South Australia - World War I
- Anzac and Armistice Day
- The Build Up
- Comment on the War
- Community Involvement
- The Conflict
- Conscription
- Domestic Economy
- Germans in Australia
- Industrial Affairs
- Memorials to the Fallen
- Religion
- Repatriation
- Women and the War
Also see under Sport
"Athletics and Arms" is in the Register on
20 February 1915, pages 8d-12a,
"Sport and War" on
1 May 1915, page 8c,
2, 10 and 13 August 1915, pages 4g, 4c and 5g,
"Overdone Sport" on
14 February 1916, page 4c.
"War and Sport - Tennis Scheme Held Over" is in the Register,
16 October 1915, page 9c,
"Coursing and the War - Shall the Sport Continue" on
16 March 1916, page 5a.
"Patriotic Football - Senior League to be Formed" is in the Register,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13 and 20 April 1916, pages 5d, 4c, 4h, 5d, 7c, 4e-7b, 4g and 4f.
"Golf and the War" is in the Observer,
8 May 1915, page 25a.
"Racing in Wartime - A Useless Sport" is in the Advertiser,
23 August 1916, page 7a,
"The War and Racing" in the Register,
9 September 1916, page 7g.
"Footballers and the War" is in the Chronicle,
22 April 1916, page 16e,
"Football and War - Somewhere in France" is in The Mail,
22 September 1917, page 7f.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
25 May 1918, page 25.
"Restriction of Sport" is in the Register,
2 July 1917, page 7c,
"Bowlers and the War" on
17 September 1918, page 7e,
"Fighting Footballers" on
23 July 1918, page 4c,
"Senior Cricket Revived" on
9 September 1918, page 7e.
Women and the War
"Women and War" is in the Chronicle,
16 September 1911, page 41d,
"War, Women and Sport" in the Register on
13 March 1915, page 8c,
"Women and National Need" on
4 June 1915, page 6b,
"Women and War" on
18 January 1915, page 4c,
28 July 1917, page 6b,
12 January 1918, page 6c.
The establishment of a League of Loyal Women is reported in the Register,
26 and 27 July 1915, pages 6c-10e and 11a; also see
23 June 1916, page 6f,
25 October 1916, page 12d.
"An Adelaide Woman [Miss Dorothea Proud] - Her war Work" is in the Register,
26 September 1916, page 7e,
9 January 1917, page 4h.
"Women and the War" is in the Advertiser,
24 July 1915, page 14d,
27 April 1917, page 6d,
"Women After the War" on
20 December 1916, page 6i.
"Recruiting - The Woman's Part" is in the Register,
4 August 1915, page 8d,
"The Girl Left Behind" on
17 August 1915, page 7a.
"Women's War Job - Training for Office Work" is in the Register,
30 October 1915, page 9b,
10, 17 and 23 November 1915, pages 6f, 6e and 7c.
"Women in Wartime" is in the Register,
30 November 1915, page 6e; also see
24 and 28 February 1916, pages 5c and 7e,
"Women After the War" on
8 January 1916, page 8c,
"Marriages After the War" on
22 March 1916, page 9h.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
15 July 1916, page 30.
"Marriage by Proxy" is in the Register,
18 and 19 December 1916, pages 4d and 7d,
"Marrying in Haste" on
2 February 1918, page 6c-f,
"Shortage of Husbands" in The Mail,
13 October 1917, page 4d.
Also see under Marriage
"War Babies - Support of Illegitimate Children" is in the Register,
26 February 1916, page 9d,
"Women and War Work" on
14 April 1916, page 4c,
"What Shall We do with Our Women?" on
3 May 1916, page 4c.
Also see under Illegitimate Children
"Women and Militarism" is in the Register,
19 June 1916, page 4c,
"Women and Work" on
6 July 1916, page 4b.
"Women's Work" is in the Register,
10 and 24 August 1916, pages 4b and 6d,
"Women's Rights - and Wrongs" on
9 September 1916, page 8e,
"Leap Year and Women" on 6 January 1917, page 6d.
"Women on the Land" is in the Register on
13, 17 and 20 June 1916, pages 5b, 12a and 5a,
14 December 1916, page 7b,
15 March 1917, page 6e,
"Women Farmers" on
4 January 1917, page 4c.
"War Work Today and Tomorrow" is in the Register,
2 August 1198, page 4b.
Photographs of nurses are in the Chronicle,
5 December 1914, page 29,
23 January 1915, page 27,
19 May 1917, page 25,
9 June 1917, page 26,
30 December 1916, page 28,
31 January 1935, page 32.
"Australia Day - Carnival Queens" is in the Register,
22 July 1916, page 10.
Biographical details of Sister M. Graham are in the Observer,
3 March 1917, page 38e.
A photograph of a Voluntary Aid Detachment is in the Observer,
18 August 1917, page 25.
"Nurses' Sacrifices" is in the Register,
21 December 1916, page 4e,
"A Veteran and His Nurses" on
14 March 1917, page 7d,
"Our Army Nurses" on
22 May 1917, page 7h; also see
31 May 1917, page 6b,
11 and 15 June 1917, pages 5b and 8f,
18 September 1917, pages 4c-5i,
27 and 29 October 1917, pages 6b and 9a,
"Army Nurses' Day" on
3 October 1919, page 6c,
"Tribute to the Army Nurses" on
26 August 1921, page 8h.
A photograph of the military funeral of Nurse M.F. Stafford is in the Observer,
29 March 1919, page 26.
Also see Women - Nursing
Biographical details of Matron E. Uren, Sister Eva H. Chapman and Sister Grace H. Burns are in the Observer,
11 January 1919, page 20d.
An obituary of Staff Nurse Edith N. Reed, ANS, AIF, is in the Observer,
13 August 1921, page 34a,
of Sister A.C. McGregor on 15 April 1922, page 19c.
"With the Women at the Front - Adelaide Women Recall Stirring Days" is in The News,
25 April 1934, page 6d.
"Women and War" is in the Register,
28 July 1917, page 6b.
Information on the League of Loyal Women is in the Register,
1 August 1917, page 9e.
"Women and War Work" is in the Register,
4 and 8 December 1917, pages 5h and 4d-g,
"Women and War" on 12 and 17 January 1918, pages 6c and 6e.
"Will Mrs Anzac Be Welcome? - The Girl He Left Behind Him" is in The Mail,
9 and 16 February 1918, pages 2d and 2h.
"Births and Marriages in War Times" is in the Register,
19 January 1917, page 5c,
"Spinsterhood - The Toll of War" on
10 March 1917, page 4h,
"Shaking off the Fetters - Social Fetish Slain by War" on
17 March 1917, page 13g.
"Women in Industry" is in the Register,
23 March 1917, page 5c,
"Wages of Women" on
1 November 1917, page 7f,
"Woman's Part" on
5 December 1917, page 6b.
"Women, Work and Wages" is in the Register,
25 April 1918, page 4d,
"Women and the War" on
29 April 1918, page 4h,
"Woman's War Work" on
7 September 1918, page 8b.
"First Lady Volunteer - Young Woman Eager for the Trenches" is in The Mail,
4 May 1918, page 3d.
"War Widows and Orphans" is in the Register,
24 April 1918, page 8d,
27 April 1918, page 17e.
A "Women's March" is reported in the Register,
8 and 9 November 1918, pages 6c and 6g.
"Influence of the War on Married Life" is in The Mail,
6 September 1919, page 2d.