Adelaide - Streets
Streets by Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Early Reports
- Drinking Fountains
- Motor Cars and Traffic
- Paving and Watering
- Gambling on the Streets
- Street Musicians
- Street Nomenclature
- Miscellany
Streets by Name
A series of comprehensive articles on individual streets commences
in the Observer,
24 August 1929, page 30c.
For further information on street nomenclature see Manning's Place Names of South Australia.
O'Halloran Street
A photograph of a welcome home for Private Oliver is in the Observer,
6 October 1917, page 26.
Pirie Street
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,
27 August 1929, page 5b.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Wesleyan Church is reported
in the Register,
16 July 1850, page 3b; also see
18 and 20 October 1851, pages 3e and 2c.
A sketch is in the Royal Almanac, held in the Mortlock Library.
Examinations at Mr Martin's school are reported in the Observer,
22 December 1855, page 3f.
Also see Education.
The opening of a German club house is reported in the Chronicle,
19 July 1879, page 9b.
A sketch is in the Pictorial Australian in May 1886, page 63.
"Pirie Street's Infancy" is in the Register,
30 October 1919, page 5b.
The laying of the foundation stone of a Lutheran church is reported
in the Register,
27 December 1861, page 3d.
Information on the Pirie Street Nursing Sisters' Association is
in the Advertiser,
11 and 12 August 1898, pages 6h and 6d.
Also see SA - Nursing.
The jubilee of the Methodist Church and a history of Methodism in
South Australia are recounted in the Register,
12 and 15 October 1901, pages 4a and 6f.
The church's history is in the Register,
21 and 25 October 1911, pages 15b and 3h;
photographs are in the Observer,
28 October 1911, page 32.
The reminiscences of Rev Burgess are in the Advertiser,
26 October 1911, page 11c.
"Historic Organ to be Rebuilt" is in The Mail,
24 August 1929, page 16d.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
2 March 1933, page 34.
Also see Religion.
Photographs of the Rev Henry Howard "at home" are in the Chronicle,
10 January 1903, page 41 and
of the Church on
31 March 1906, page 27.
Pulteney Street
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,
6 September 1929, page 5a.
The opening of a school is reported in the Observer,
27 May 1848, page 2c and
examinations at schools in the Register,
18 December 1850, page 3a,
11 December 1852, page 2a,
22 December 1866, page 2e,
26 December 1868, page 12b,
25 December 1869, page 3e,
26 December 1870, page 3d; also see
13 June 1871, page 3d.
13 June 1871, page 6b.
An editorial is in the Observer,
29 April 1871, page 2g and
a jubilee reported in the Express,
27 June 1898, page 2b,
16 August 1898, page 4a,
29 May 1908, page 1e.
20 August 1898, page 15e.
"Pulteney School Sold" is in the Register,
28 August 1919, page 5e; also see
12 November 1920, page 8c.
"Old Days and New" is in the Register,
5 September 1919, page 5d; also see
6 May 1920, page 4d,
4 July 1921, page 8h.
Photographs are in the Observer,
13 September 1919, page 27,
8 December 1923, page 30,
6 November 1926, page 33,
27 November 1930, page 32,
24 July 1926, page 38,
6 April 1933, page 31.
Also see Education.
Biographical details of W.P. Nicholls, headmaster, are in the Register,
9 and 15 July 1926, pages 10a and 11f.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Baptist Chapel is reported
in the Register,
4 November 1848, page 2c.
The opening of St Paul's Church is reported in the Register,
10 January 1860, page 3g.
Red Lane
The Register of 5 September 1893, page 5c places this lane "off
South Terrace West" and states it was so named because "it had a row
of red brick cottages some forty years ago..."
Rosina Street
A house there is described in the Advertiser,16 April 1877, page 5b:
The one-roomed cottages are tenanted by Chinamen, one in each. The floors of
concrete, or rather earth, are below the surface level, and consequently
damp. The walls are thin and decaying, the ceilings low, and the roofs let
the water in. They are pre-eminently dirty and are unventilated.
"Low Life in the City" is in the Advertiser,
11 October 1883, page 6a.
"The Back Slums" is in the Register, 10 June 1892, page 7h:
When we got into morally malodorous Rosina Street the experience was nauseating
in a certain sense. Dirty, slatternly women, half-drunk and wholly impudent
thrust their uncombed, frowsy heads out of windows... The houses of most
were evil-smelling, dirty, untidy and pervaded by lazy, lounging, bold blackguards
of men...
"The Rosina Street Case" is in the Express,
11 October 1893, page 2c.
The Rosina Street Women's Shelter is described in the Register,
7 February 1900, page 3d.
A Salvation Army "Slum Post" is described in the Advertiser,
27 June 1907, page 6f.
Rundle Street
For information on the Beehive Corner see under Beehive Corner. "Street Corner History" is in the Register,
21 August 1929, page 5a.
"Rundle Street Land at a Halfpence Per Foot" is in the Chronicle,
6 August 1936, page 45a.
An 1845 sketch is reproduced in the Pictorial Australian in
August 1892, page 140;
an 1864 and 1904 photograph are in The Critic,
10 May 1905, page 3.
A meeting of Rundle Street ratepayers is reported in the Observer,
31 May 1851, page 3d.
"The Wrongs of Rundle Street" is in the Register,
21 March 1856, page 3h.
A resident complained of its water table in 1863:
To call it a water table is a misnomer for it is a filth and fever generating
table... the air is full of foul smells and miasma engendering diphtheria,
scarlatina and every other sort of disease which the doctors cannot cure...
(See Register, 10 December, page 3c.)
"The Saturday Night Promenade" is in the Express,
24 December 1867, page 3c.
Examinations at the grammar school are reported in the Chronicle,
19 December 1868, page 5b.
"The Rundle Street School" is in the Express,
29 January 1875, page 3a,
3 February 1875, page 2d.
Information on the school is in the Observer,
19 and 26 May 1877, pages 11b and 13d-f,
1 September 1877, page 4b.
Also see Education.
A school for "children of the poorest class" is reported upon in the Observer,
16 December 1871, page 8c.
"Sunday Night Pastimes" is in the Register, 18 September 1872, page 5a:
The principal thoroughfares... [are] given over to a parcel of foul-tongued
unmannerly youths, devoid of self-respect [and] neglectful of public decency...
A sketch is in Frearson's Weekly,
4 October 1879, page 267.
A poem entitled "Rundle Street of a Saturday Night" is in The Lantern,
27 May 1876, page 12a,
"A Romance of Rundle Street" on
1 January 1881, page 12.
The opening of a music academy is reported in the Chronicle,
7 June 1879, page 17f.
A sketch of the academy is in Frearson's Weekly,
18 October 1879, page 288 and
a report on its opening night on
8 November 1879, page 332.
Also see Entertainment.
On 7 May 1881, page 7d the Register carries a letter from an irate citizen:
Is it not dreadful to pass up Rundle Street and have to push one's way through
that crowd of vulgar men usually congregated outside the Globe Hotel, who
are spitting and using fearful language... [They are] I believe called "bookmakers"...
(Also see Register, 24 May 1881, page 7c.)
An 1880 photograph is in the Observer,
22 April 1905, page 23.
A burst water main is reported in the Observer,
22 October 1881, page 25e.
An extension to the Tavistock Hotel is described in the Register,
8 December 1884, page 6g;
it also has information on an earlier structure; also see
13 February 1885, page 2e.
Also see Hotels.
Shop buildings are described in the Register,
28 May 1887, page 7b; also see
14 April 1888, page 5g,
21 April 1888, page 36e.
Also see Shops.
A sketch of Fitch's Corner is in the Pictorial Australian in January 1891, page 5.
"Preparations for Christmas" is in the Register,
23 December 1892, page 6c.
Photographs of Christmas crowds are in The Critic,
26 December 1903, page 14.
Also see Christmas in SA.
"Murder in Rundle Street" is in the Chronicle,
5 March 1904, page 33.
Hawkers are discussed in the Register on
23 August 1898, page 5b,
13 January 1899, page 7e,
"Hawkers in Rundle Street - A Menace and a Nuisance" on
19 and 20 December 1913, pages 7b and 17g,
17, 20 and 21 January 1914, pages 18e, 3f and 7e.
"A Modern Paddy's Market" is in The Mail,
17 January 1914, page 9a.
Also see Hawkers.
"A Dirty Street" is in the Advertiser, 28 August 1900, page 4f:
In winter... it is an expanse of sloppy mud. In summer, when a breeze is stirring,
it is hidden by a continuous cloud of dust.
A photograph of Rundle Street decorated for the Royal visit is in the Chronicle,
25 July 1901 (supplement); also see
20 December 1902, page 58.
"Rundle Street Traffic" is in the Register,
3 August 1909, page 6f.
Also see Motor Cars and Traffic.
"Asphalting Rundle Street" is in the Advertiser,
20 September 1910, page 9f,
14 October 1910, page 9h.
Information on a Paddy's Market is in The Critic,
3 and 17 December 1914, pages 4-5 and
4, 14 and 21 January 1914, pages 4 and 3,
25 February 1914, page 4.
A photograph of fruit barrows in Rundle Street is in the Chronicle,
3 January 1914, page 31.
"Rundle Street Improvements" is in the Register,
27 March 1919, page 4g,
"Old Time Memories" on
18 and 30 September 1919, pages 5c and 4h.
"Opposed to Buses in Rundle Street" is in The News,
30 July 1935, page 1a; also see
9 July 1936, page 24d.
Also see Transport.