Place Names of South Australia - F
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
- Ferryden Park
- Field, River
- Fifth Creek
- Finchley
- Findon
- Finke, River
- Finlayson, Hundred of
- Finniss Brook
- Finniss
- Finniss Flat
- Finniss, Lower
- Finniss Point
- Finniss, River
- Finniss Springs
- Finniss Vale
Ferryden Park
A subdivision of part section 398, Hundred of Yatala by William Duthie, dairyman of Tam O'Shanter Belt in 1924; its school opened in 1953. There is a seaport named 'Ferryden' in Forfarshire, Scotland from whence the Duthie family emigrated in the 1850s.
General Notes
Its school opened in 1953.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Field, River
Field Creek was maned after Henry Field, an early settler in the Happy Valley District.
The River Onkaparinga was known as the River Field from October 1836 until 1838 when Governor Gawler effected the change. It honours Lt W.G. Field of the Rapid.
General Notes
Biographical information on W.G. Field is in the Register, 22 July 1887, page 3g.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Fifth Creek
Parliamentary Paper 26/1875 shows a school of this name being conducted in a chapel by Ann Humphrey with 28 enrolled pupils.
The district is described in the Register,
15 July 1893, page 6b.
Information on a cricket club is in the Observer,
17 July 1897, page 20d,
6 September 1898, page 4c.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
A subdivision of section 284, Hundred of Adelaide; now included in Magill. John Finlay Duff (1799-1868), the former master of the Africaine gave it the title in 1853. The Register of 7 December 1853 invited:
The public of SA... to take tiffin at Finchley... on the shady borders of the ever-flowing streamlet...
General Notes
"The South Australian Company versus Duff "is reported in the Register,
25 September 1844, page 2c.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - The South Australian Company and Allied Matters.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
The land on which the suburb stands originally comprised sections 393 and 410, granted to George Cortis in 1839, who subdivided it in 1848. Mr Cortis came from Worthing which is adjacent to Findon in Surrey, England.
General Notes
The Observer of 28 April 1849, page 1a carries an advertisement for the Township of Beverley which says, inter alia:
[It] will adjoin the pretty township of Finden [sic] and before long may be expected to unite with Lockleys.
A proposed school is discussed in the Express, 25 July 1899, page 2d:
The residents of Findon said that their children had to walk two, three and sometimes four miles to school. They were not asking for a new school, as the trustees of the Bible Christian Church had a room which they would enlarge for the purpose of a school room...
The laying of the foundation stone of the Bible Christian Church is reported in the Register,
1 April 1879, page 5d.
"The Findon Outrage" is in the Register,
17, 19, 20 and 21 November 1884, pages 6g, 5a, 7c and 7d,
3 December 1884, page 4h,
22 November 1884, pages 8g-21g,
28 February 1885, page 5e.
21 February 1885, page 5,
9 July 1885, page 7c.
The Hurtle Farm Dairy is described in the Advertiser,
18 January 1892, page 6g.
Also see Adelaide - Public Health - Milk Supply.
Larrikinism is reported upon in the Express,
7 December 1893, page 4f.
Also see Adelaide - Larrikinism
Information on a cricket club is in the Express,
20 August 1895, page 4c,
15 May 1896, page 4d.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
"Firearms at Findon" is in the Register,
3 March 1908, page 4e.
Biographical details of Mrs Thomas Hill are in the Register,
21 December 1908, page 4h.
Events surrounding Mrs Hill's 93rd birthday are traversed in the Register,
20 December 1911, page 6h;
an obituary of Mrs Mary Hill is in the Observer,
11 January 1913, page 41a.
A photograph of Vawser's Boiling Down Works is in the Observer,
24 February 1912, page 32.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Farming - Boling Down
"The Diprotodon at Findon" is in the Advertiser,
13 October 1914, page 6e.
Mr H.W. Copas's Findon Nursery is described in The Mail,
19 May 1917, page 11.
Also see Place Names - Wirrabara and Place Names - Lockleys.
Information on a tramway extension is in the Register,
17 April 1923, page 8d and
on the tram service in the Advertiser,
19 June 1926, page 19d.
Also see Adelaide - Transport - Tramways.
A new bridge is reported upon in the Register,
6 May 1926, page 12e.
Findon - Obituaries
An obituary of Oscar Lines is in the Observer,
6 July 1872, page 7f, 1 February 1913, page 41a,
G. Bridgman on 6 December 1919, page 23d.
An obituary of Edwin Smith, "veteran nurseryman", is in the Observer,
6 April 1907, page 38b,
of George Crittenden on 5 December 1908, page 40a.
An obituary of Frederick G. Kelf is in the Register,
24 January 1906, page 5a,
of Mrs May Hill 27 January 1913, page 6i.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finke, River
In the Far North, named by John McD. Stuart on 4 April 1860, 'after my sincere friend William Finke, one of the liberal promoters of the different expeditions I have had the honour to lead'.
General Notes
The death of William Finke is reported in the Observer,
23 January 1864, page 4e,
18 and 20 January 1864, pages 2h and 2e.
Information on the Lutheran Aboriginal Mission is in the Register,
13 and 24 January 1880, pages 5c and 5g,
1 February 1884, page 6e; also see
26 January 1886, page 7a,
1 February 1887, page 6h,
26 February 1892, page 6f,
20 February 1888, page 2f,
1 February 1890, page 4g,
10 May 1890, page 35c,
27 February 1892, page 26a,
26 February 1892, page 3f,
21 January 1893, page 3h,
23 January 1893, page 6d.
The mission was abandoned in 1894 - see Register,
19 June, page 7f,
15 September 1894, page 32e,
1 April 1899, page 18a,
25 March 1899, page 9c,
6 and 10 August 1901, pages 6g and 9a,
23 January 1903, page 3h,
28 April 1905, page 6c.
"The Finke River Trouble" is in the Register, 28 April 1891, page 6c:
Two blacks were alleged by Mounted Constable Willshire to have been shot by trackers in self-defence in a native camp... However, it was further alleged that they were shot by instructions of MC Willshire within 100 yards of the station's kitchen...
Events surrounding the prosecution of Mounted Constable Willshire appear in the Register,
30 April 1891, page 6a,
6 May 1891, page 7e,
24 and 27 July 1891, pages 4g-5g and 7d,
1 and 7 August 1891, pages 7f and 6h.
Also see South Australia - Police.
"At the Head of the Finke", including information on Glen Helen Station, is in the Register,
29 March 1928, page 10a,
5 and 7 April 1928, pages 14d, and 10g.
"Pioneers of the Inland - An Historic Memorial" is in the Register,
29 May 1928, page 13b.
"Early Days in the Great Interior" is in the Register,
5 April 1928, page 14d.
Photographs of floods are in the Observer,
28 May 1921, page 24,
of the first train to cross the river in the Chronicle,
27 October 1928, page 41,
of a flood on
14 December 1933, page 32.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finlayson, Hundred of
John Harvey Finlayson, editor and part proprietor of the Register newspaper.
General Notes
A school of this name was opened as "Petina" in 1915 and had its name changed in the same year; closed in 1942.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Boyle Travers Finniss (1807-1893), who came to South Australia as Assistant Surveyor to Colonel Light. He was Commissioner of Police from 1843-1847 and held many administrative and parliamentary positions from 1847 to 1862.
General Notes
A letter from B.T. Finniss in respect of the foundation of South Australia is in the Express,
15 February 1883, page 2f;
an obituary is in the Advertiser,
25 December 1893, page 5g.
Its school opened in 1869 as "Queens Own Town"; name changed in 1922 and closed in 1970.
An obituary of Ewen Cameron is in the Register,
10 February 1894, page 5c,
of William Bradford on 14 January 1905, page 6h,
of W.S. Rogers on 8 December 1905, page 4i,
of Mrs Lydia Constable in the Observer,
20 September 1924, page 32a.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss Brook
This Adelaide subdivision of 52 allotments is reported in the Advertiser, 17 March 1925, page 12h,
19 March 1925, page 5h:
The vendor's agents sold at a satisfactory figure the majority of the land subdivided into 32 building sites. The balance comprising nearly nine acres, with the quaint old homestead of about 12 rooms, is now available for immediate purchase...
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss Flat
Messrs Keeling and Kirkham are mentioned in the Register,10 July 1865, page 2f together with a report on the construction of a bridge across the River Finniss.
The opening of the structure is reported on
22 and 24 March 1866, pages 2g and 3a.
Its school opened in 1864.
A cricket match against Middleton is reported in the Express,
8 August 1872, page 3b.
Also see South Australia - - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
"Cattle Farming in the South" is in the Register,
1 January 1876, page 7c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Meat.
A report of local stone being used in the erection of new premises of the Bank of New South Wales in Adelaide is reported in the Register, 28 September 1887, page 5b:
As the contractor proceeds with the erection of the Bank of New South Wales the passer-by cannot fail to be struck by the massive, yet light appearance of the building. The stone used in its construction comes from Finniss Flat...
The opening of an Institute is reported in the Register, 24 December 1913, page 10c.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss Point
Parliamentary Paper 19/1869-70 lists it as a school in the Gilbert Valley region with Alfred Gray in charge of 30 enrolled pupils; it opened in 1864 and closed in 1893. The Register of 10 August 1907, page 3f puts it "close to Hamilton".
The murder of two children by Aborigines in 1861 is recounted in the Register,
25 March 1904, page 6c; also see
10 August 1907, page 3f.
The opening of a Wesleyan Chapel is reported in the Register,
18 February 1864, page 2h; also see
15 October 1864, page 3a.
J. Gant's turkey farm is reported upon in the Observer,
11 April 1891, page 11c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Poultry.
An obituary of John Hannaford is in the Register,
31 May 1909, page 6f,
of Thomas Flavel on 8 December 1911, page 6h.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss Springs
They are described by Ernest Giles in the Register,26 July 1859, page 2g.
The finding of fossil remains in the district is reported in the Chronicle,
18 May 1861, page 3c.
Also see Place Names - Callabonna, Lake.
Its school opened in 1940 being sponsored by the United Aborigines Mission; it closed in 1961.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss Vale
"Native Marble" is in the Register,28 April 1856, page 3h. Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Building Stone
A report on Joseph Grundy's marble quarries is in the Register,
21 July 1868, page 3c.
Information on the school is in the Register,
30 September 1861, page 3d.
School examinations are reported in the Register,
28 December 1865, page 2f,
26 December 1867, page 3b,
30 December 1865, page 8b,
26 December 1868, page 5d.
In addition to the information in Manning's Place Names of South Australia, records in the Department of Education show Finniss Vale School opening in 1891 and having its name changed to "Hildesheim" in 1892 and "Punthari" in 1918 - closed in 1954.
The opening of the Anacotilla Creek bridge is reported in the Register,
21 September 1863, page 3f.
"Native truffles" are discussed in the Register,
9 November 1865, page 2e.
A letter from the school teacher is in the Observer,
29 December 1866, page 1e (supp.).
A horse race meeting is reported in the Chronicle,
11 January 1868, page 9f.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
A report of a cricket match, Finniss Vale versus Talisker is in the Chronicle,
3 June 1871, page 6g;
versus Yankalilla in the Register,
5 April 1872, page 6d.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss, Lower
The opening of a new Wesleyan Chapel is reported in the Register, 7 March 1856, page 3h:-
A new Wesleyan Chapel was opened on 24 February 1856 when three sermons were preached to excellent and attentive congregations... It is well built of timber and lime...
Parliamentary Paper 26/1875 shows the Lower Finniss School being conducted by Alexander Douglas with 26 enrolled pupils; it opened in 1863 and closed in 1877.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale
Place Names
Finniss, River
The Register, 28 April 1856, page 5 says:-
On 5 December 1879 a new bridge across the river was opened by Mr. A.J. Batt, Clerk of Works, and on behalf of the oldest resident, Mrs Collett, named the structure, the Willow Bridge... The bridge will prove a great convenience for settlers taking their produce to either Port Victor or Strathalbyn, as it spans the new road which has recently been made...
An obituary of Arthur Tucker is in the Register,
1 March 1910, page 7a.
"Sport at Finniss River" is in The Mail,
16 May 1925, page 17a.
Ferryden Park - Finniss Vale