Place Names of South Australia - XYZ
Yaranyacka - York
- Yaranyacka
- Yararoo
- Yarcowie
- Yardea
- Yarrah
- Yarrah Vale
- Yarrah, Hundred of
- Yarrahville
- Yarrama
- Yarrawarra
- Yarroo
- Yarrowie
- Yartoo
- Yarwood
- Yatala
- Yatina
- Yatta
- Yattagolinga
- Yattalunga
- Yednalue
- Yeelanna
- Yelta
- Yeltukka
- Yeltacowie
- Yerlo
- Yettie Creek
- Yetto East
- Yilke
- Yinkanie
- Yongala
- York
Corrupted from the Aboriginal yakkara - 'plain' or 'level country'.
General Notes
The school opened in 1881 and became "Lipson" in 1909; it closed in 1950.
See Register,
30 June 1883, page 6c for information on the school and
22 June 1885, page 3h for the trials and tribulations of the teacher, Mr Poole.
A Show is reported in the Chronicle,
8 October 1904, page 40.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
An obituary of W.J. Wishart is in the Register,
14 March 1919, page 6h.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The name was taken from pastoral lease no. 77 taken up and named by William Sharples in 1851 'at the head of St. Vincent Gulf.'
General Notes
An obituary of Miss Sarah Slatter is in the Register,
30 August 1927, page 13c.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
(See Place Names - Whyte-Yarcowie..)
General Notes
The district is described in the Register,
5 November 1872, page 7a.
- Most of the habitations are of a temporary character. A few farmers have got as far as building pine or stone huts but many live for the present in "burrows" or in frail shanties hurriedly run up to serve until there is leisure for building more substantial structures. Wells have been successfully sunk on some of the farms... [The water] is slightly brackish but still perfectly usable... There is a pretty fair road to the Burra but a few cuttings are wanted to make it easier for travel and some creeks need attention to make them safer...
2 April 1874, page 6f.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
Information on the Catholic Church is in the Observer,
27 November 1875, page 7g.
Its water supply is discussed in the Observer,
20 January 1877, page 10g.
Also see South Australia - Water Conservation.
The town is described in the Register,
10 November 1875, page 7b,
20 November 1880, page 6f.
A horse race meeting is reported in the Register,
23 March 1876, page 6f,
8 January 1883, page 3c.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
The school opened in 1877 and closed in 1880.
The opening of the Catholic Church is reported in the Register,
12 September 1877, page 5c.
Its first Show is reported in the Register,
9 October 1877 (supp.), page 6a; also see
19 October 1877, page 6d.
Also see South Australia - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs W. Lock is reported in the Register,
22 June 1906, page 4h.
An obituary of William H. Thomas is in the Observer,
8 May 1920, page 20d,
of G.R. Mudge on 7 April 1923, page 35b.
Field trials are reported in the Observer,
30 October 1909, page 14b,
23 and 29 August 1923, pages 12f and 4f.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'place of rushes'.
General Notes
An Aboriginal disturbance is reported in the Chronicle,
31 August 1872, page 7a.
- As many overseers and others have to ride a long distance to the post office at Yardea, it has caused much trouble and annoyance as several parties are visiting their winter runs with large flocks of sheep and have to ride a long distance to Yardea for the mail. The blacks have been troublesome here lately, robbing tents and huts and cleaning out the poor shepherds of rations and clothes...
8 January 1879, page 5d.
A photograph of a mail coach is in the Observer,
18 February 1911, page 32.
Also see South Australia - Transport - Horse Coaches.
A horse race meeting is reported in the Chronicle,
4 January 1890, page 13c.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
George Main's obituary is in the Register,
7 January 1905, page 7c.
The area and station are reported upon in the Advertiser,
22 April 1898, page 6f,
20 October 1906, page 8d;
26 January 1924, page 16d,
16 May 1925, page 6a;
a photograph is in the Chronicle,
27 October 1906, page 30,
27 November 1909, page 30.
The sale of the station and historical information is in the Register on
22 and 26 October 1926, pages 11f and 13a,
16 November 1926, page 12h,
The News,
28 October 1926, page 13c.
6 November 1926, page 39c.
Photographs are in the Observer,
3 November 1928, page 36.
The reminiscences of A.W. Cock are in the Register,
27 June 1924, page 4a,
5 July 1924, page 28d; also see
13 September 1924, page 17b.
An obituary of Thomas Mitchell, the founder of the SA Farmers' Coop Union, is in the Observer,
15 August 1908, pages 40d-45b.
The experiences of Mr A.W. Cocks are recounted in the Observer,
5 July 1924, page 28d.
A photograph of camels carting hay is in the Chronicle,
28 February 1935, page 32.
"Cricket at Yardea" is in the Register,
19 August 1927, page 7d,
11 August 1928, page 5e.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Yarrah Vale
This school existed from 1886 until 1888.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Yarrah, Hundred of
A word the Aborigines applied to a variety of trees.
General Notes
A ploughing match on Mr Joyce's farm is reported in the Advertiser,
4 September 1883, page 7c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Ploughing Matches.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The school opened in 1892 and closed in 1919.
An obituary of J.F.L. Bandt is in the Register,
24 August 1905, page 5b,
9 September 1905, page 6c.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
"The little galvanised-iron church at Yarraville [sic]" is mentioned in the Register,18 October 1924, page 11g.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Photographs of the school are in the Chronicle,29 August 1929, page 37.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The City of Port Adelaide's Mayor's Report of 1944/45 defines it as a subdivision of section 1172, Hundred of Port Adelaide; now included in Ottoway, while the Department of Lands describes it in Deposited Plan no. 2135 (unnamed) and certificate of title, volume 900, folio 145 and being created by George Howell in 1913.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
This name was given to a property on Yorke Peninsula by William Fowler;it is described in the Register,
19 March 1874, page 5e.
- In getting to the spot from Maitland the traveller has to pass through some 25 miles of almost unbroken mallee scrub, and having to follow the one track, which is the only feasible way save to an experienced bushman... Mr Fowler's house is situated in an opening in a range of hills... the houses at Port Wakefield are visible in the morning and evening when the sun's rays fall obliquely upon them. Mr Fowler had last year 1,000 acres under crop with wheat and reaped nine bushels per acre...
Place Names
The Observer of 16 June 1877 held high hopes when it concluded, 'the township [now known as Appila] bids fair to become eventually as large as any in the north'.
General Notes
The town is described in the Chronicle,
29 August 1874, page 13e.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Wesleyan Chapel is reported in the Register,
4 December 1874, page 5b.
A ploughing match is reported in the Chronicle,
18 September 1875, page 13c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Ploughing Matches.
The school opened in 1876 and became "Appila-Yarrowie" in 1880 and "Appila" in 1918.
Information on the local water supply is in the Register,
17 January 1877, page 6g.
Also see South Australia - Water Conservation.
Its first agricultural show is reported in the Register,
9 October 1877, page 2g (supp.); also see
19 October 1877, page 6d.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
The town is described in the Register,
21 February 1878, page 6c-f.
- There are a large hotel, bank, saddler's shop, store, mill, blacksmith, a large and handsome Roman Catholic Church and a Wesleyan Chapel, a school and other buildings... Yarcowie looks forward to being connected to the rest of the world by railway... Between 70,000 and 80,000 bushels of wheat have already been purchased this season in Yarrowie either for milling or transmission to the railway...
9 January 1879 (supp.), page 1b;
9 January 1886, page 34b.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Athletics and Gymnastics.
The opening of a public hall is reported in the Observer,
28 July 1888, page 33a.
A photograph of debutantes is in the Chronicle,
15 June 1933, page 34.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'good, very good'.
General Notes
The property is described in the Advertiser,
22 April 1898, page 6f,
30 April 1898, page 2b,
15 January 1924, page 9f;
historical information is in the Observer,
2 and 16 February 1924, pages 49b and 17d,
14 January 1928, page 22d.
- James Hiern was granted the first lease and he sold his rights to John Hirst, with whom A.M. Wooldridge was associated, Eventually the lease was forfeited and gazetted for application. At 10 o'clock when the Government offices opened G. Main of Acraman & Co and A.M Wooldridge were both there and simultaneously made application. They had to draw lots for the lease and Wooldridge was successful... he named it ?artoo, a native word meaning "good, very good".
The sale of the town is reported in the Register,6 August 1858, page 3h,
7 August 1858, page 4h.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
A Kaurna tribal word meaning 'water running by the side of a river'. In winter, when water flowed from the hills, over the plains, the Dry Creek area became a morass.
General Notes
Parliamentary Paper 24/1874 shows it as a school being conducted in a dwelling-house by Kate G. Cooney with 48 enrolled pupils;
it opened in 1873 and closed in 1876.
The smelter in the Village of Yatala is described in the South Australian,
26 September 1848, page 2a,
17 July 1849, page 2e,
21 August 1849, page 2b; also see
SA Gazette & Mining Journal,
25 January 1849, page 2d,
24 March 1849, page 2e,
18 July 1864, page 2d,
23 July 1864, page 4f,
30 July 1870, page 5a.
- The Yatala Smelting Works are now in the course of erection by a company, for the purpose of our townsman, Mr Davy's patent invention for smelting copper ores. Mr Osmond Gilles presented to the company ten acres of land, near Albert Town, for the purpose of building the works. These are situated close to the present road from the northern mines to the Port...
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs W. Davidson is reported in theRegister,
2 September 1921, page 8h.
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs Alfred G. Badcock is reported in the Register,
20 and 21 July 1926, pages 13g and 8i (photo.),
of Mr & Mrs Pollnitz on 5 October 1928, page 8g.
An obituary of Daniel Jones is in the Register,
15 October 1926, page 10a,
of Alfred E. Barlow on 2 September 1927, page 8h.
An obituary of A.G. Badcock is in the Observer,
26 May 1928, page 49e.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Bible Christian Church is reported in the Register,
7 April 1880, page 5b.
The sale of a "new town" of Yatala East is advertised in the Register on
30 October 1911, page 3f.
Yatala - The Prison
(Also see Place Names - Stockade and Adelaide - Goals, Reformatories and the Law.)
"The New Convict Establishment at Dry Creek" is in the Observer,
29 July 1854, page 11c,
"Report on the Free Labour Station" on
26 January 1856, page 4e (supp.); also see
23 February 1856, page 6d,
1 August 1857, page 6g.
- In August last the government was embarrassed by the large number of able-bodied destitute men requiring relief through inability to gain employment.. [A scheme was approved] and it consisted simply in making a road to and stripping a vast quarry, and quarrying stone and preparing metal for sale at Northfield, north of the convict quarry at the Dry Creek, where I erected five large booth tents, capable of containing 250 men with raised sleeping bunks, tables and seats...
13 February 1858, page 6f,
9 July 1910, page 12h.
"Convicts in Church" is in the Register,
11 September 1911, page 14c.
Information on the "new labour prison" is in the Chronicle,
28 August 1858, page 5b and
19 March 1859, page 2d.
The gaol is described in the Observer,
22 February 1862, page 6c; also see
11 May 1870, page 3e,
5 September 1871, page 2b.
Also see Register,
2 March 1872, page 4e,
22 August 1872, page 4e,
27 March 1874, page 4f,
21 June 1873, page 8c,
20 March 1875, page 13d,
10 February 1877, page 13e,
27 January 1877, page 4h,
5 April 1878, page 5d,
4 August 1877, page 4b.
"The Dry Creek Prison" is in the Chronicle,
8 and 15 October 1881, pages 5f and 5e,
26 November 1881, page 5f,
17 December 1881, page 6d.
"The Yatala Labour Prison - By a Casual Visitor" is in the Register,
5 February 1883, page 6d,
17 February 1883, page 43a.
"Typhoid Fever at Yatala" is in the Chronicle,
3 January 1885, page 12g.
Also see South Australia - Health - Fevers - Typhoid.
Information on the gaol is in the Observer,
17 February 1883, page 43a,
19 June 1886, page 7c,
8 November 1890, page 5d.
Information on a prison library is in the Register,
6 December 1884, page 5f.
An inspection by the city corporation is reported in the Register,
16 June 1886, page 7e; also see
3 September 1888, page 7h.
"Escape of a Prisoner" is in the Chronicle,
9 August 1890, pages 6e-22g.
"Christmas Day at the Yatala Stockade" is in the Observer,
3 January 1891, page 34e,
"Christmas in the Labour Prison" is in the Register,
27 December 1890, page 5f,
28 December 1892, page 6e.
"Christmas in Prison" is in The Mail,
15 December 1928, page 5c.
Also see South Australia - The Colony - Christmas in South Australia.
Information on the Prison-Aid Association is in the Register,
30 January 1895, page 6f,
4 February 1896, page 7d,
21 January 1898, page 6e,
13 January 1899, page 7d,
19 December 1900, page 8a,
12 November 1903, page 9g,
2 February 1906, page 7f,
13 and 14 May 1907, pages 4c and 7d,
1 and 2 March 1912, pages 4c and 5g,
18 April 1912, page 4d,
5 February 1913, page 9e,
18 and 24 July 1914, pages 18c and 6e,
5 and 7 February 1915, pages 4b and 8f-14e,
4 and 7 February 1916, pages 4c and 7c,
10 and 13 February 1917, pages 8g-12a and 6d,
5 March 1917, page 9f,
21 September 1917, page 4i,
8 and 9 February 1918, pages 4c and 10a,
1 February 1919, page 10d,
3 and 4 February 1920, pages 6b and 6g-10a,
12 November 1923, page 11f,
17 March 1926, page 12e,
23 March 1927, page 10f.
Biographical details of R.H. Edmunds, Superintendent of Labour Prisons, are in the Observer,
14 March 1896, page 16c and
an obituary in the Register,
13 February 1917, page 4f.
Biographical details of R.H. Edmunds, superintendent, are in the Register,
15 June 1904, page 7d.
"Escapes From the Labour Prison" is in the Register,
31 December 1897 page 3d,
8 January 1898, page 5d.
"Light in Dark Places" is in the Chronicle,
27 May 1893, page 22g,
"A Visit of Inspection" on
12 April 1902, page 33c.
"Happy Memories" is in the Register,
20 December 1898, page 5b.
"Prison Diet" is in the Register,
17 February 1904, page 4g.
"Dash for Liberty - Nine Prisoners Escape" is in the Register,
12 March 1904, page 5a,
19 March 1904, page 36b.
"A Much-Needed Reform" is in the Register,
10 August 1904, page 4d.
"Prison Problems" is in the Register,
31 August 1904, page 4e.
"Escape from the Stockade" is in the Register,
18, 19 and 21 November 1904, pages 5c, 6f and 4i.
Information on the prison is in the Register,
13 June 1905, page 7f.
"Reformation of Prisoners" is in the Observer,
12 August 1905, page 38a.
"The Yatala Prison - Need of Reform - By One Who Has Been There" is in the Advertiser,
3 and 8 March 1906, pages 4a and 6f,
"Life at Yatala - An Inmate's Impressions" in The Mail,
18 August 1917, page 4c; also see
29 September 1917, page 7d,
24 November 1917, page 2f.
"A Guard and an Escaped Prisoner" is in the Register,
8 June 1906, page 6g.
"Gaols and Prisons" is in the Register,
7 July 1906, page 11b.
"Disloyal Guards - Collusion With Prisoners" is in the Register,
18 March 1907, page 5c,
"Disloyalty of Guards" is in the Chronicle,
23 March 1907, page 41d.
An article by a former inmate is in The Gadfly,
26 August 1908, page 4.
"Classification of Prisoners" is in the Register,
5 July 1907, page 7c.
"Men in Gaol" is in the Register,
17 February 1908, page 4b.
"Gaols and Prisons" is in the Register,
24 July 1908, page 8f.
"Twelve Months' Review" is in the Register,
23 July 1909, page 5f; also see
18 October 1909, page 9g.
"Good Cheer at the Stockade" is in the Register,
5 January 1910, page 6g.
"A Bullet in the Neck - A Prisoner Sued for Damages" is in the Register,
6 April 1911, page 8a.
"Misbehaviour in Gaol" is in the Register,
29 June 1911, page 6f.
"The Escaped Prisoner - Still at Large" is in the Register,
3, 4 and 7 October 1911, pages 6b, 7e and 15a.
Biographical details of Thomas Farrell, gaol superintendent, are in the Register,
1 July 1912, page 6h.
Biographical details of H.R. Buxton, head warder, are in the Register,
20 November 1914, page 4g.
An obituary of William Molloy, prison superintendent, is in the Register,
12 October 1915, page 4i,
16 October 1915, page 46b,
of R.H. Edmunds, prison superintendent, on 17 February 1917, page 16e,
of G.W.H. Norcock, superintendent, on 26 March 1921, page 34b;
also see Register, 28 January 1916, page 4g.
"Stockade Robbery" is in the Register,
2 May 1913, page 6g.
"Wages for the Prisoners" is in the Chronicle,
14 July 1917, page 13d.
"Behind Prison Bars - Fifteen Months Hard Labour" is in the Register,
28 December 1918, page 9h.
"Changes at Yatala - Forty Years of Prison Life", the reminiscences of George W.H. Norcock, is in The Mail,
10 July 1920, page 2d,
"Down in the Quarries" on
25 June 1921, page 2d.
"Musical Comedy at Yatala" is in the Advertiser,
12 November 1923, page 10d,
"Conduct of Yatala Labor Prison" on
7 May 1929, page 16a.
"Service at the Stockade" is in the Register,
29 December 1920, page 6f.
"The Escaped Prisoners" is in the Register,
21, 27 and 28 October 1921, pages 7c, 7a and 7b.
"Yatala Stockade Sensation" is in the Observer,
15 and 22 July 1922, pages 34a and 30a; also see
14, 18, 19 and 20 July 1922, pages 7c, 5f, 7c and 7c.
"Lifetime in Gaol" is in the Register,
4 December 1922, page 9g.
"Yatala Prison Guards - The Charges of Brutality" is in the Register,
4 September 1923, page 11f; also see
21 September 1923, page 9f.
"Life in Yatala Described" is in The News,
8 and 12 September 1923, pages 7a and 8f,
"Sabbath Days at Yatala" on
3 December 1923, page 6e,
"Sunday at Yatala" on
27 September 1926, page 6c; also see
The News,
11 September 1933, page 4f.
"What Hard Labor Means" is in The News,
13 August 1924, page 8e,
"Hidden Secrets of Yatala Gaol" is in The Mail,
1 November 1924, page 1a,
"Prison Life Described" is in The News,
21 November 1924, page 6e,
"Peep at Yatala Stockade" on
5 October 1925, page 6d.
"Prison Laxity" is in the Register,
17 and 18 June 1925, pages 8d and 8e.
"Yatala Stockade Report" is in the Register,
21, 22, 24, 25 and 26 August 1925, pages 10h, 11g, 13a, 15e and 11h; also see
28 July 1926, page 11f.
"Daring Escape from Yatala" is in the Observer,
12 and 19 June 1926, pages 37a and 48c.
"The Story of an Ex-Prisoner - Behind the Scenes at Yatala" is in the Register,
17 July 1926, page 9h.
"Who Killed Guard Jolly?" is in the Register,
23 October 1926, page 10a,
30 October 1926, page 47a.
"Escaped From Yatala" is in the Register,
21 and 24 October 1927, pages 9d and 8f.
"Prison Reforms Are Necessary at Yatala" is in the Observer,
23 February 1929, page 16a.
"The Human Side of Yatala - By an Ex-Prisoner" is in The Mail,
9, 16, 23 and 30 March 1929, pages 28d,
11, 30 and 10f-23,
13 April 1929, page 3c,
20 July 1929, page 3g.
"Yatala Prisoners Make Their Own Keys" is in the Register,
19, 20, 21 and 27 June 1929, pages 2c, 6c, 2a and 3e.
"The State of Yatala Prison" is in the Observer,
11 May 1929, page 39c.
"The Truth About Yatala" is in the Observer,
10 and 17 August 1929, pages 13d-43d-48a and 19c.
Information on the prison's vegetable garden is in The News,
20 January 1930, page 6d.
"Yatala Prisoners Escape" is in the Register,
29 January 1930, page 2a; also see
24, 25, 28 and 29 July 1930, pages 4a, 3e-4a, 4a and 4a,
2 August 1930, page 4a,
14 January 1931, page 2a.
"Uproar at Yatala" is in the Register,
4 April 1930, page 3a,
10 April 1930, pages 62a; also see
24 July 1930, page 14a,
25 September 1930, page 28c.
"Place for Holiday" is in the Register,
21 July 1930, page 2b.
"Prison Life Thirty Years Ago and Now" is in The Mail,
2 May 1931, page 2a.
"Sport for Prisoners" is in The Mail,
24 February 1934, page 4e.
"In Defence of Yatala" is in The News,
12 and 18 October 1934, pages 5f and 10d.
"When Chains Rattled at Yatala" is in The News,
9 October 1935, page 4f,
"Don'ts for Convicts" on
6 November 1935, page 4f.
"Making Punishment Fit the Crime" is in The News,
11 July 1936, page 4d.
"Empty Cells at Yatala" is in the Advertiser,
14 January 1937, page 14f.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The Aboriginal name of a black rock in the vicinity.
General Notes
A ploughing match is described in the Register,
1 October 1875, page 7f.
Its first ploughing match and Show is reported in the Chronicle,
22 September 1877, page 22a; also see
21 October 1880, page 6f,
22 October 1881, page 13d,
5 October 1883, page 6g.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Ploughing Matches and
South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
A failure of crops is reported in the Observer,
21 October 1876, page 4g.
- A meeting of selectors was held in Nott's Hotel, Yatina... to ascertain the intentions of the government towards the farmers as regards the payment of the installment of interest falling due next year, in view of the lamentable failure of the crops in the district this season... Mr R. Nutt said that the cost of land in the district had averaged about 30 shillings an acre to the farmers and the squatters had their land much cheaper. While the farmers had to pay from 20 to 40 per square mile for their land, the squatters got it for something like 10 shillings per square mile... Mr Jamieson said it was disagreeable to plead poverty, but if the Commissioner of Crown Lands would take a trip there he could see for himself that there was good and sufficient cause for such a plea this year...
The opening of St Virgilius Church is reported in the Express,
3 November 1876, page 2d.
The opening services in the Primitive Methodist Chapel are reported in the Register,
29 December 1876, page 5c.
Information on the Primitive Methodist Chapel is in the Register,
21 June 1876, page 6c,
29 December 1876, page 5c.
The school opened in 1879 and closed in 1952.
A photograph of students is in the Chronicle,
10 August 1933, page 32.
"The Wants of Yatina" is in the Register,
8 August 1879, page 2g (supp.).
An athletics meeting on Mr J. Gillies paddock is reported in the Register,
9 June 1880 (supp.), page 2c,
14 April 1888, page 19b,
4 May 1889, page 19d.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Athletics and Gymnastics.
The town is described in the Chronicle,
3 July 1875, page 17d,
27 June 1878, page 5g,
20 November 1880, page 6f.
A public meeting in respect of land laws is reported in the Register,
14 August 1884, page 7b.
The trial of a stump-jump plough manufactured in the district by Gottlieb Haebich is reported in the Register,
19 August 1884, page 3h.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Farming - Farm Implements.
Information on a cricket club is in the Observer,
11 September 1897, page 12b.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
A horse race meeting is reported in the Chronicle,
22 January 1898, page 13c.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
Yatina - Obituaries
An obituary of Michael Doyle is in the Observer,
18 August 1906, page 38d,
of Walter Carruthers on 27 October 1906, page 38e,
of G.T.M. Tohl on 12 December 1914, page 32a,
of Mrs Christian Doyle on 5 August 1916, page 33a,
of Mrs George Willmott on 9 December 1916, page 35e,
of Henry S. Cope on 21 January 1928, page 49c.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The Register of 1 December 1857, page 3g talks of this place "about six miles from Gawler" while
the Observer of
5 January 1861, page 3g has a report on a picnic conducted by a temperance society.
Also see South Australia - Social Matters - Temperance and Allied Matters.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'winter river'.
General Notes
The name was also applied to a lead and copper mine at Rapid Bay discovered by H.W. Phillips in February 1844 -
see Record of the Mines of South Australia (fourth edition),
page 155 and
7 September 1844, page 2e.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Coal.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Derived from the Aboriginal yertala or yattala - 'cascade waterfall or creek' and unga or nga - 'place' or 'locality'.
General Notes
The discovery of the Aboriginal drawings is reported in the Register,
28 June 1902, page 6g; also see
14 July 1902, page 4e,
6 August 1902, page 4h.
"Native Art and Rock Shelters" is discussed on
5 May 1917, page 4f.
- A remarkable discovery has recently been made by Mr Percy Ifould, a student of the Adelaide School of Mines. During a prospecting tour in the Humbug Scrub, near Onetree Hill, he came across an aboriginal shelter which, upon examination, he discovered contained drawings of birds and other hieroglyphics, some of them probably of symbolical meaning...
Place Names
An Aboriginal word; the 'Yednelue (sic) Run' was apparently named by F.W. Stokes in 1869 (lease no. 1627 about 16 km east of Cradock). It was originally held under four leases issued to the Browne brothers from 1851, the location of which was described as 'East of Watt's Sugar Loaf' and 'South of Rawnsley's Bluff'.
General Notes
"With a Government Rabbit Party" in the district is in the Register,
29 December 1885, page 7d; also see
9 March 1886, page 5c.
- All the spinifex or porcupine grass which affords both food and shelter for the rabbits was systematically burned so the rabbits... became an easy prey for dogs. These efforts are supplemented by the use of poisoned wheat, traps and snares, all three of which are very useful in rocky country, where the dogs cannot run very well. The party of 30 men is divided into six camps... a headman, a cook and three men, with a number of dogs to each camp...
The school opened in 1887 and closed in 1926.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The Aboriginal name of a local spring.
General Notes
The school opened in 1909 and opened in 1972.
Photographs of the arrival of the railway are in the Chronicle,
24 April 1909, page 32.
Also see South Australia - Transport - Railways - Miscellany.
The district is described in the Register,
18 May 1911, page 6e,
"A New Railway Township" is in the Observer,
13 July 1912, page 14d.
"First Farmers on Scrub Land" is in the Chronicle,
14 September 1933, page 4.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
The Aboriginal name of a small animal.
General Notes
The name was taken from the Yelta copper mine in the vicinity -
see Record of the Mines of South Australia (fourth edition), page 155.
A prospectus for the Yelta Copper Mining Company appears in the Register,
19 May 1888, page 7; also see
23 September 1899, page 16a.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Copper.
A history of the mine is in the Register,
16 September 1868, page 2f,
6 March 1871, page 3b,
11 March 1871, page 11f; also
11, 12 and 14 March 1913, pages 6f, 4f and 4a,
25 June 1913, page 4f.
A report of the laying of the foundation stone of a Wesleyan Chapel is in the Observer,
14 June 1873, page 7e and
of the cornerstone of the Primitive Methodist Chapel in the Register,
29 July 1875, page 5a.
"A Good Property Idle" is in the Advertiser,
28 May 1910, page 20c; also see
18 May 1912, page 22c,
26 April 1911, page 5i,
2 and 18 May 1911, pages 3e and 6i,
11 April 1913, page 7a,
7 May 1913, page 13a,
26 June 1913, page 6f.
- Is it not reasonable to suppose that the Yelta mine may, with energetic and able management when fully manned, become proportionately a rival of its nearest neighbour. Or are we to believe that the richer lodes of the Moonta mines were designed by Providence to end abruptly within the boundaries of the holdings acquired...
Place Names
A corruption of yolticowie, the Aboriginal name of a waterhole in Pernatty Creek seen by John McD. Stuart on 15 June 1858.
General Notes
Information on the pastoral property is in the Observer,
23 February 1924, page 46c.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'new place'.
General Notes
The school opened in 1934 and closed in 1942.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
General Notes
About 1981 the railway station was closed and replaced by North Haven.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Yettie Creek
The Register of 11 February 1858 (supp) at page 1 locates it as contiguous to sections 27/29, Hundred of Barossa.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Yetto East
Aboriginal for 'good'.
General Notes
The school opened in 1980 and became "Coorara" in the same year.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'salt or sea water'. Yilki Town was laid out on section 10, Hundred of Encounter Bay 3 km south-west of Victor Harbor by Ridgway W. Newland circa 1840. It was advertised in the Register of 28 March 1840, page 3b, as 'Yeilkey'.
General Notes
A letter from Rev Newland of Yeilkey Farm extolling the district is in the Register,
15 February 1840, page 6a; also see
11 December 1841, page 3a,
7, 10 and 21 June 1843, pages 2d, 2f and 3a,
5 and 12 July 1843, pages 2f and 3a.
The opening of the Jefferis Memorial Church is reported on
23 December 1919, page 5d.
The reminiscences of R.T. Sweetman appear on
3, 8 and 13 March 1928, pages 19e, 10f and 11f.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
Aboriginal for 'giving'.
General Notes
The school was opened in 1936 by Florence E.C. Horwood and closed in 1941.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
It is derived from the Aboriginal yongla-cowie - 'good water place'. The Government town 13 km south-west of Peterborough, gazetted on 1 June 1876, stands on what was originally pastoral lease no. 61, taken up by Thomas B. Marchant on 1 July 1851 which he called 'Mannanerie' (sic).
General Notes
In an interesting article on Aboriginal nomenclature in The Mail,
14 May 1921, page 3 Mr N.A. Webb says the name is corrupted from yungulya - "a brother".
A sale of allotments is reported in the Chronicle,
8 July 1876, page 4d.
The Register of 28 December 1877, page 5d has a report concerning "Bacchanalian orgies and free fights".
The "Yongala Agricultural Annual Show" is reported in the Chronicle,
3 November 1877, page 11f,
26 October 1878, page 22b; also see
12 November 1881, page 4f,
7 October 1882 (supp), page 2b,
29 September 1883, page 23a.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
The town is described in the Register,
21 February 1878, page 6c-f,
11 July 1904, page 6d,
Parliamentary Paper
Also see Register,
29 March 1877, page 4g,
31 March 1877, page 12b and
14 March 1878, page 6c report on meetings in respect of the need for a school;
it was opened by William S. Heithersay in 1879 and closed in 1975;
an Arbor Day is reported in the Chronicle,
29 August 1896, page 25a,
14 August 1897, page 37a.
Also see South Australia - Education - Arbor Days.
A "Hoisting the Flag" ceremony on
25 May 1901, page 19d. Also see
20 June 1902, page 6g.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Flags and Patriotic Songs.
Yongala Blocks School opened in 1904 and became "Canowie Belt" in 1905;
it closed in 1967.
The Hundred of Yongala School existed from 1887 until 1902,
Yongala South School from 1891 until 1942,
Yongala North from 1880 until 1881;
Yongala Vale opened as "Yongala Woolshed" in 1903 and became Yongala Vale in 1905 - it closed in 1939.
Information on Yongala Vale School is in the Register,
28 October 1905, page 4g.
A picnic and sports day at the Catholic School "about four miles east of the township" is reported in the Chronicle,
2 November 1878, page 22b; also see
30 May 1885, page 21e,
26 March 1887, page 6b,
25 August 1894, page 15e,
30 September 1899, page 27a.
Information on the proposed railway to Jamestown is in the Register,
30 October 1879, page 5a; also see
13 December 1879 (supp.), page 1e,
19 August 1880, page 6f,
13 December 1880, page 6a (opening).
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
The opening of a steam flour mill is reported in the Register,
9 May 1881, page 5d.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Farming - Mills.
The first ploughing match in the district, held on Mr Charles Miller's paddock, is reported in the Register,
17 August 1882, page 6e.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Ploughing Matches.
An "indignation" meeting connected with the funeral of the "Late Mrs Schmidt" is commented upon in the Register,
30 October 1883, page 5f.
A horse race meeting is reported in the Observer,
8 June 1889, page 17c.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
A coursing event is reported in the Chronicle,
7 July 1894, page 14g.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Coursing.
Information on a butter factory is in the Chronicle,
20 April 1895, page 2f,
11 May 1895, page 2f;
its opening is reported in the Register,
28 August 1895, page 5e,
27 August 1895, page 6e.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Dairying.
The sale of Yongala Estate to the government is reported in the Observer,
8 September 1900, page 30a,
3 August 1901, page 36c,
15 March 1902, page 32a,
22 August 1901, page 4e,
3 and 24 August 1901, pages 9a and 31a.
"A Powder Magazine Blown Up" is in the Observer,
29 December 1900, page 12e.
"Yongala Estate Flooded" is in the Register,
30 November 1903, page 5e.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Floods.
Bush fires are reported upon in the Express,
3 January 1905, page 3i.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Bushfires.
Biographical details of Mrs Lynch, who was born in 1799, are in the Observer,
11 February 1905, page 26a;
a photograph appears on 8 April 1905.
The diamond wedding of Mr & Mrs George Blencowe is reported in the Register,
1 January 1907, page 7b.
The use of a divining rod by Mr Foster Wood on Mr Richard Nourse's farm is reported in the Register,
31 July 1905, page 4i.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Water Divining and Rainmaking.
A tennis match is reported in the Observer,
29 June 1907, page 20e.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Tennis.
"Prosperity at Yongala" is in the Advertiser,
11 August 1908, page 8d.
Information on a telephone exchange is in the Register,
30 July 1913, page 7d.
Also see South Australia - Communications - Telephones.
A photograph of the opening of the council chamber is in the Observer,
11 October 1913, page 29,
of a war memorial on
22 October 1921, page 24.
Yongala - Obituaries
An obituary of A. McCulloch is in the Register,
17 October 1890, page 4g (also see 29 April 1891, page 5b),
Observer, 18 October 1890, page 29e; also see 9 May 1891, page 27c,
of Fred Hodby on 28 January 1905, page 23e,
of Thomas Smith on 28 July 1906, page 38c,
of Mrs T. Miller on 30 March 1907, page 37b.
An obituary of Thomas Smith is in the Register,
25 July 1906, page 4g,
of Allan Cram on 6 May 1913, page 6f,
of Mrs B. Potter on 22 December 1917, page 6g,
of W.H. Nickels on 9 December 1919, page 6h,
of B.M. Patterson on 23 May 1923, page 8h,
of Mrs Emily Cornfoot on 16 August 1923, page 10d,
of Isaac Young on 5 September 1923, page 8g,
of Thomas Carter on 26 May 1924, page 8h,
of Mrs Charlotte Sparks on 20 September 1924, page 8g,
of George N. Woolston on 3 January 1925, page 11f,
of Frederick H. Bormann on 23 July 1926, page 10f.
An obituary of Allan Cram is in the Observer,
10 May 1913, page 41a,
of T.H. Davies on 25 October 1913, page 41a,
of Mrs Elizabeth Dewhirst on 29 April 1916, page 32b,
of James Haworth on 18 August 1917, page 19c,
of Mrs B. Potter on 29 December 1917, page 12e,
of Mrs Mary A. Morgan on 27 November 1920, page 34a,
of Thomas Carter on 31 May 1924, page 45b,
of G.N. Woolston on 10 January 1925, page 38e,
of F.H. Bormann on 31 July 1926, page 43c.
An obituary of James Smith is in the Register,
16 June 1916, page 4g,
of Edward Lawson on 7 August 1918, page 6f,
of Andrew Paterson on 16 September 1920, page 9b,
of Mrs Rosina Parker on 24 February 1925, page 8h,
of Mrs Catherine Stewart on 10 June 1927, page 8h.
An obituary of Frederick C. Gerke is in the Register,
31 March 1928, page 12a,
of Mrs Elizabeth Turpin on 7 August 1928, page 12g.
Yaranyacka - York
Place Names
It is, no doubt, of English origin where it was the capital of Roman Britain.
General Notes
The laying of the foundation stone of the Rechabite Hall is reported in the Chronicle,
16 March 1867, page 7c and
its opening in the Register,
19 September 1867, page 2f.
Information on a drinking fountain is in the Express,
12 January 1880, page 2d.
Also see Adelaide - Streets - Drinking Fountains.
A trial of a string-binding harvester is reported in the Register,
13 October 1882 (supp.), page 3c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Farming - Farm Implements.
An obituary of Nicholas Stevens is in the Register,
26 and 30 September 1891, pages 3c and 5c.
"Tragedy at York" is in the Register,
30 March 1899, page 5i,
1 April 1899, page 28e.