Adelaide - Streets
Streets by Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Early Reports
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- Gambling on the Streets
- Street Musicians
- Street Nomenclature
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Streets by Name
A series of comprehensive articles on individual streets commences
in the Observer,
24 August 1929, page 30c.
For further information on street nomenclature see Manning's Place Names of South Australia.
Angas Street
"A Trap in Angas Street" is in the Observer,8 January 1853, page 5e.
"The Water Question" is in the Register,
6 January 1857, page 3e.
Examinations held at the Albert House Academy in Angas Street are
reported in the Observer,
26 March 1853, page 6e,
at the Collegiate Institution in the Register,
7 October 1862, page 3a.
Also see Education.
Austin Street
It was formerly known as "Elder Street - see Register, 27 August 1907, page 4e.
Bank Street
"Congested Side Street" is in the Register,20 March 1923, page 8f.
Bartels Road
Mr Bartel first represented ratepayers of the Hindmarsh Ward from 1866, a position he retained for three years; he was elected Mayor in 1871. His obituary is in the Observer, 16 November 1878, page 21f. Its official opening is reported in the Register,
24 March 1871, page 5d,
while criticism as to its construction appears on
8 August 1872, page 5e.
"The Late and Present Mayor" is in the Register,
13 December 1871, page 4e.
An obituary of F.H. Bartels is in the Register,
20 May 1895, page 6g.
Beehive Corner
The Adelaide Times of 1 October 1849, page 1f carries an advertisement
for "The Beehive" - "A new drapery establishment at the corner of King
William and Rundle Streets to be opened by Messrs Brewer and Robertson."
A history of the site, together with an 1865 photograph, is in The
27 March 1926, page 5d.
"New Building in the City" is in the Register,
19 April 1895, page 6d; also see
28 March 1896, page 5c.
"Meet Me at the Beehive Corner" is in The News,
28 December 1934, page 4e.
"Former Names of City Corners" is in The News,
10 January 1936, page 4e.
Bentham Street
A new chapel is reported upon in the South Australian,8 September 1848, page 2e.
Bloor Court
It was named after William Bloor of the firm of Bloor and Gurner, coopers
- see Register, 30 June 1896, page 5e.
Blyth Street
Photographs of "A Disappearing Curiosity Shop" are in The Critic,12 June 1918, page 14.
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,
17 September 1929, page 5b.
Botanic Road
Its opening is reported in the Register, 12 October 1860, page 3d.
Botting Street
It was formerly known as "Victoria Place" - see Register, 27 August 1907, page 4e.
Brown Street
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,30 August 1929, page 5b.
The suspension of Mr Brown as Emigration Agent is reported in the Register,
16 September 1837, page 5c; also see
20 July 1839, page 5d,
10 and 17 August 1839, pages 5c and 4b.
His obituary is in the Observer,
23 August 1879, page 12f.
Byron Place
Historical information and suggestions as to its nomenclature is in the Register,12 February 1924, page 13a.
Carrington Street
The opening of the New (Swedenborgians) Church is reported in the Register,12 July 1852, page 3e.
Unlawful gaming is reported in the Chronicle,
11 January 1896, page 13d.
Information on the Orphans' Home is in the Express,
30 July 1894, page 2c,
27 July 1897, page 2c,
18 August 1897, page 2f,
26 August 1898, page 4b,
17 August 1901, page 7g.
15 August 1905, page 8a,
17 August 1906, page 3b,
15 April 1909, page 7e (history of).
"Removal of Old City Institution" is in the Register,
7 and 16 August 1909, pages 8g and 7a.
Photographs are in the Observer,
22 August 1908, page 32.
Also see Asylums and Homes.
The Church of England Orphans' Home
(Taken from Geoffrey H. Manning's A Colonial Experience)
On 3 July 1860, in the library of the Collegiate School of St Peter, this institution held its inaugural meeting, presided over by the governor's wife, Lady MacDonnell, the committee comprising Lady Cooper and Mesdames Farr, Hale, Short, Kent Hughes and Prankerd; the Rev J.S. Jackson, visiting clergyman; Dr Moore, consulting physician; and Mr Kent Hughes, treasurer and secretary.
At the outset the benevolent design of the committee was to provide a comfortable home for orphan girls left alone in the world and they began their work by placing two little girls under the care of a widow at Stepney. For the next 18 months this house was the refuge to which little waifs, picked up by these active ladies, were sent.
In 1861, the German and British Hospital in Carrington Street was taken up as the home's new headquarters and, in September, seven children were moved there under the charge of Mrs Birt as matron and her daughter, Miss Mary Birt, as teacher. By 1868, 35 children had shared in the undoubted benefits which it held out to a class, perhaps the most needy and destitute, that appealed to the generosity of well-to-do citizens. Indeed, in a modest way, it was aiding in the solution of a social difficulty felt to a greater or lesser degree in every community.
For 21 years Mrs Birt and her daughter continued their kind supervision of the inmates and since then a succession of matrons have had charge. In the first instance the home was established for orphan girls, the children of respectable parents, and for many years none were admitted but those who had lost both parents.
In later years, while trying to adhere to the condition that the children came from respectable parents, a good many were taken in with one parent living - possibly in the Destitute Asylum or disabled by ill-health from making a home, or sometimes with a father willing to contribute towards the child's support.
The Home receives orphan girls and they are fed, clothed and educated and, at age 16, they are sent into service, well provided with clothing. Great care is taken in the choice of situations and most girls have turned out well and many have married comfortably.
The children are awakened at 5 am in the summer and at about 6 am in the winter and prepare for their day's duties via a cold bath and engage in household duties until 7 am, when breakfast is ready - this consists of bread and jam or bread and dripping, and tea. Many kind friends supply the institution with fruit during the season.
Household work engages the attention of the older girls until 9 am when school begins and continues until midday. The ordinary branches of plain education are taught, special attention being given to sewing. They dine at 1 pm and have meat every day and puddings as often as convenient or desirable. School is then resumed at 2 pm and continues until 4 pm. At 5 pm tea is ready and at 6 pm the little ones get ready for bed, the elder girls sitting up until 8 or 9 o'clock. On Sundays they attend Sunday school at St John's Church.
There is one part of domestic arrangements of importance - each child has a separate bed, and this is found to be conducive to good health and it speaks highly of the management that in its first five years of existence there was no sickness amongst the children of the least moment. All the work of the Home, including washing, is done by the elder girls and the children all make their own clothes.
The institution has accomplished splendid work for the welfare of quite an army of parentless girls and is worthy of the heartiest support of all who appreciate noble efforts to aid those who are so sorely handicapped in their early days.
An obituary of a Matron, Mrs Barrett, is in the Register,
4 April 1906, page 4h,
7 April 1906, page 37e.
Information on Ms Farr is in the Register,
17 August 1906, page 4h.
Its demolition is discussed in the Register,
20 June 1910, page 6e; also see
13 June 1914, page 7f.
A photograph of W. Langlois' store is in the Chronicle,
26 September 1903, page 44.
Chesser Street
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,9 September 1929, page 5a.
Childers Street
A disgruntled resident said that "... in winter [it] is a sheet of water about 400 feet in length by about 30 feet in breadth..." and signed himself as "Living for 10 years in the midst of a city swamp...". See Register, 19 July 1861, page 2h.Clarendon Street
"Hovel in Clarendon Street" is in the Observer,23 February 1878, page 12b.
Also see Housing.
Clubhouse Lane
So named because a hotel of the same name was situated there.Coromandel Place
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,9 September 1929, page 5a.
Currie Street
"Street Corner History" is in the Register,2 September 1929, page 5a.
Mr Cain's flour mill is described in the Southern Australian,
4 April 1843, page 2d.
Also see SA - Mills.
"Early Currie Street" is described in the Register,
3 July 1919, page 4d.
In the midst of winter the street was usually a quagmire which prompted a correspondent to the South Australian on 10 July 1849, page 2c to issue "Sailing Directions for Currie Street":
On leaving Gilles Arcade, make all sail northward, and beat around to the
west at the opposite corner. Here a practicable fence in about one fathom
of mud will carry the active voyager safely to Solomon's. Cross to the
blacksmith's shop, which is a favourite spot, the mud shoaling to about
half a fathom... A short distance ahead is a little church, in which
if you reach it in safety, you may return thanks and offer alms.
Information on a Free Evening School is in the Observer,
12 March 1870, page 4a.
The laying of the foundation stone of a government school is reported in
the Register,
23 August 1890, pages 4h-7a,
30 August 1890, page 7a and
its opening in the Register,
17 March 1891, page 6f; also see
22 November 1890, page 11,
10 October 1891, page 6c,
19 November 1892, page 7c.
Also see Education.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
21 November 1903,
5 December 1908, page 31,
3 October 1914, page 29,
28 September 1918, page 24.
"A School's Viccisitudes" is in the Register,
1 June 1907, page 9a; also see
7 March 1908, page 13d.
Information on its Mother's Club is in The News,
30 May 1929, page 9d.
A photograph of a school fete is in the Chronicle,
26 November 1934, page 34,
of students on
9 March 1933, page 32,
23 March 1933, page 37.
For a description of "shanties" off Currie Street see Register,
30 July 1880, page 2d (supp.).
Also see Housing.
A fire is reported in the Observer,
5 January 1884, page 8d.
Also see Fires.
Reminiscences of early Adelaide appear in the Register,
22 April 1910, page 3g which includes the following anecdote:
In Currie Street I once saw a goat in a cart completely submerged in the
mud, only the head of the animal being visible... Rundle Street in those
days was scarcely known... [it] was studded with gum trees.
A photograph of the Adelaide High School's football team is in the Observer,
3 July 1930, page 31.
Cypress Street
So named because a cypress tree stood at the Wakefield Street corner.