South Australia - Religion
"The Church in a New Land" is discussed in the Advertiser (special edition),1 September 1936, page 82.
- Breaking the Sabbath
- Catholic
- Days of Prayer
- Methodists and Wesleyans
- Non-Church Goers
- Religion in Schools
- Salvation Army
- Miscellany
Religion in Schools
Also see under South Australia - Education - Comments on Education.
This subject is discussed in the SA Gazette & Mining Journal on 27 November 1851, page 2c:
After strictly prohibiting the profane custom of making the Holy Bible, under any circumstances, an ordinary school book, we should allow religious teaching to be permissive - that is, dependent exclusively on the wishes of the parents themselves...
Also see Register,
19 July 1856, page 3e,
25 November 1862, page 3d,
22 June 1867, page 2b.
"The Education Question in the Congregational Union" is in the Register,
4 May 1869, page 2d.
"The Synod on Education" on
28 May 1869, page 2d; also see
26 October 1869, page 2d.
"The Bible in Schools" is in Observer,
14 October 1871, page 14f,
The Irish Harp,
12 September 1873, page 4a.
"Theology in the Schoolroom" is in the Observer,
9 April 1870, page 10g.
Also see Register, 8 December 1877, page 6f,
15, 22 and 29 March 1879, pages 4d, 4d and 5g,
19 July 1879, page 6f,
4, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 May 1880, pages 6f, 5b, 4d, 7b, 5b and 4e-6f,
1, 15 and 22 (supp.) June 1880, pages 5c, 4f and 1f,
30 October 1880, page 4e.
"The Wollaston Case" is in the Express,
5 November 1884, page 6a.
A poem entitled "The Bible in the Schools" is in the Observer,
22 April 1893, page 43b.
Also see Register,
17 November 1880 (supp.), page 1d,
20 April 1881, page 7b;
throughout July to November 1881 there is all but daily reference to this divisive problem; also see
6 July 1881, page 3b,
1 November 1881, page 2f,
19 and 24 May 1882, pages 4e and 4e,
11, 23, 25 and 26 May 1882, pages 4c, 4f, 7e and 6f-g,
5 and 6 June 1882, pages 5a and 4e.
Also see Register,
25 September 1882, page 4e,
14 April 1883, pages 4e-5b-5g,
9 May 1883, page 7b,
4 June 1883, page 7g,
28 March 1884, pages 4f-7f,
3 April 1884, pages 4d-6d,
12, 14, 16 and 19 July 1884, pages 4f, 7c, 7d and 6c,
24 April 1885, page 5b,
8 May 1885, page 5f:
South Australia has set its face against the creation or encouragement of sectarian bitterness and the teaching of religion by the State and it is not to be supposed that she will leave her old stand-point for so flimsy a substitute. By Bishop Kennion's scheme religious differences would be accentuated, a motley array of doctrines would be taught, and at least one important section of our fellow-colonists - the Roman Catholics - would be subject to greater disabilities than those they now complain of... And all for what? All to make the State do what the Churches should do...
Also see The Lantern,
23 May 1885, page 9 (poem),
4 October 1886, pages 4e-6b,
19 November 1886, page 4f,
14, 16 and 30 October 1886, pages 4h, 7f and 4e,
2 November 1886, page 3c,
12 April 1887, page 7g,
28 and 30 October 1890, pages 4g-6d and 3d.
All reverence for the Deity, all respect for those in authority, filial duty and even honourable feelings will be gradually weakened by the absence of religion and the ignoring of the Bible in our schools...
(Register, 19 April 1887, page 6e.)
Also see Register,
20 October 1888, page 7g,
23 August 1890, page 4h,
22 April 1891, pages 4d,
22 April 1891, page 4d,
27 January 1893, page 6h,
27 February 1893, page 4f,
2 and 22 March 1893, pages 7e and 4d,
7 April 1893, page 7f.
Also see Register,
28 August 1891, page 4d,
2 September 1891, page 4e,
16 and 24 January 1893, pages 7h and 3h,
20 February 1893, page 3g,
6, 9 and 14 March 1893, pages 4g, 4f and 4g,
20 and 31 July 1894, pages 4f and 6a,
22 November 1894, page 4g:
The inexorable logic of facts... will prove here, that comprehensive Bible instruction in State schools and the separation of Church and State are incompatible with each other.
Also see Advertiser,
14 March 1896, page 4e,
22 April 1896, pages 4e-6f,
1 May 1896, page 4g,
23 November 1901, page 6d,
20 December 1901, page 6c,
8 February 1902, page 4b,
21 December 1901, page 4d,
1 and 14 January 1902, pages 6h and 3i.
Cartoons are in The Critic,
2 August 1902, page 17,
11 October 1902, page 17.
Also see Register,
19, 21 and 22 April 1902, pages 6b, 3i and 8g,
13, 14, 20 and 29 May 1902, pages 3h, 3g, 3g and 3b,
13 June 1903, page 4c,
20, 23 and 24 July 1903, pages 6h, 4c and 3g,
10, 13, 15, and 20 August 1903, pages 6b, 6g, 9e and 9h,
3 and 6 October 1903, pages 10d and 6c:
We are spending much money to produce the most dangerous class - the well-educated, clever, unprincipled man and woman, who have not in their childhood learnt their duty to God and man...
Also see Register,
14, 16, 17 and 19 March 1904, pages 6i, 8d, 3h and 6g,
1 April 1904, page 6f,
1 June 1904, page 6c:
What has been repeatedly proved... is that the more zealously secretarians maintain their crusade the more the children suffer in the matter of practical education.
Also see Advertiser,
13 March 1905, page 4b,
8 August 1906, page 6b,
19 August 1905, page 11c,
15, 18, 19 and 23 September 1905, pages 6e, 3h, 3i and 4f,
12 October 1905, page 3b,
18 October 1906, page 3h,
13 February 1909, page 8d:
Secularism in State schools [throughout the world] has been largely forced upon various communities because it was the only way in which to keep the peace among the teachers of religion.
Also see Register,
20 October 1910, page 9b,
5, 7, 11, 15 and 20 July 1911, pages 10f, 6f-g, 10c, 3h and 10f,
29 July 1911, page 8e,
2 and 4 August 1911, pages 6h and 6g:
The threatened invasion of our schools by the parsons must be resisted... Anyone who has studied the educational history of England for the past century will know that it is a series of betrayals of the interests of the children to the bolstering up of the churches... school work will be disorganised... shorn of its false attributes and presented simply as a classic the Bible could be read profitably by senior scholars but till that time men who want it taught in our schools are enemies to the children attending such schools.
Also see Register,
5, 9, 16, 19, 23 and 29 August 1911, pages 14f, 12g, 3f, 15f, 6b and 8h,
4 and 8 September 1911, pages 8h and 9c,
11 October 1911, page 6e,
27 November 1911, page 9d,
6 March 1912, pages 14d-15a,
15 July 1912, page 14a,
1, 6, 17, 18, 20, 23 and 26 July 1912, pages 8h, 7g, 6f, 10f, 14d, 10f and 5g,
6 October 1913, page 14c.
Also see Register,
29 and 31 October 1913, pages 15d and 3g,
4 and 7 July 1914, pages 7h and 12b,
9 November 1915, page 7b,
29 April 1916, page 8g,
1, 4, 6, 8, 15 and 20 May 1916, pages 7c, 7d, 7e, 7a, 6f and 7f,
23 August 1916, page 6d,
"Has the Church Failed" on
20 September 1916, page 7d,
18 December 1918, page 4g.
Also see Register,
20 March 1919, page 3d,
10, 11, 14 and 15 September 1920, pages 8g, 12c, 4e and 10e,
8 October 1920, page 9d,
24, 25, 27, 29, 30 and 31 August 1921, pages 10a, 6d-7c, 9f, 9f, 7f and 8c,
2, 6 and 22 September 1921, pages 3e, 6b and 8c,
20 October 1921, page 7a,
7, 12 and 17 January 1922, pages 9d, 8d and 8d.
Also see Register,
18 September 1923, page 11d,
6 October 1923, page 13g,
25 September 1924, page 10d,
18 and 25 September 1924, pages 9a and 11a,
23 October 1924, page 8f,
14, 22 and 23 October 1924, pages 6d, 8h and 10c,
15 and 26 November 1924, pages 8c and 3c,
23, 25 and 27 August 1927, pages 8e, 10h and 3g,
2 and 4 September 1927, pages 12d and 8d,
6 October 1927, page 10f,
23 and 30 August 1928, pages 11d and 13c,
The News,
27 August 1927, page 6c,
1 September 1927, page 6e.
Also see Register,
1 and 4 September 1928, pages 11g and 6g,
17 January 1930, page 23c,
10 June 1932, page 18h,
27 June 1932, page 18c,
The Mail,
24 September 1932, page 3a,
30 November 1932, page 14h,
16 August 1934, page 5e,
23 and 24 October 1934, pages 18d and 22a,
9 November 1934, page 31b,
14 December 1934, page 16f,
11 August 1937, page 26b.