or the making of railways to various parts of the colony - because it was a matter affecting their health... I have been told by practical men that if the bends in the creek were made straight the danger would be in a great measure done away with... If a channel was cut from near the bridge into the Patawalonga Creek, near the Government Cottage, so as to assist the water into it - if the bed of the river was cleared and the fennel cut, the overflow of the water would, we believe, be prevented.
On 22 May 1877 the stream started running a torrent and, in its natural course the river passed under the railway bridge at Morphett's Crossing and spread over the land adjoining, while the sides of the railway afforded additional watercourses and there the flood rushed down in a stream at least 15 feet wide and three deep in places, until it got to a railway culvert about 400 yards above Miller's Corner, from whence it passed on to the vacant land on the northern side known as 'sanderson's [sic] Corner? where it made a small inland sea.
At the Morphett Arms the water covered the crown of the road by more than a foot in some places while at the Morphett Bridge on the Bay Road which crossed the Sturt, the water was level with the bridge and further down it overflowed in to Sir John Morphett's estate. In consequence of the volume of water that came down so suddenly the river became divided into at least half a dozen streams which took the various directions referred to. Fortunately, the rains did not last long and, unquestionably, the diversion caused by the cutting made by the Glenelg Railway Company above Morphett's Crossing prevented a greater rush of water down the line towards the eastern side of Glenelg, but it had the effect of sending the floodwaters along each side of the road towards the Reedbeds.
In September 1877 the Surveyor-General made a report to parliament as to the best means of preventing the overflow of the river and in it he suggested the problem could be remedied in two ways, namely, by building a new bridge on Brighton Road with a sufficient waterway and where the channel decreased at Sir John Morphett's boundary the surplus water to be carried off by drains south of and adjoining the line of railway and the main road, the waters from which would be intercepted by a cross drain leading into the river by an old flood channel of the river in Section 183. The total cost was estimated to be £5,174.
The second part of the plan was to carry the whole of the excess waters by a cutting north of and adjoining the Brighton Road bridge, taking the water to the west side of the road and reducing the fall by a culvert and thence taking the water by the railway culvert, a culvert under the main road, and by a cutting through the sandy rise between Sections 171 and 152, Hundred of Adelaide, District of West Torrens, and by a drain thence through sections 169 and 187 to the Patawalonga Creek.
The report was considered at a meeting of the corporation on 6 October 1877 and following an inspection it was said it was imperative that early action be taken to remedy the problem:
High on the banks lay great quantities of debris which the late floods had deposited and the adjacent fields showed unmistakable evidence of the inundation... The owners of the land, of whom Mr W.H. Gray is the principal, offer to give the area required for the drains at a nominal price...
Problems then arose with the acquisition of land, etc., while the Brighton District Council objected to the construction of the drain and modifications had to be made because the Glenelg corporation objected on the grounds that it would interfere with the width of its roads. The Surveyor-General afterwards found out that by going through land belonging to Sir Thomas Elder, Mr Gray and Dr McHenry, the difficulty could be got over, Negotiations took place and the land purchased from the first two named for £60 and £30 per acre, respectively, but the doctor's agents wanted £100 per acre. After delicate negotiation the price was reduced to £80 per acre and the Surveyor-General proceeded to take the necessary steps to undertake the works. However, a little later the doctor was asked to pay a ?little lawyer's bill? which had not to be paid in the cases of Sir Thomas and Mr Gray - the bill was paid after a variety of demands were made.
However, further demands were forthcoming from Dr McHenry when floodgates and a double line of fences were asked for and refused. Later, a Bill was placed before the House of Assembly but was ?thrown out? because the Speaker ruled that, as it was a private one, notice should have been given to owners of the land affected by its provisions. The Bill was finally prepared but it was ?thrown out?, to which the Commissioner of Public Works commented that:
When increased demands were made he would not have done the right thing had he acceded to them and he felt sure the residents of Glenelg would suffer a little inconvenience rather than see public money wasted and given to a man who had absolutely no right to it. A new Bill will be presented to enable the government to buy the land at a fair price for such works and this power would not only apply to Glenelg but to other townships where similar works were required.
The sum of £1,000 was eventually voted by parliament and in March 1878 the Surveyor-General visited the Sturt an ?finally decided on the steps to be taken to obviate the overflow of that river.? All this display of human frailty and greed prompted Mr W. Hitchcox to lodge a protest on behalf of the Glenelg citizenry:
?While the grass grows the steed starves,? and while the Government Surveyors, Hydraulic Engineers and sundry corporate bodies are squabbling the inhabitants of Glenelg are inconvenienced and annoyed by periodical floods arising from the overflow of the Sturt. Everyone riding or driving down the Bay Road must have noticed the luxuriant crop of fennel which grows on the banks and in the bed of the creek... and it must be patent to everybody that the inevitable effect of this rank vegetation must be to narrow the bed of the stream by intercepting the large quantity of earth and sand brought down by the current.
Most people would have said that the best and surest way of meeting the difficulty would be to remove the obstructions and let the water find its way by means of its proper natural course. This plain commonsense... is, however, far too simple and inexpensive for those who have the management of our affairs. It has been decided upon to cut a circuitous unsightly ditch through private lands... and this said ditch, even if it answers the purpose intended, will undoubtedly get filled up in a short time some other method will have to be adopted. My house, together with others, is completely surrounded by water and cannot be reached without the aid of a horse or some wheeled vehicle.
The construction work was commenced by the contractor, J.H. Cobb in February 1879, when 50 men were engaged, besides eight drays and some ploughs. The drain excavated was 18 feet wide by an average depth of five feet and ran from Patawalonga Creek in a north-east direction, through Sir Thomas Elder's land, towards his stables.
It was hoped that the work would be completed before winter set in but this was not to be for in July 1879 a steady downpour brought such a volume of water down from the hills that the natural watercourses and artificial drains failed to cope thoroughly with the currents, with the result that many low-lying places along the line of the watercourse were partially flooded. However, the near-completed drain was, undoubtedly, the means of saving Glenelg from another experience such as it had undergone in previous winters, for the great volume of water which came down was safely diverted by the newly cut channel:
The government seem to have spared no expense to have the drainage works designed to intercept the floodwaters... properly carried out. The drain does not actually tap the Sturt but takes the overflow over adjacent landholders and on to St Leonard's and Glenelg...
The wisdom of the undertaking was evident in 1883 when ?but for it Glenelg would have looked not unlike the modern Venice and the people would probably have been compelled to shift from their houses and resort to boats, the channel.? However, it was insufficient to give vent to the strong current that poured from the hills and causing the river to overflow its banks on the eastern side and completely submerge surrounding country.
In 1917 a Bill was prepared to finance a scheme costing £45,000, provision being made for the people to pay five per cent on the capital cost but, evidently, the Bill was not satisfactory to the bodies concerned and was not presented. In July 1922 the annoyance and damage caused by floodwaters in he vicinity of Morphettville, Plympton and Camden were brought under the notice of the Commissioner of Public Works by members of the District Councils of West Torrens and Marion and various local progress associations. They were informed that he had called for a report which stated that it would be necessary to construct a new bridge on Tapley's Hill Road at a cost of about £1,600 and to enlarge and construct a new channel at a cost of about £6,000, to enlarge the railway bridge and possibly the escape drains for the floodwaters.
Although the river was to be a perpetual source of nuisance to the residents of Glenelg and elsewhere for many years, at times it afforded a deal of pleasure to those addicted to the sport of trout fishing. In 1880 5,000 trout ova from Tasmania were received by Mr Minchin, the Secretary of the Acclimatisation Society, and hatched in tanks by Mr D. Murray, J. Dunn of Mount Barker and W.J. Magarey, MP, prior to being released into local streams. Slowly, but surely, the foundation was laid for many a fine day's fishing in our local streams and to facilitate the sport, hatching boxes and a spawning pond, 60 feet by 40, were set up in the Thorndon Park reservoir where the young fish were fed on a diet of grated sheep's liver impregnated with wax.
The river became prolific with trout and many fine fish were taken with rod and line, but in April 1913 some miscreants dynamited the pools from its outlet to its source at Upper Sturt and destroyed far more than they actually stole and an objector to this barbaric practice said that he had learned they were ?following the same method at some of Adelaide's reservoirs.?
In conclusion, the modern-day storm water drainage of the district was commenced in the 1960s when additional drains to the east of the Sturt River were constructed and the Sturt channel straightened, while within the Patawalonga basin its banks were straightened. Interested readers may find further information in Historic Glenelg, Birthplace of South Australia.
General Notes
An interesting article is in The Mail, 14 May 1921, page 3 where Mr N.A. Webb links its nomenclature with "Wano" the mythical creature of the Kaurna tribe:
The throat or windpipe would be be the Sturt River... [Its] native name is wariparri - "the wind river".
14 July 1849, page 3a.
The removal of the 1840 "Morphett Bridge" is reported in the Register,
1 May 1928, pages 8f-10 (photo.),
1 May 1928, pages 8f-10 (photo.),
5 May 1928, page 39d.
"Improvement of the River Sturt" is in the Register,
11 April 1876, page 7a.
A report on the overflow of the river is in
Parliamentary Paper 159/1877 and
the Register,
23 June 1883, page 6a; also see
27 March 1877, page 6a for a report on an "inspection of the Sturt River" and
10 April 1877, page 7a and
11 and 24 May 1877, pages 6d and 5e,
12 September 1877, page 5d,
8 October 1877, page 5b,
15 June 1878, page 1b (supp.),
22 July 1878, page 6f,
8 July 1879, page 6f,
13 March 1878, page 5d,
15 September 1877, page 10b; also see
16 March 1878, page 11b,
20 April 1878, page 8b,
1 March 1879, page 21f,
12 July 1879, page 14a,
8 July 1879, page 6f.
"Drainage of the Sturt" is in the Chronicle,
28 December 1878, page 11a.
Information on a bridge at Marion is in the Observer,
18 April 1896, page 15d,
30 May 1896, page 45b.
Dynamiting of fish is reported in the Register on 25 April 1913, page 3d.
- The Sturt River was becoming very prolific in trout and many fine fish have been taken there with rod and line, but miscreants have been dynamiting the pools from the outlet of the river to its source at Upper Sturt, trespassing on private property in the process...
"Peaceful Beauty of Sturt Gorge" is in the Advertiser,
24 October 1936, page 11c.
"Drainage of the Sturt" is in the Chronicle,
28 December 1878, page 11a.
"Sturt Creek and Floods" is in the Register,
7 January 1919, page 6g,
19 July 1922, page 10c.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Floods.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
South Australia's greatest explorer was Captain Charles Sturt of the 39th. Regiment of the British Army, who came to New South Wales in 1827. He was keen to explore and Governor Darling listened to his desires of tracing inland rivers. He discovered the Darling, then did the epic journey down the Murray to the Murray Mouth, near Goolwa, in 1830. The chronicles of this journey were published in London and were an incentive for the colonisation scheme of South Australia. Sturt, who was not in the best of health, sold his army commission, tried farming in NSW then, after bringing cattle overland to Adelaide, he bought property which he called 'The Grange', in 1841. He lived there until 1853 when, with his family, he returned to England.
General Notes
Reference notes to the life and times of Charles Sturt in Australia are in the Register,
7 October 1925, page 16c; also see
5 December 1851, page 2c.
"Sturt's City House" is in the Advertiser,
15 June 1929, page 8e:
[He lived] on town acre 288 [in] an isolated house near Lady Bray's home in Hutt Street. The clue to this was supplied by the fact that Sturt left his city rates unpaid for the year 1840.
26 February 1842, page 1c.
"A Relic of Sturt", an 1844 letter, is in the Advertiser,
16 June 1928, page 16d,
"Famous Explorer" on
16 June 1928, page 18c.
An obituary of an 1844 party-member, D.G. Brock, is in the Register,
10 June 1867, page 2d.
An editorial on Captain Sturt is in the Observer,
6 December 1851, page 5d.
"A Chapter From the History of Australian Exploration" is in the Register,
29 May 1865, page 3a.
"Captain Sturt's Boat of 1845" is in the Observer,
5 May 1866, page 4g.
"Sturt's Boat" is in the Register,
17 and 19 January 1917, pages 4g and 7e.
An editorial "The Late Captain Sturt" is in the Register,
3 August 1869, page 2d; also see
10 August 1869, page 2g and
3 and 6 September 1869, pages 2g and 2d.
A correspondent said on
4 August 1869, page 3h that Captain Sturt had told him that "they have offered to knight me but I think I am sufficiently known as Charles Sturt without any prefix..."
"Brave Captain Sturt" is in the Observer,
1 June 1901, page 34a.
"A Valuable Diary - Interesting Discovery" being his personal diary for the period 9 April 1845 to 10 November 1845 is traversed in
the Register on 11 February 1904; also see
7 May 1904, page 6h.
"In Memory of Sturt" is in the Register on
28 February 1907, pages 4e-5f.
"Through the Sturt Stony Desert" is in the Chronicle,
8 February 1902, page 33e.
A proposal to erect a statue in his honour in Adelaide is traversed in the Register,
7 December 1906, page 4f,
1 and March 1907, pages 7a and 8g,
1 August 1908, page 8g,
4, 5, 9, 19, 24 and 26 November 1909, pages 6e, 6e-7e, 4i, 4h, 6c and 7c,
7 December 1909, page 10d,
16 March 1910, page 6f,
16 June 1910, page 6g,
27 August 1910, page 12e,
8 November 1910, page 4f,
27 November 1909, page 33d.
Also see Adelaide - Statues and Memorials.
Also see Register,
10, 14 and 15 November 1913, pages 9d, 3f and 18d,
3 April 1914, page 7e,
27 May 1914, page 8f,
2 November 1914, page 4d,
28 January 1915, page 4e,
26 March 1915, page 11c,
31 May 1916, page 6e,
22 July 1916, page 9b,
30 November 1916, page 4g,
21 and 22 December 1916, pages 4d-e and 5b.
A letter extolling him written by W.P. Auld appears on
29 September 1909, page 7h.
Information on a cannon, a relic of his River Murray exploration, is in the Express,
27 July 1907, page 4g,
28 November 1907, page 4e,
4 October 1907, page 6e,
28 November 1907, page 6d.
"Sturt the Intrepid - Little Known Facts" is in the Register,
9 November 1910, page 8g,
"A Sketch of His Career" on
20 December 1916, page 7b,
"Captain Sturt and His Work" on
14 April 1917, page 6e.
An interview with Captain Sturt's daughter is reported in the Advertiser,
29 July 1924, page 14c.
The controversy of the name Central Mount Sturt (Stuart) is discusses in the Register,
25 and 27 July 1927, pages 13f and 8f.
Also see Place Names - Stuart.
"Honoring the Memory of Sturt" is in the Advertiser,
23 July 1929, page 12e.
"Charles Sturt - Explorer" is in the Advertiser,
8, 9 and 10 January 1930, pages 15f, 17g and 21d,
"The Sturt Centenary" on
11 January 1930, page 14d.
The unveiling of a memorial on Hindmarsh Island is reported on
20 January 1930, page 21d.
Photographs are in the Observer,
25 January 1930, pages 32-33.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Primitive Methodist Church records show it as the name of a chapel near Gawler on section 4031, Hundred of Munno Para -see GRO memorial book no. 178, folio 249 dated 13 July 1861;
also see Chronicle 13 May 1865, page 3a for its reopening.
- The Primitive Methodist Chapel at Sturton was reopened on April 30th when services were preached to a good congregation by Reverend A. Pithouse...
Place Names
Sugarloaf Well
Information on the well is in the Chronicle,15 March 1879, page 13c.
- I had occasion to go to this well, about 8 miles north of Terowie on the travelling stock road... When I arrived there were two waggons loading water; accordingly, I waited my turn... I drew up to the troughs for my own load. A person present told me I should get none before his flock of sheep was watered. I could see no sheep about. I got on the bank near the well to see where they were and found they were feeding in a stubble paddock about a mile from the well... The troughs were near full and I offered my horse to work the whim and at the same time assist him... "'No I am damned if you do, you are a stranger here. You did not pay anything for the well and I am not to be humbugged by you or your equals." Strong words passed between us... Previous to leaving I learned this man's name - Mr Thomas Fogarty of Gumbowie... [who] is in possession of a large tract of land and has a great number of sheep and cattle running close to the well and monopolises the same. I hope for the benefit of strangers, travelling teamsters and others the government will place some civilised Christian in charge of this well...
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sultana Point
The Sultana was wrecked on Troubridge Shoal on 28 September 1849.
General Notes
The grounding of the Sultana is reported in the Observer,
6 October 1849, page 2a and
the sale of the wreck in the Register,
27 October 1849, page 2a.
On the night of 27th September 1849 the Sultana, a cargo ship from London was running for St Vincent's Gulf, under close-reefed topsails... and about half past four she grounded upon Troubridge Shoal. Subsequently, the ship was lifted over the first reef into deeper water...
Place Names
In 1918 the Nomenclature Committee suggested it be changed to 'Worlatti', meaning 'summer', but the Government decided on Summerfield.
General Notes
The school opened in 1881 and became "Summerfield: in 1918;
it closed in 1967.
A photograph of students is in the Chronicle,
24 August 1933, page 31.
The opening of a Lutheran church is reported in the Register,
29 November 1904, page 6e.
- At Summerfield on November 23rd a new Lutheran Church was dedicated. After worshipping in their old building for a period of 31 years [it was decided] to erect a new edifice in a more central position.... The preachers in the morning were the local pastor, Pastor Alpers, and Pastor Harms of Blumberg... The church choir under the leadership of Mr Hausler contributed excellent selections of sacred music...
3 December 1910, page 15c.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Laid out by Charles Smith, on sections 6 and 8A Hundred of Onkaparinga in 1874. He advertised it as an ideal situation for city dwellers to escape from the heat of summer. A different version is given in local history; when postal authorities were requested to begin a post office they asked 'what to name the town'. Tom Percival, the storekeeper suggested 'Summertown' because he thought it an ideal place to live in the summertime as the temperature was approximately 10 degrees cooler than the city.
General Notes
A proposed Institute is discussed in the Register,
5 December 1883, page 5b.
"Police Protection for Summertown" is in the Chronicle,
27 September 1884, page 3f.
A deputation of residents was introduced to the Chief Secretary... for the purpose of urging that a police trooper be stationed at Summertown... It was urged that Summertown, being about half way between Uraidala and the new hotel erected on the site of the old wine shop, it would be better to have a trooper at that place. It was represented that there was some amount of larrikinism in the township, the Bible Christian minister being twice interrupted in his sermon by a disturbance at the door of the church...
A Show is reported in the Register,
12 and 13 December 1884, pages 6f and 7d.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
The laying of the foundation stone of the institute is reported in the Express,
16 September 1884, page 2d;
its opening in the Register,
29 January 1885, page 7d.
Information on the town and district is in the Advertiser,
10 December 1873, page 3e,
28 January 1893, page 10b,
4 February 1893, page 9d,
23 January 1893, page 6g,
6, 8 and 14 February 1893, pages 6c, 6c and 6b.
A snow fall is reported on
1 July 1904, page 5b.
A market gardener's house and property are described in the Observer,
22 March 1890, page 6a.
"Adelaide to Summertown" is in the Weekly Herald,
30 April 1897, page 2a,
7 May 1897, page 2a.
A field naturalists excursion upon Joseph Johnson's property is reported in the Register,
16 December 1902, page 6i.
A snow fall is reported upon in the Register,
1 July 1904, page 5c.
Information on James Trenorden is in the Register,
29 March 1909, page 4h,
on Frank V. Trenorden on
9 February 1928, page 9g.
The closure of the hotel is reported in the Register,
30 June 1913, page 15d,
28 June 1913, page 17b.
The opening of the "Gates of Memory" is reported in the Register,
25 October 1920, page 8d.
A photograph is in the Chronicle,
2 August 1919, page 30.
Also see South Australia - World War I - Memorials to the Fallen.
"Life in Roadmaking Camp at Summertown" is in The News,
21 December 1928, page 12a.
Summertown - Obituaries
An obituary of John Deeney is in the Register,
21 and 22 July 1897, pages 5i and 6e,
of William Percival in the Observer, 21 January 1899, page 44a,
of Robert Bonython on 24 November 1906, page 38d,
of John Keir on 15 December 1906, page 34e,
of Nicholas Stentiford on 8 May 1909, page 38b,
of James Trenorden on 29 April 1911, page 41a,
of William Sitters on 2 October 1915, page 22b,
of Robert Cornish on 21 July 1923, page 35c,
of George Gore, market gardener, on 22 September 1928, page 49b.
An obituary of Christian Domaschenz is in the Register,
24 January 1927, page 8f.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
The Sunbury Chapel in the "Troubridge Area" was opened on25 January 1874 - "It is intended to use the building as long as required for a day school..." - See
7 February 1874, p. 7c.
"New Seaside Retreat" is in the Observer,
29 January 1876, page 5d.
The leading medical practitioners of the metropolis have been driven to their wits' end lately to find a quiet seaside retreat for their patients, Glenelg and Brighton having become fashionable resorts to such an extent that privacy and repose can no longer be endured. One of the principal of the gentlemen has, we believe, fixed on Sunbury... as a place to which to send his patients... We may rest assured from its climate and resources it is destined to become a very popular portion of the province.
27 July 1878, page 21e: "[the government] is about to fence off from the public the well called East Hut Well..."
Also see South Australia - Water Conservation.
A photograph of a women's football team is in the Register,
4 September 1928, page 10,
of a cricket team is in the Chronicle,
25 May 1933, page 37.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sunday, Lake
On section 475, Hundred of Melville. [Charles Parrington discovered it on a Sunday - R. Cockburn.] He arrived in the Cygnet in 1836 and for many years was in the employ of Alfred Weaver, a pioneer pastoralist on Yorke Peninsula.
General Notes
It is described in The Life and Adventures of Edward Snell (Angus & Robertson, 1988), page 122, while a sketch of a shepherd's hut appears on page 123. - "The most miserable hut I ever saw... the chimney was constructed of sheep skins and the roof as well ventilated as could be desired."
Its school opened in 1881 and closed in 1942.
An obituary and photograph of Mrs Mary Parrington are in the Observer,
15 November 1902, page 25a,
of Mrs Annie Stephens on 5 September 1914, page 46a.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sunning Hill
Near Chain of Ponds; the Register of 15 March 1866, page 2d has a report of an anniversary of its Wesleyan Chapel; also see
25 August 1866, page 3a,
11 February 1874, page 2c.
The Register of
23 May 1870, page 1d carries an advertisement for the sale of R.B. Lucas's farm, "Sunning Hill".
His obituary is in the Register,
16 May 1895, page 5d, when he was described as "one of the pioneers of the winemaking industry".
The Sunning Hill Vineyards are mentioned in the Observer,
1 July 1871, page 13a.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary.
A strawberry fete at the Methodist Church is reported in the Register,
19 December 1905, page 10g.
- A sale of gifts and strawberry fete was held in the Methodist Church... The opening ceremony was performed by Mr F.V. Allbright to whom a hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr R. Northey. The following were the stall holders - Drapery, Mesdames W.T. Wiltshire, R. Northey and W. Bartley; Book, Mr F.V. Allbright; Lolly, Mrs Player; Strawberries and cream and refreshments, Misses Allbright, Ward and Elsie Giddings; Temperance drinks, Mr C. Stokes...
Place Names
Sunny Hill
Photographs of the aftermath of a cyclone are in the Observer,23 March 1913, page 30.
An obituary of Mrs Harriet Colliver is in the Observer,
26 December 1914, page 41a.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sunny Spring Glen
This subdivision near Bridgewater is described in the Register, 14 and 21 January 1926, pages 5e and 4c.
- Those who are acquainted with the manifold delights of the picturesque hills resort of Bridgewater will be interested to learn that portion of Mr T.C. Wollaston's beautiful property just above "The Old Mill" between the railway and the old Mount Barker road, is now in process of subdivision into spacious blocks... These radiate from and overlook a delightful central reserve nestling in a sheltered gully in which there are some large gum trees and a spring...
Place Names
Sunny Vale
Information on the school is in the Observer,30 July 1892, page 30a.
- At Little Kalkabury and Sunny Vale the Inspector-General met a number of parents ... At the latter place the parents asked that a stove should be provided to keep the room warm during the cold months; but it was agreed that a new room at the back of the chapel, which is used for school work, would be preferable...
16 November 1912, page 30,
of Mr H.J. Coote's son and his "two faithful dogs" on
3 July 1915, page 29,
of "house moving" by tractor on
12 April 1924, page 38.
An obituary of S.T. Lamshed is in the Observer,
4 November 1916, page 14b.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sunnybrae Farm
It takes its name from the historic farm near Islington which 'supplied dairy produce for the whole State in [the] early days'.
General Notes
An advertisement for the sale of Sunnybrae Dairy and Poultry Farm is in the Register,
11 and 18 May 1914, pages 11h and 13.
For Sale as a Going Concern - "Sunnybrae" Dairy and Poultry Farm, Islington... The farm contains in all about 70 acres, 10 acres of which (facing the main road) has been sold for building sites... The farm is surrounded on three sides by the Government Sewage Farm, the overflow channel from which passes along the whole of the "Sunnybrae" western boundary, affording an unlimited supply of water impregnated with most valuable fertilising properties...
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Mr Milne's vineyard is described in the Advertiser,24 December 1861, page 2e.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Viticulture.
Information on Sunnyside House is in the Chronicle,
15 January 1876, page 12c;
its sale is reported in the Register,
26 June 1914, page 8f,
31 July 1919, page 4g.
29 March 1922, page 4 (includes a photo.).
The house and grounds are described on
7 April 1925, page 3h.
Photographs of a motor cycle hill climb are in the Chronicle,
5 November 1931, page 34.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cycling.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
A protest against shifting the school "in the Hundred of Whyte... a good three miles further west" is reported in the Advertiser,11 May 1926, page 13b.
- A protest against the proposed removal of the Sunshine School from section 369 to section 80, in the Hundred of Whyte was made by a deputation introduced to the Minister of Education by the Hons. W. Morrow, W.G. Mills and A.P Blesing. The speakers were Messrs T. Farrell and G. McGregor who pointed out the proposed alteration would result in many of the settlers being placed at a great disadvantage. It was intended... to shift the school a good three miles further west ...
Place Names
Hannah Gray Sutherland perpetuated her name when she cut up section 196 and part section 197, Hundred of Mount Muirhead in 1916; now included in Millicent.
General Notes
The obituary of Peter Sutherland is in the Register,
29 October 1912, page 7d and
William Sutherland on 19 November 1915, page 6f;
that of W.B. Sutherland is in the Advertiser,
16 September 1925, page 13b.
The sale notice of the sudivision at Millicent (copy held in State Bank Archive, Adelaide) says, inter alia: "Known as the Old Racecourse (Mrs Peter Sutherland)".
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
William Sutherland, who took up sections 245 and 250, Hundred of Neales in July 1881.
General Notes
A "water famine" is reported upon in the Register,
10 February 1883, page 5e.
its water supply is discussed in the Chronicle,
24 February 1894, page 12d,
21 November 1896, page 14e.
Also see South Australia - Water Conservation.
A missionary meeting is reported in the Register,
7 June 1883, page 5a.
The school opened in 1889 and closed in 1953.
A sports day is reported in the Chronicle,
9 September 1893, page 8a.
Information on the local wood-supply business is in the Register,
2 February 1894, page 6d.
Local flooding is discussed in the Chronicle,
10 March 1894, pages 9e-22g; also see
8 and 9 March 1894, pages 3d and 3d,
26 February 1908, page 7c.
"Floods on the Murray Flats" is in the Register,
8 December 1902, page 6d.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Floods.
A picnic is reported in the Chronicle,
1 January 1896, page 31a.
"The Wants of Sutherlands" is in the Register,
19 August 1898, page 6d,
10 September 1898, page 10d,
20 August 1898, page 29b.
The plight of farmers is discussed in the Register,
25 November 1901, page 8c,
23 October 1902, page 3e.
A photograph is in the Observer,
22 January 1910, page 30.
Farming conditions are discussed in the Chronicle,
22 February 1902, page 30c,
8 and 22 March 1902, pages 35d and 29a.
A meeting of distressed farmers is reported in the Advertiser,
26 November 1901, page 7f.
"Dry Farming" is in the Register,
26 November 1906, page 7d.
Also see South Australia - Northern Lands Development and Allied Matters - Comments on Goyder's line.
A storm of "unparalleled violence" is reported in the Register,
28 April 1909, page 3d,
1 May 1909, page 44b.
"The chief production of this place seems to be children and firewood" - see Register,
23 August 1909, page 5g.
- The chief production of this place appears to be children and firewood, both of which were strongly in evidence. There are some fairly promising crops in the vicinity of the line, but as the district is rather more noted for breach of promise than otherwise in this respect, it is somewhat risky yet to speculate on results.
Sutherlands - Obituaries
An obituary of David French is in the Register,
21 October 1899, page 7c,
of Mrs Anna E. Bartsch on 20 March 1928, page 8g,
of Wilhelm A. Doecke on 12 May 1928, page 6d.
An obituary of Mrs Mary D. Murphy, hotelier, is in the Observer,
29 October 1927, page 45c.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Sutton Town
A subdivision of section 259, Hundred of Blanche 6 km north of Mount Gambier by Charles Burney Young in 1860. He probably named it after the village of Sutton in his native County of Devon from whence he emigrated.
General Notes
Examinations at a Catholic school are reported in the Catholic Herald,
20 January 1868, page 80.
Parliamentary Paper 36/1873 shows the school being conducted by Joseph Cadwallader with 56 enrolled pupils; it opened in 1869.
The diamond wedding of Mr & Mrs J. McDonough is in the Register,
2 March 1923, page 8g.
Photographs of and information on the school's calf club members are in the Chronicle,
4 and 11 August 1932, pages 32 and 7.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Swan Reach
The name is descriptive; there were numerous black swans on the river in the early days of settlement.
General Notes
Rogers & Co's Swan Reach station is described in the Register,
11 April 1887, page 5h.
Its school opened in 1902.
A photograph of students is in the Observer,
26 October 1907, page 30.
Information on the ferry is in the Express,
17 February 1897, page 2d,
11 August 1897, page 6i,
18 January 1902, page 28e.
A photograph is in the Chronicle,
8 January 1910, page 30.
Messrs Paul Hasse and P.A. Beck waited upon the Treasurer... and presented a petition signed by 85 residents of Nildottie, Bakara, Fisher and Sedan asking that a punt should be constructed at Swan Reach... On account of the rapid settlement of the hundreds on the eastern bank of the river the necessity for a punt had become very apparent and Swan reach naturally claimed to be the most suitable place where a ferry should be made. Owing to the present low state of the river the works could be carried out in a substantial manner and at small cost... The Treasurer, in reply, said he had before him the claims of Mannum, Walker's Flat, Blanchetown and Swan Reach
7 October 1899, page 7b
18 October 1901, page 9h; also see
25 October 1904, page 3f,
26 October 1907, page 40c,
18 October 1911, page 11e.
Photographs are in the Observer,
17 October 1908, page 32,
28 October 1911, page 29.
Also see South Australia - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
"Among the Settlers" is in the Express,
6 September 1905, page 2d.
The town and district are described in the The Critic,
12 November 1907, page 4 (photograph),
28 October 1908, page 9f,
31 October 1908, page 13e,
28 December 1909, page 6c,
1 January 1910, page 39e,
30 October 1926, page 7d.
Photographs are in the Observer,
26 October 1907, page 30.
A photograph of "high water" is in the Chronicle,
2 April 1910, page 31,
of Murray cod catches on
29 April 1911, page 29,
3 June 1911, page 29,
of the wharf on
20 May 1911, page 30,
of flooding in the Observer,
13 October 1917, page 23,
27 August 1931, page 32,
28 January 1932, page 33; also see
6 April 1933, page 36.
A photograph of Mr B. Schwarz and his Murray cod catch is in the Observer,
3 June 1911, page 32. Also see Place Names - Murray River - Fishing
of the laying of the foundation stone of the Congregational Church on
11 April 1914, page 30.
Flooding at Swan Reach is reported in the Register,
4 October 1917, page 4d,
6 October 1917, page 30e.
Also see Place Names - Murray River - Flooding.
Biographical details of Mrs D. Roy are in the Register,
11 April 1919, page 6h.
"Aborigines at Swan Reach" is in the Observer,
28 November 1925, page 36a.
Information on an Aboriginal Mission is in The Mail,
9 May 1936, page 9a,
1 August 1936, page 4.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
9 May 1929, page 40,
of an Aboriginal camp in the Observer,
10 December 1927, page 8 (supp.).
Also see South Australia - Aboriginal Australians.
"Life on the Murray River" is in The Mail,
26 December 1925, page 1a.
"A Swan Reach Cave" is in the Advertiser,
17 January 1936, page 21a; also see
The Mail,
18 July 1936, page 4.
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach
Place Names
Swan, Mount
On section 254, Hundred of Tarcowie. H.C. Swan(n) who held a pastoral lease at Walloway Hill in 1854.
General Notes
Complimentary dinners to Mr H.C. Swan are reported in the Register,
8 January 1870, page 5e and
3 March 1870, page 5b - the latter was held at Blinman on the occasion of him leaving the Angorichina Run.
An obituary is in the Observer,
12 September 1908, page 40a.
- About 30 gentlemen met in Faulkner's long room, North Blinman Hotel, to present Mr Swan, SM, of Angorichina, who is leaving the district, with a testimonial... "In parting with you we lose an able, impartial and prompt administrator of our laws, a kind, judicious and firm friend and counsellor and an active and generous promoter of our local institutions..."
Stun'sail Boom River - Swan Reach