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    South Australia - Crime, Law and Punishment


    Lawyers and Solicitors

    "Our First Criminal Court" is in the Observer,
    18 April 1925, page 49a.

    "The Battle of the Wigs" is in the Observer,
    5 September 1846, page 2c,
    "Barristers' Wigs" in the Express,
    14 March 1877, page 3b.

    "Professional Delinquency" is in the Observer,
    3 November 1849, page 2c.

    "Reform of the Bar" is in the Observer,
    30 November 1850, page 2d.

    "The Lawyers and the Legislative Council" is in the Observer,
    25 September 1852, page 7a,
    "Licence of Counsel" on
    29 August 1857, page 1c (supp.).

    A public testimonial to H.P. Minchin, SM, is in the Observer,
    8 September 1860, page 7g.

    A comment on a lawyers' petition about the Real c Act is in the Observer,
    17 November 1860, page 6f.

    "Libelling the Profession" is in the Observer,
    18 May 1861, page 6e.

    "Lawyers' Bills" is in the Observer,
    14 January 1865, page 3c (supp.).

    "The Case of Mr Palmer" is in the Express,
    26 October 1867, page 2b,
    "The Bar and the Press" in the Observer,
    20 March 1869, page 13f.

    A poem titled "The Barrister" is in The Lantern,
    4 September 1908, page 9.

    Biographical details of James M. Stuart and James G. Russell, Crown Solicitors, are in the Register,
    14 August 1889, page 6h.

    "Alleged Frauds by a Solicitor" is in the Register,
    2 and 3 January 1893, pages 6g and 7b.

    "Queen's Counsel" is in the Register,
    7 September 1893, page 5b.

    The legal profession is scrutinised in the Advertiser,
    20 December 1893, page 6i,
    11 January 1894, page 6f.
    "Layman or Lawyer", an editorial on the Real Property Act appears on
    7 February 1894, pages 4e-7a:

    Biographical details of James M. Stuart, Crown Solicitor, are in the Observer,
    31 August 1895, page 16a,
    of A.J. McLachlan, lawyer, in the Register,
    10 July 1899, page 5a,
    of J.H. Sinclair on
    17 August 1899, page 5c.

    "A QC Fined for Assault" is in the Register,
    4 March 1896, pages 3d-4g-5a,
    7 March 1896, page 16c.
    Information on Paris Nesbit, QC, is in the Register,
    11 June 1885, page 4h,
    3 August 1885, page 5b,
    7 September 1893, page 5b,
    25 February 1898, pages 4h-5b-5h,
    11 March 1898, page 4h,
    10 May 1898, pages 4h-7d,
    22 and 28 June 1898, pages 3g and 7d,
    6 August 1902, page 8f,
    27 August 1902, page 3f,
    26 November 1904, page 7c,
    17 May 1905, page 4e,
    5 April 1909, page 4f,
    5 March 1898, page 28c,
    3 August 1907, page 41a,
    10 April 1909, page 45d.

    "The Labour Party and Mr Nesbit" is in the Register,
    30 July 1907, page 5e.
    "Why Mr Nesbit Left the Labour Party" is in the Register,
    20 April 1911, page 6h,
    22 April 1911, page 40e.

    "Sir John Downer and Mr Paris Nesbit" is in the Register,
    16 October 1907, page 7e.

    "Mr Nesbit and the SPCA" is in the Register,
    8 June 1914, page 17c,
    "Mr Nesbit v Treasurer" on
    5 July 1922, page 7d; also see
    The Critic,
    7 December 1921, page 5.
    Mr Nesbit's reminiscences, are in The News,
    1 January 1924, page 10a,
    17 and 24 May 1926, page 9a,
    28 February 1927, page 9f;
    his obituary appears on
    1 and 2 April 1927, pages 9d and 15f; also see
    1 April 1927, page 14f.
    "Memories of Paris Nesbit", by N.A. Webb, is in The News,
    8 April 1927, page 8e.

    "Lawyers and Fees" is in the Advertiser,
    11 August 1898, page 6h,
    "Lawyers and Their Fees" in the Register,
    10 June 1905, page 4g.

    "Justice in the Early Days", by Arthur Hardy is in the Register,
    12 November 1906, page 6a,
    "Death of Mr Arthur Hardy - South Australia's Oldest Lawyer" is in the Advertiser,
    14 July 1909, page 9g; also see
    17 July 1909, page 41b.

    A New KC - Mr E.E. Cleland Appointed" is in the Observer,
    4 January 1913, page 42b.

    "Struck off the Roll - A Dark and Sordid Story" is in the Observer,
    14 June 1913, page 45a.

    "Are Lawyers Bullies" is in the Register,
    28 August 1913, page 6c.

    Reminiscences of "A Fine Old Lawyer", W. Benham, are in the Register,
    4 July 1914, page 16e and
    those of T.R. Bright on
    22 and 28 June 1922, pages 8c and 8b,
    4, 8 and 15 July 1922, pages 8d, 9g and 10e.

    Biographical details of Mr F.W. Richards are in the Express,
    20 December 1915, page 3g,

    "A Lawyer's Honour [W.V. Smith]" is in the Register,
    18 September 1895, page 4h.

    Biographical details of J.H. Symon, QC, are in the Observer,
    13 November 1897, page 16a,
    1 April 1899, page 16a,
    of J.H. Sinclair on
    19 August 1899, page 30a,
    of C.J. Dashwood, KC and G.J.R. Murray, KC, on
    28 July 1906, page 28a,
    of F.G. Hicks on
    25 December 1915, page 22c,
    of F.W. Richards, Crown Solicitor, on
    1 January 1916, page 32d,
    of W.J. Isbister, KC, and Angas Parsons, KC, on
    15 April 1916, page 41d,
    of L. von Doussa on
    3 December 1921, page 31d,
    of C.A. Sandery on
    10 April 1926, page 49e.

    "Lawyers and Witnesses" is in the Register,
    2 July 1898, page 4f.

    "Lawyers and Fees" is in the Advertiser,
    11 August 1898, page 6h,
    "Lawyers and Their Fees" in the Register,
    10 June 1905, page 4g.

    Biographical details of Alexander Buchanan, SM, are in the Register,
    13 August 1903, page 4i,
    13 October 1911, page 7e,
    of J. Taylor Mellor on
    8 September 1903, page 5a,
    of H.C. Swan, SM, and J.P. Stow, SM, on
    15 June 1904, page 7a,
    of Thomas Gepp, SM, on
    4 August 1904, page 4h.
    "Lawyers and Their Costs" is in the Register,
    10 September 1903, page 6f.

    Biographical details of J.M. Stuart, KC, and T.J.S. O'Halloran, SM, are in the Register,
    9 June 1905, page 6a,
    of C.J. Dashwood, KC, on
    19 July 1906, page 5c,
    of G.J.R. Murray, KC, on
    19 July 1906, page 5c,
    of F.G. Scammell and S.H. Skipper on
    23 November 1907, page 9f,
    of R.J. Rudall on
    28 February 1908, page 6h,
    of E.B. Grundy, KC, on
    20 October 1910, page 7d.

    "Justice in the Early Days", by Arthur Hardy, is in the Register,
    12 November 1906, page 6a,
    "Death of Mr Arthur Hardy - South Australia's Oldest Lawyer" is in the Advertiser,
    14 July 1909, page 9g; also see
    17 July 1909, page 41b.

    Biographical details of R.J. Rudall are in the Observer,
    7 March 1908, page 46d,
    of J.R. Anderson, KC, and A.W. Piper, KC, on
    15 April 1911, page 41b,
    of E.E. Cleland, KC, on
    4 January 1913, page 42b,
    of Harry Thomson on
    2 August 1913, page 34d,
    of Angas Parsons, KC, on
    1 January 1921, page 30a,
    of W.H. Wadey, SM, on
    23 July 1921, page 30b,
    of R.G. Nesbit, SM, on
    14 August 1926, page 47d,
    of O.H. Schomburgk, sheriff, on
    19 May 1928, page 21b.

    "King's Counsel" is in the Register,
    13 and 15 October 1908, pages 6c and 7d.

    Biographical details of William Barlow are in the Register,
    1 August 1910, page 7a,
    of F.J. Gillen, SM, on
    21 February 1912, page 6i,
    of Thomas Gepp, SM, on
    16 April 1912, page 5a,
    of S.J. Mitchell, SM, on
    24 May 1912, page 5c,
    of J.R. Anderson, KC, on
    8 April 1913, page 8c.

    Biographical details of T.W. Fleming and W.H. Wadey are in the Observer,
    27 April 1912, page 54e,
    of F.J. Gillen, SM, on
    24 February 1912, page 46e,
    of S.J. Mitchell, SM, on
    25 May 1912, page 38c.

    "A New KC - Mr E.E. Cleland Appointed" is in the Observer,
    4 January 1913, page 42b.

    "Struck off the Roll - A Dark and Sordid Story" is in the Observer,
    14 June 1913, page 45a.

    Biographical details of Harry Thomson are in the Register,
    28 July 1913, page 6e,
    of Francis G. Hicks on
    20 December 1915, page 6g,
    of F.W. Richards on
    24 December 1915, page 4g.

    "Are Lawyers Bullies?" is in the Register,
    28 August 1913, page 6c.

    Reminiscences of "A Fine Old Lawyer", W. Benham, are in the Register,
    4 July 1914, page 16e and
    those of T.R. Bright on
    22 and 28 June 1922, pages 8c and 8b,
    4, 8 and 15 July 1922, pages 8d, 9g and 10e.

    Biographical details of E.M. Sabine are in the Observer,
    5 June 1915, page 32c,
    Information on Mr E.M. Sabine, special magistrate, is inThe News,
    9 August 1928, page 18b.

    Biographical details of W.J. Isbister and H.A. Parsons, K C's, are in the Register,
    7 April 1916, page 5b,
    of E.B. Grundy, KC, on
    20 April 1916, page 5a,
    of Noel A. Webb, SM, on
    30 September 1916, page 9b.,
    of D.C. Scott, SM, on
    24 and 25 August 1917, pages 4f and 6g,
    of H.A. Shierlaw on
    13 September 1917, page 6e,
    of J.T. Keats, SM, on
    14 September 1917, page 6g,
    of G.W. Halcombe, SM, on
    19 October 1917, page 6g,
    14 October 1921, page 9h,
    of C.R. Hardy on
    25 June 1918, page 4h.,
    of T.R. Bright on
    6 March 1919, page 6h,
    of T. Hewitson, SM, on
    1 March 1923, page 11c,
    of Stuart D. Ronald, SM, on
    15 March 1923, page 8g.

    Biographical details of A.W. Piper, KC, are in the Observer,
    16 September 1916, page 30d,
    of Peter Pendlebury on
    11 November 1916, page 34c,
    of S.J. Mitchell on
    9 February 1918, page 33d,
    of A.J. Hannan on
    23 February 1918, page 28c,
    of E.M. Sabine on
    2 March 1918, page 28b,
    of D.C. Scott, SM, on
    2 March 1918, page 28b,
    of J.T. Hewitson, SM, on
    30 March 1918, page 28c,
    of T. Slaney Poole, KC, on
    27 September 1919, page 20b.
    of F. Villeneuve Smith, KC, on
    27 September 1919, page 23a,
    of Donald Kerr on
    29 November 1919, page 28d,
    of W.G. Stretton, SM, on
    17 January 1920, page 31c.

    "The Late Commissioner [J.G.] Russell" is in the Register,
    7 January 1918, pages 6d-7c.

    "South Australia's King's Counsel" is in the Register,
    30 September 1919, page 6f,
    4 October 1919, page 31b.

    Biographical details of E.B. Grundy, KC, are in the Register,
    30 December 1919, page 4h,
    of A.J. Ollson on
    25 July 1921, page 8c,
    of H.K. Paine, SM, on
    2 December 1921, page 8f,
    22 October 1926, page 9e,
    of Duncan Fraser, SM, on
    5 June 1924, page 6g,
    of H.D. Gell, SM, on
    16 April 1925, page 10d,
    of Edwin J. Cox on
    22 May 1925, page 9b.

    Biographical details of F.W.Richards, KC, and J.M. Napier, KC, are in the Observer,
    17 September 1921, page 15a,
    of J.H. Sinclair, SM, on
    1 October 1921, page 28b,
    of William Pope on
    1 September 1923, page 39e,
    of Hillary Boucaut on
    11 April 1925, page 36c,
    of H.D. Gell, SM, on
    25 April 1925, page 47c,
    of Misses Mary Kitson and D.C. Somerville on
    9 May 1925, page 54a,
    of W. Hall, magistrate, on
    15 August 1925, page 39e,
    of S.D. Ronald, SM, on
    22 January 1927, page 47e,
    of Francis Davison on
    28 April 1928, page 49d,
    of R.R. St.C. Chamberlain on
    1 September 1928, page 43e.

    "Barristers and Solicitors - A Division Suggested" is in the Register,
    6 June 1923, page 9c,
    9 June 1923, page 16a.

    "The Price of Justice" is in The News,
    2 May 1924, page 6f.

    "Legal Memories - Big Men of the Bar" is in the Register,
    26 February 1925, page 11g.

    Biographical details of C.A. Sandery and E.L. Stevens are in the Register,
    1 April 1926, page 13c,
    of Clare S. Harris, Bernard Griff, F.S. Hodby, Anthony Harper, F.L. Collison, John M. Hague, A.L. Pickering, B.J.W. Kearney, John S. Hardy and Evan A. Goode on
    26 April 1926, page 8g,
    of H.G.P. Nesbit and S.D. Ronald on
    14 January 1927, page 10b.

    Biographical details of M.J. McLeay, P.J. Christie, S.H. Lewis, G.D. Rollison, W. Donnithorne and J.F. McCarthy are in the Register,
    25 April 1927, page 10d.,
    of Rupert Ingleby, KC, and R.W. Bennett, KC, on
    28 June 1927, page 9g,
    of Eric Millhouse on
    17 August 1927, page 8h.,
    of F.G. Scammell on
    3 September 1927.

    "Law and Lawyers" is in the Register,
    22 and 28 October 1926, pages 10h and 12a; also see
    22 and 23 October 1926, pages 14f and 16b.

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