Place Names of South Australia - K
Kingston-On-Murray - Klemzig

Kingston On Murray
On 24 September 1896 sections 14 and 15, Hundred of Moorook were proclaimed as the 'Kingston Village Association', but the first settlers had arrived in March 1894 when they camped on and around the old Thurk station house and by April 1894 a provisional school had been established in the shearing shed.
On 21 November 1918 the Government proclaimed the 'Town of Thurk' which was changed to Kingston OM on 19 September 1940 in honour of Charles C. Kingston after whom the communal settlement was named in 1896.
General Notes
Also see South Australia - Social Matters - Miscellany - Village Settlements.
Information on the communal (village) settlement is in the Register,
29 and 30 March 1894, pages 7d and 7e,
14 May 1894, page 7d,
17 October 1894, page 6a,
14 May 1896, page 7b,
9 December 1903, page 8a,
2 August 1904, page 4h,
31 August 1895, page 41e.
This morning at 9 o'clock the members of the Kingston Village Settlement will leave Port Adelaide for the city, where they will join the Pyap reach settlers. Both parties will go by special train for the Murray at 9.50. The Kingston settlers have withdrawn their application for Block 10, adjoining the Waikerie Settlement and have been granted a block of land at Overland Corner. They comprise 30 families.
Already large numbers have found their way to a longed for "Paradise" through the timely assistance of a paternal government... The numbers who were with each settlement were as follows: Kingston 30 men, 85 women and children; Pyap 111 men, 70 women, 220 children. [A list of settlers follows.]
15 September 1894, page 12f,
12 September 1896, page 26a.
Photographs of the lock are in the Observer,
15 July 1922, page 23,
30 December 1922, page 29.
The town and district are described in the Register,
10 December 1910, page 15a,
9 April 1927, page 46b.
The Kingston School opened in 1895. A photograph is in the Chronicle,
28 November 1935, page 33.
A photograph of the unveiling of a memorial cairn is in the Observer,
25 January 1930, page 32, Also see South Australia - World War I - Memorials to the Fallen
of the opening of the Congregational Church in the Chronicle,
23 April 1936, page 35.
Kingston OM - Klemzig
Place Names
Kingston Park
An Adelaide suburb, laid out by Lucy Kingston in 1921 on part sections 244-5, Hundred of Noarlunga when it was described as 'the pick of the western coastline for natural beauty, elevation and scenic perfection...'; now included in Marino.
General Notes
A sketch is in The Lantern,
15 May 1875, page 7 and
a poem on G.S. Kingston in The Adelaide Punch,
19 October 1878, page 10.
Biographical details of Mr C.C. Kingston are in the Register,
6 January 1892, page 6d,
Observer, 9 January 1892, page 33d, 23 July 1892, page 25c (poem),
"The Law-Breaking Premier" on 13 April 1895, page 33a,
"A Political Slanderer" on 28 March 1896, page 24c,
" Mr Kingston Interfering Again" on 11 September 1897, page 24c,
and an obituary on 16 May 1908, page 44;
a photograph of the funeral cortege is in The Critic,
20 May 1908, page 16.
Reminiscences of Paris Nesbit, KC, are in the Register,
15 and 18 February 1927, pages 9c and 13d.
Also see South Australia - Politics.
"The Case of G.S. Kingston" is in the Register,
5 December 1884, page 4g.
"A Duelling Politician" is in the Express,
24 December 1892, page 6a; also see
31 December 1892, page 31c,
7 January 1893, page 31d.
"Mr Kingston's Latest Eccentricity" is in the Register,
7 and 8 December 1893, pages 4g and 4f.
"Our Eccentric Premier" is in the Observer,
27 July 1895, page 24c,
"The Premier and Mr Sparks" on
3 and 10 August 1895, pages 44e and 25c,
"A Political Slanderer" on
28 March 1896, page 24c; also see
20, 29 and 30 July 1895, pages 4f, 4d and 4f,
25 March 1896, page 4f.
Political cartoon, etc., are in The Critic,
25 September 1897, page 11,
18 December 1897, page 11,
7 January 1899, page 17,
17 June 1899, page 17,
8 July 1899, page 17,
14 March 1903, page 5.
"Action Against the Premier - A Family Dispute" is in the Register,
25 October 1899, page 7d.
A proposed memorial to C.C. Kingston is discussed under the heading "A Mistaken Step" in the Register,
12 August 1908, pages 6d-8c; also see
31 March 1910, page 8f,
12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21 and 23 April 1910, pages 5b, 5e, 5c, 3g, 9g, 5a and 3f.
"Charles Cameron Kingston - A Family History" is in the Register,
4 December 1922, page 10,
9 December 1922, page 52a.
Impressions of C.C. Kingston by Paris Nesbit, KC, are in the Register,
15 and 18 February 1927, pages 9c and 10d.
"In [C.C.] Kingston's Day" is in The Mail,
8 November 1919, page 1g.
A proposed park is discussed in the Express,
5 December 1919, page 2f.
"The Kingston Estate" is in the Register,
6 December 1919, page 8f.
- A request was made that the government should purchase the estate of the late Rt. Hon. C.C. Kingston for the purpose of a model suburb and for a soldier settlement. An alternative scheme was suggested for the purchase of the foreshore portion as a public reserve and a recreation park... There was no fresh water in the vicinity for visitors, except the spring which ran through this land, and which was highly mineralised and possibly of medicinal value. The whole property was exceedingly valuable and included the best quarry in the district. The Portland Cement Company negotiated for this quarry some years ago and were unable to obtain it... The corporation did not merely want a park for Brighton, they wanted a national park ... At the time of the Vaughan Government the townplanner had drawn up designs for a model suburb to take in the whole of the Kingston Estate and the plans could still be utilised...
5 May 1921, page 4c.
"Charles Cameron Kingston - A Family History" appears on
4 December 1922, page 10c.
The purchase by the government is reported in the Register,
8, 10 and 13 November 1924, pages 9f, 10h and 5b.
"New Pleasure Resort" on
10 November 1924, page 10h; also see
6, 11 and 18 February 1926, pages 10h, 5d and 4c,
12, 14 and 17 February 1927, pages 10f, 8e-10d and 5c.
Photographs and information on Kingston Park are in the Chronicle,
19 February 1927, pages 39 and 48.
The official opening of Kingston Park is reported in the Advertiser,
1 July 1929, page 16c.
Kingston OM - Klemzig
Place Names
Kingston SE
The South-East town, known as Kingston SE since 1940, was first laid out as a private town in 1858 by G.S. Kingston.
(Taken from an unpublished manuscript by Geoffrey H. Manning titled "A History of the Lower South East in the 19th Century")
Private enterprise and self interest, as some may term it, when properly directed, combined with public good, ought to be irresistible. South Australia has lost hundreds of thousands in wealth which she can never recover by not utilising Lacepede Bay long ere this. [Signed - Archibald Cooke.]
(Chronicle, 19 April 1871, p. 5)
I suppose his occupation was gone after the opening of the railway - I met him at his place on the Murray a few miles above Wellington. Here he had a small cutter in which he on more than one occasion conveyed me to other places on the river that I wished to visit. He was a kind and cheerful soul, one who had kindness in his heart for his fellow men.
In June 1861 a meeting was held at the Kingston Arms to take steps necessary for the building of a school when it was announced that Messrs Cooke, in addition to a subscription, would give one acre of freehold land as a site. When built, church services were held there:
[It] was small and uncomfortable and the attendances were big enough to crowd it. It was all very primitive; no organ, no piano, no choir. For what music we had we depended on some one being able to start a tune that all would be likely to know...
On going into the township you might think you were about some diggings, for the place is studded with tents that the railway workmen are living in, and on enquiry I found there is not a house to be got for any one to live in, and they charge very high at the hotels. I enquired as to why there were no houses built... and I was told that most of the land belonged to a gentleman in Adelaide and he wanted an enormous amount of money for a block of land to build on. Would it not be a good speculation for the government to build some cottages? They would let well...
First a long weary interval of waiting, the arrangements of the chef de cuisine not being complete; then it was discovered that the sharp sea air - let us be charitable - had proved too much for one or two of the company.... The toast of Her Majesty, the Queen was given... But this was a last despairing effort; nothing but rival voices could be heard, the chair was vacated and discord reigns supreme, amidst which most of the quietly-disposed left the tent and soon a regular row ensued reminding one irresistibly of what we have read of famed Donnybrook. At last the 'shades of evening? put an end to the various conflicts raging and the combatants withdrew to have their wounds attended to - and to talk over the valiant deeds they had done.... Let us hope this will be the last time we shall have to record such doings.
By 1865 the population of "Port Caroline, Kingston, Lacepede Bay" was about 150 souls, besides an additional 50 men employed by the government in drainage and roadmaking and it was the central Post Office where the south-eastern mails were made up twice a week. There were two public houses, three or four stores and about 20 to 30 Aborigines, often in a state of drunkenness, and not a single policeman.
As for the port itself a local correspondent sung its praises in 1866:
The schooner Gem, Captain Lindsay, rode here in perfect security on the day the Adelaide was lost in MacDonnell Bay. The steamer Ant, when unable to reach the shelter of the southern end of Kangaroo Island, after two day's hard endeavour, during one of our most fearful gales, ran at its height into Lacepede Bay and was there preserved at the time the Livingstone was wrecked in Guichen Bay, where the Alma went to pieces a day or two before. A passenger on the Ant, Robert Davenport of Battunga, said :
I was astonished at the height of the gale at our passing into smooth water and anchoring about two miles from the shore in the open bay. It appeared to me that the formation of the bottom broke the force of the ocean waves and protected from a ground swell...
A new jetty was recommended by the Engineer in Chief in 1871 and promised by two Commissioners of Public Works - Mr Bright and Mr Colton - in 1874 and 1876, at which time a resident of Kingston lamented that:
A few weeks ago the regular trader, the Annie Taylor, only drawing six feet of water had to discharge part of her ballast before she could get sufficient ware to float her away. Yet this was to be the terminus of ?a grand trunk of intercolonial railway.?
Only a few vessels left direct for England and all except one carried wool. The exception was the Albert Ehrensward which sailed in June 1880 with a cargo of wheat grown mainly on Baker's Range. The quantity of wheat shipped from Kingston after the harvest of 1878-9 was about 7,000 bushels and the following year it had increased to 40,000 bushels. In the latter years of the 1870s about 14,000 bales of wool were shipped annually.
In 1884, 29,685 bags of wheat, 15,638 bales of wool, including 3,000 from Victorian growers, 541 bales of sheepskins, together with a quantity of kangaroo skins, tallow, hides and wattle bark were exported outside of the colony. However, at the time most of the wattles had been killed and production reduced considerably.
The gradual demise of Kingston as a seaport, and the reasons underlying its stagnation, was ably expressed in a letter written by a resident in 1888:
In this part of the colony we are languishing in all sorts of ways, a state of things which I am afraid is too readily traced to government mismanagement and neglect and as we have grievances it is right they should be ventilated.... It is well known that Kingston has become a thriving town. But all things must pass away and so have those happy days for us. Now let us review the cause and suggest, if we can, a remedy. Following the completion of the railway line wheat and wool flowed in bountifully and our port was a busy one as all the goods from the two capital cities used to pour in by steamers and coasters.
The government erected a pier... But at such a point that it would have perhaps been better to have thrown the money overboard, for the structure is simply a standing monument of departmental incapacity. Mr James Cooke... had from the outset set his face against this structure and had his advice been taken no doubt our port would not be in its present deplorable position.... Erected at a cost of [£68,000], a narrow structure exists on screw piles running for a distance of three quarters of a mile in a WNW direction and terminating at a point where at high tide only about 14 feet of water is available...
Frequently when steamers have endeavoured to reach the outer end they have grounded and been unable to proceed either way for hours... Had the chart in existence been consulted a point might have been fixed upon at about four miles south of the existing white elephant.... The heavy handicap caused by lightering goods to and from the ship's side is the difficulty we labour under and it is by degrees driving the trade that naturally belongs to us through other channels.... There are already some 10,000 bags of wheat stored at Messrs Grice & Co's and large quantities are coming forward every day. What would not the trade amount to if were only favoured by a wise policy...
Also see under
General Notes
The Observer of 27 February 1858, page 3c has information on Mr A. Cooke and his departure for Lacepede Bay "with a number of mechanics, labourers, etc, and all the requisite stores for commencing a new township on his property at Maria Creek to be called Kingston..."; also see
11 December 1858, page 3d,
30 July 1927, page 60a.
A historical background of its settlement and reference to the subdivisions which comprise the modern-day town is in the Register,
26 July 1880, page 5f.
The first horse-race meeting is reported in the Register,
4 January 1860, page 3e; also see
6 January 1866, page 4f,
26 March 1864, page 3b,
3 January 1874, page 4b.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
Information on a proposed school is in the Register,
1 June 1861, page 2h.
Its school opened as "Lacepede Bay" in 1863 the change being made in 1869; see
17 January 1878, page 3f.
The opening of the public school is reported in the Chronicle,
21 February 1880, page 8c and
a "Hoisting the Flag" ceremony on
25 May 1901, page 19d.
A photograph is in the Chronicle,
18 May 1907, page 29.
On Friday evening a meeting was held at the Kingston Arms to take steps necessary for the building of a school... It was announced that Messrs Cook in addition to a subscription would give one acre of freehold land as a site for the school...
The opening of the jetty is reported in the Observer,
17 January 1863, page 3c.
The opening of Maria Bridge is reported in the Chronicle,
12 September 1863, page 2g,
12 September 1863, page 4c.
"A Word to Mr Kingston, MP" is in the Register,
15 July 1864, page 3c.
A letter from Archibald Cooke is in the Register,
28 March 1865, page 3g where he says, inter alia:
- At Port Caroline, Kingston, Lacepede Bay there is a population of from 120 to 150 residents besides an addition of about 50 men at present employed by the government in drainage and roadmaking. Kingston is the central Post Office where the south-eastern mails are made up twice a week. There are two public houses or hotels, three or four stores and about 20 to 30 Aborigines, often in a state of drunkenness, and not a single policeman...
... the honourable gentleman has been accustomed to be very warmly welcomed on the few occasions on which he has condescended to visit the district he misrepresents... I scarcely think it would be safe for him to venture up here now unless he brought the whole volunteer force...
(See Register, 15 July 1864, page 3c.)
7 August 1867, page 3f.
The town is described in the Register,
6 June 1866, page 2f,
16 October 1875, page 6b,
26 August 1876, page 11f,
14 February 1876, page 6a,
16 January 1877, page 3e,
18 January 1879, page 2a (supp.),
10 January 1883, page 5g,
15 February 1883, page 5g,
19 and 21 January 1885, pages 7b and 5e,
10 June 1899, page 9h.
Also see
24 February 1883, page 9c,
23 January 1886, page 36b,
9 July 1892, page 9c,
3 June 1886, page 4b,
Parliamentary Paper 66/1886,
Observer, 17 June 1899, page 43a,
12 January 1923, page 8c; also see
18 January 1923, page 9b.
The jetty and shipping are discussed on
10 December 1902, page 9a.
A sketch is in Frearson's Weekly,
2 October 1880, page 467;
photographs are in the Observer,
20 January 1906, page 27,
of the main street in 1881 in the Chronicle,
7 March 1925, page 37.
A lengthy letter from James Cooke on "Coast Disease" is in the Register,
6 November 1866, page 3a; also see
27 December 1866, page 2f,
6 September 1888, page 3h and,
for a reputed cure, see
24 February 1869, page 3f and
22 and 23 July 1869, pages 3f, 3g and
10 January 1870, page 6f.
An informative letter on South-East trade appears on 10 November 1866, page 2h, with particular attention being paid to the Kingston district.
A letter re the Naracoorte-Port Caroline railway is in the Register,
23 September 1868, page 2g-h; also see
26 February 1873, page 5a,
10 and 19 March 1873, pages 5b and 5b.
Information on the railway to Naracoorte and the opening of same appears on
15 and 17 January 1877, pages 5g and 5f; also see
15 and 16 January 1877, pages 2f and 3d.
A trip on the railway is described in the Register,
10 January 1883, page 5g;
a history of it is in the Chronicle,
20 January 1877, page 7d.
Also see South Australia - Transport - Railways - Miscellany.
For an informative exchange of letters between George S. Kingston and George Fife Angas during 1869 on the "Foundation of South Australia" see South Australia - The Colony - Comments on the Colony.
"Progress of Kingston" is in the Register,
19 October 1870, page 5e,
22 October 1870, page 8b.
A regatta is reported in the Observer,
14 January 1871, page 6f,
1 January 1906, page 8g.
A proposed district council is discussed in the Register,
20 December 1872, page 5f,
21 December 1872, page 7b.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Local Government.
The opening of the Institute is reported in the Observer, 15 November 1873, page 7g.
At Lacepede Bay several natives were encamped near the township and we found their wants were carefully attended to by Police Trooper Morris. There were a few sick and infirm ones among them, who require daily rations, but the others can obtain fish generally for their support, and some are employed by the settlers. A school for native children is established at Kingston and is supported by private contributions, the inmates receiving the ordinary rations from the government. The average number attending is twelve, and those I examined appeared to be carefully instructed, This is the only depot where I found a place for keeping the stores exposed to the weather, but a trifling outlay on the building will put it in a proper state. (Register, 9 May 1873, page 6.)
12 July 1873, page 11f and
its opening on
15 November 1873, page 7g.
"Public Works at Kingston" is in the Register,
5 February 1874, page 6f.
The laying of the foundation stone of the Presbyterian Church is reported in the Register,
22 April 1874, page 5a; also see
23 December 1874, page 6a and
15 January 1876, page 11d.
"The Wants of Kingston" is in the Register,
26 June 1876, page 6e,
1 July 1876, page 10d;
information on a new jetty is in the Chronicle,
8 July 1876, page 9c.
Alleged errors in the survey of the town are discussed in the Register,
30 November 1876, page 5a.
A mail coach trip from Adelaide is described in the Register,
19 July 1880, page 5e.
"From Kingston to Border Town" by rail and coach is described in the Observer,
13 January 1883, page 9c.
Also see South Australia - Transport.
The retirement of G.S. Kingston's is reported in the Register,
28 October 1880, page 4g;
his death and an obituary are reported in the Observer,
11 December 1880, pages 988d-999a,
Register, 6 December 1880, pages 4g-5f.
"The Murder of Trooper Pearce" is in the Chronicle,
28 May 1881, page 23a.
Information on the jetty is in the Express,
21 June 1881, page 2d,
on a proposed council chamber in the Observer,
25 April 1885, page 35c.
"The Kingston Drainage Scheme" is in the Register,
25 August 1886, page 7f,
28 August 1886, page 9e.
For an essay on SE drainage see under Place Names - South-East.
A correspondent's "Cry From Kingston" is in the Advertiser,
22 March 1888, page 3f.
Information on fishing is in the Observer,
21 May 1892, page 29d.
"Toilers of the Deep" is in the Observer,
11 June 1910, page 50d.
"Fish From Kingston" is in the Advertiser,
20 May 1936, page 20h.
"Better Conditions for Fishermen" is in the Register,
9 September 1912, page 9c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Fishing .
A Show is reported in the Chronicle,
2 November 1889, page 23b,
24 October 1896, page 5d,
26 October 1901, page 29c.
A photograph of Show officials is in the Chronicle,
29 October 1904, page 29.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
An earthquake is reported upon in the Express,
19 May 1897, page 2e.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Miscellany.
Major O'Halloran's journal of the events surrounding the Maria massacre is reproduced in the Register,
30 April 1904, page 10a; also see
25 July 1904, page 6e.
A sports day is reported in the Chronicle,
2 April 1904, page 13b.
A canning and preserving factory is discussed in the Observer,
25 June 1904, page 26b (includes a photograph),
27 August 1910, page 11b.
A photograph of a rifle club is in the Chronicle,
1 October 1904, page 29.
Information on a wattle bark industry is in the Register,
2 November 1904, page 3g,
30 January 1906, page 3h.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Wattle Bark.
An influx of tramps into the town is commented upon in the Chronicle,
26 November 1904, page 14a.
A regatta is reported upon in the Observer,
6 January 1906, page 18b.
"Venice in the South-East - Kingston Under Water" is in the Register,
1 August 1906, page 7a.
4, 7 and 9 August 1906, pages 4g, 8e and 7c.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
18 August 1906, page 29.
Local floods are reported in the Observer,
30 July 1910, page 15b.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Floods.
A photograph of a drovers' camp is in the Chronicle,
18 May 1907, page 29 and
of local Aborigines on
29 January 1910, page 30.
Information on a golf club is in the Observer,
27 August 1910, page 18c,
3 September 1910, page 23d,
15 July 1911, page 23b.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Golf.
Biographical details of Charles Crump, district clerk, are in the Register,
1 August 1908, page 9e.
An obituary is in the Register, 18 February 1909, page 5a,
Observer, 20 February 1909, page 40c.
The sale of Woolmit Station is reported in the Register,
17 and 21 January 1911, pages 5 and 13g.
Also see
"Oil in South Australia - Indication at Kingston" is in the Advertiser,
15 September 1922, page 14e.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Petroleum.
The reminiscences of Rev F. Slaney Poole are in the Observer,
7 November 1925, page 17a.
Kingston, SE - Obituaries
An obituary of Archibald Cooke is in the Observer,
28 April 1883, page 30c,
of James Cooke in the Register, 22 and 23 April 1892, pages 5a and 5c.
An obituary of W.D. Sanderson, storekeeper, is in the Register,
19 August 1895, page 5b.
An obituary of A.G. Abbott is in the Observer,
10 June 1905, page 34d,
of Lucy A. Dening on 8 February 1908, page 40b,
of Charles Evans, builder, on 17 October 1908, page 40a,
of Mrs Alice Dudley on 31 October 1914, page 42b,
of R.B. Ferguson on 26 October 1918, page 19a,
of Henry Limbert on 22 January 1921, page 34a.
An obituary of Mrs Lucy A. Dening is in the Register,
31 January 1908, page 4h,
of C.L. Evans on 23 July 1918, page 4d,
of Thomas Redman on 7 May 1919, page 6f.
Kingston OM - Klemzig
Place Names
The City of Port Adelaide's Mayor's Report of 1944/45 shows it as a subdivision of section 1156; now included in Ottoway, while the Department of Lands describes it in Deposited Plan no. 1843 (unnamed) and certificate of title, volume 820 folio 83 as being laid out by George Howell.
Kingston OM - Klemzig
Place Names
This Adelaide suburb was laid out by the executors of the estate of J.M. Phillipson in 1905 and probably honours King Edward VII; however, the name occurs as a town in six counties in England.
General Notes
A photograph of a football team is in The Critic,
30 October 1912, page 16.
"Kingswood High School" is in the Register,
24 March 1915, page 8e.
"The Kingswood Tramline" is in the Register,
27 October 1916, page 8d,
11 January 1917, page 4e.
"Kingswood Tramway - The District's Development" is in the Register,
17 February 1917, page 12d.
20 March 1917, page 6f.
The Critic, 28 March 1917, page 12,
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
31 March 1917, page 30.
The task of laying the tram line from Hutt Street to Kingswood will be started about the end of November and completed in six weeks. The contractors (Messrs Burt and Timms) are now busy on similar undertakings in other parts of the metropolitan area... [It] cause a controversy some months ago owing to the objection raised in certain quarters to the granting of a strip of the east park lands....
The opening of a recreation ground is reported in the Register,
25 and 27 May 1918, pages 6d and 6g.
1 June 1918, page 12c.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
1 June 1918, page 25,
1 June 1918, page 24,
13 July 1918, page 6g.
A photograph of the golden wedding of Mr & Mrs J.A. Bartram is in the Observer,
20 July 1918, page 24;
also see Register,
13 July 1918, page 6g.
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs R. Dewdney is reported in the Register,
12 January 1920, page 6h.
Biographical details of Mrs A.M. Bricknell are in the Register,
9 and 13 August 1924, pages 8h and 9c, 15 August 1925, page 8h.
Kingswood Park is discussed in the Register,
8 and 15 May 1919, pages 4d and 5f.
A photograph of the flooding of Cross Road is in the Observer,
11 September 1926, page 33.
Also see South Australia - Natural Disasters - Floods.
Biographical details of Mrs J. Sharples are in the Register,
4 March 1927, page 8g, 3 March 1928, page 12f.
"New Catholic Church - Spanish Mission Design" is in The News,
28 July 1927, page 12a,
26 July 1927, page 12c,
1 August 1927, page 12d.
Kingswood - Obituaries
An obituary of Mrs W.A. Wood is in the Observer,
9 October 1915, page 46b,
of Mrs I. Jeanes on 28 April 1917, page 13c,
of C.T. Wright on 11 August 1923, page 38b,
of Anthony Edson on 22 September 1928, page 49a.
An obituary of Mrs W.A. Wood is in the Register,
5 October 1915, page 4h,
of Mrs I. Jeanes on 24 April 1917, page 4h,
of A.H.C. Zietz on 3 August 1921, page 6i,
of F.H.M. Good on 28 October 1924, page 8g,
of C.H. Zweck on 16 October 1925, page 10g,
of Carl A. Hirsch on 31 July 1926, page 3i.
An obituary of Mrs Constance Wellington is in the Register,
4 November 1926, page 8g,
of William C. Horrocks on 7 July 1928, page 14e,
of Mrs Victoria Bundey on 18 July 1928, page 12c,
of Anthony Edson on 17 September 1928, page 11b.
An obituary of Mrs Victoria Bundey is in the Observer,
21 July 1928, page 32e,
of Robert Duncan on 9 March 1929, page 12d,
of Harry Snell on 22 May 1929, page 6d.
Kingston OM - Klemzig
Place Names
The ship Lady Kinnaird was wrecked off Cape Burr on 21 January 1880.
General Notes
A report on the wreck of the Lady Kinnaird is in the Register,
26 January 1880, page 5b-e; also see
27 January 1880, page 6a,
7, 25 and 28 February 1880, pages 5g, 6d and 4g,
2 March 1880, page 6b.
The Lady Kinnaird, barque, 680 tons, A. Laws, Master, which left Port Pirie... went ashore... on the rocks off Cape Burr... The vessel had 8,000 bags of wheat on board... The captain and crew were saved, though with much difficulty, and many of them are suffering from severe bruises. On Saturday they were discovered camped on the shore, sufficient provisions having been washed on to the beach from the wreck to sustain them for a moderate time. The Captain left for Adelaide by the Kangaroo on Saturday.
Place Names
The Right Hon. Earl of Kintore, Governor of South Australia (1889-1895).
General Notes
Also see South Australia - Governors and Ancillary Matters.
The name was also applied to a copper mine "7 miles SE of Yunta Railway Station" in the 1890s -
see Record of the Mines of South Australia (fourth edition), page 75.
Also see South Australia - Mining - South Australia.
A condemnatory letter headed "Our New Governor" appears in the Advertiser,
4 March 1889, page 7b; also see
30 March 1889, page 4c.
Biographical details of the governor are in the Observer,
29 December 1888, page 24d,
Register, 11 April 1889, page 5c.
Evidently his lordship has not mastered the rudiments of the duties of a constitutional Governor of a colony having the freest constitution in the world. These duties consist briefly of drawing his salary thankfully like every other civil servant on the 1st of each month; to submit gracefully to retrenchment at perhaps no distant date...; to give his assent on behalf of her Majesty to local Acts of Parliament and, finally, to assume in all other matters the attitude of a lay figure. Certainly, it is no part of his duty to sneer by implication at the loyal of South Australain Irishmen or the sons of Irishmen. He will find the spirit of Republicanism rampant amongst other portions of the rising generation...
Lord Kintore says he "will eschew politics in future". Pity he did not arrive at that decision before and not during his after-dinner oration. He took care by anticipation to transmit the seed of the apple of discord...
Place Names
An Aboriginal name for the pig-face plant.
General Notes
The school opened in 1895 and closed in 1911.
Information on the sheep station is in the Register,
24 December 1926, page 11e.
- Moving on again we reached Piednippie with its little schoolhouse on the top of a rise. I was told this was called the "Moseley" school. It is 30 years since I was at Piednippie and my thoughts go back to the time when this country was part of the old Kirkala station, the well on which was equipped with an overhead whim...
Place Names
In 1877 J. Reedie, sold part of section 449, Hundred of Yatala to Messrs H.S. Anthony, L.S. Wicksteed, W.P. Wicksteed and A. McIntyre, who subdivided it in 1879. Mr Reedie hailed from Fifeshire, Scotland where there is a town of the same name; now included in Henley Beach.
General Notes
The opening of the Kirkcaldy Bridge is reported in the Register,
18 September 1858, page 3h,
18 September 1858, page 5f.
The Hindmarsh District Council celebrated the completion of the Leason road by a picnic at Kirkcaldy Beach... It will be remembered that the formal opening of this approach to the beach took place on the 9th November last. It has been constructed by private subscription and the merit of its success is exclusively due to the unremitting efforts of Mr James Leason, in compliment to whom the thoroughfare has been named after him...
1 January 1870, page 13b.
Also see Adelaide - Picnics and Holidays.
A proposed jetty is discussed in the Register,
26 August 1878, page 4g,
31 August 1878, page 24c.
John Reedie's obituary is in the Observer,
20 July 1878, page 7a,
of Mrs Reedie on 21 April 1900, page 22c.
Historical information is in the Register,
6 June 1922, page 5e.
An obituary of John J. May is in the Observer,
17 July 1920, page 37c,
of Herbert W. Mitton on 14 January 1928, page 49c,
of John Kennedy on 8 December 1928, page 49a.
An obituary of Miss Georgina Crispe is reported in the Register,
4 October 1926, page 12e,
of W.J. McCarthy on 9 November 1926, page 12f,
of James McCallum on 17 May 1927, page 12f.
The landing of a seaplane is reported in the Register,
10 September 1923, page 11b.
A photograph is in the Observer,
15 September 1923, page 33.
Also see South Australia - Transport - Aeroplanes.
"Kirkcaldy Cyclone - A Passage of Destruction" is in the Register,
18 August 1926, page 11d.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
21 August 1926, page 54.
Kingston OM - Klemzig
Place Names
Kirkpatrick, Hundred of
A.A. Kirkpatrick, MLC (1891-1909, 1918-1928), MP (1915-1918).
General Notes
Also see South Australia - Politics.
Biographical details of A.A. Kirkpatrick are in the Weekly Herald,
8 May 1896, page 1,
19 April 1902, page 1a,
The News,
27 May 1926, page 8g;
an obituary is in the Register,
20 August 1928, page 11a.
[He] is one of the oldest and best known of the Labor members.... He has taken a prominent part in any movement for the improvement of the condition of the people, especially the producing and working classes... Throughout the district his name is a household word and when he retires next year he should be reelected by an overwhelming majority... Mr Kirkpatrick is a sound and capable adviser and his efforts are highly appreciated by his constituents and the important Party with which he is so intimately connected.
Place Names
The name was applied to a village near Adelaide created by German immigrants in 1838 and named by them after a town in Germany; the Aborigines called it warkowodliwodli - wodli refers to a 'house' or a 'hut'. The first settlers called the area Klemzig after their home town and from here some eventually went to G.F. Angas' land in the Barossa Valley and established that now famous region.
Life at Klemzig in the Late 1840s - By Christine Petschel
(Taken from Geoffrey H. Manning, Hope Farm Chronicle, p. 96.)
On arrival at Port Adelaide we were surprised to see how bare everything looked, and with only two or three small ships at anchor. At low tide these ships leant over to such a degree that one wondered how people could walk on deck.
Before we left the ship we arranged to have a farewell dinner which consisted of fresh mutton, fresh vegetables and fresh bread. You have no idea how much this was enjoyed by one and all after partaking of stale food for four months.
When we arrived at the pier after disembarking from the Alfred there were no steps to descend and we had to be hauled up about ten feet. Now another form of transport awaited us - a large dray drawn by oxen on which our belongings were packed, with our families on top. In this way we travelled a distance of eight to ten miles to a German settlement called Klemzig.
Arriving in the dark shortly before midnight, we had no idea of our surroundings. The men had all stayed on the ship, waiting to see our heavier luggage unloaded. This took a long time, so that it was a week before they reached Klemzig. Here we women and children were all alone in a strange colony and among strange people.
Next morning when we arose we found we were in the middle of a paddock with high, dry grass around us. The little house, which we four families were to occupy, consisted of two rooms. There was a fireplace in one room but who would think of lighting a fire there in such weather? We looked around and found a brick oven in which we lit a fire. We had scarcely done this when several of the neighbours rushed up and begged us to be most careful not to let the fire escape, otherwise there was a strong possibility of everyone, our goods and chattels, also being burnt.
Accordingly, we were most careful. Mother stood behind the oven with a bucket of water and poured some when ever a flame appeared. Another woman did the same at the front and after that we never again ventured to light a fire in the open oven whilst we were there.
The Torrens River, being only five minutes walk from our house, supplied us with the necessary water. Therfore, one of the first things we did was to wash our soiled linen which we had used on the voyage. This was easily done as the Torrens was shallow with a nice gravel bottom, the women going into the water with bare feet.
In this way the washing was done and the wet clothes spread on the dry grass. The hot sun burnt on their backs and heads, at the same time lightly warming the water. None of the women wore hats, but none got sunstroke.
We felt very relieved when after five or six days waggons arrived and took us to Langmeil, near Tanunda. Father and the other men were still away seeing to the unloading of our belongings.
General Notes
A description of the village in 1839 appears in the Southern Australian,
1 May 1839, page 1c and
30 January 1878, page 6a.
"The First German Settlement" is in the Observer,
14 April 1900, page 28a.
Also see South Australia - Immigration - Migrants - Germans.
Information on the early cemetery is in the Register,
21 June 1922, page 3e,
1 July 1924, page 10f.
An article by Rev John Blacket is in the Advertiser,
26 June 1924, page 11d; also see
11 February 1928, page 19f
1 July 1924, page 10f.
"South Australia's First Village" is in the Register,
28 December 1922, page 9g,
"Some Interesting History" on
16 July 1927, page 15d.
"Romance of Klemzig" is in the Advertiser,
22 October 1907, page 7h.
"Isolated Klemzig" is in the Express,
27 March 1914, page 2f.
The reminiscences of Mrs T. Staude, edited by Rev John Blacket, are in the Advertiser,
6 November 1929, page 17d; also see
19 November 1929, page 22c.
A complaining letter about an "arranged dog fight" is in the Register,
21 April 1886, page 3h:
Two dogs [fought] and whilst the infuriated brutes engaged in combat these men were enthusiastic over betting on their favourite dog and the more blood and gore the better pleased were these monsters.
24 March 1890, page 7c,
14 and 16 February 1891, pages 4d and 4a.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
"Early Colonial Memories - The First German Settlement" is in the Register,
4 April 1900, page 6d,
"Reviving an Old Settlement" in the Express,
2 May 1900, page 2b.
In 1900 when small areas were sold by the government on perpetual lease "the old German settlement" was renamed "Powell", in memory of Lt. Powell, the first South Australian to fall in battle in the Boer War; his death is reported in the Advertiser,
17 February 1900, page 7g; also see
22 March 1900, page 5d and
18 and 28 June 1900, pages 4e and 4f,
2 June 1900, page 46a.
On 16 July 1900 at page 4f the Register says:
The settlers at Powell wish to revert to the old order of things, the general consensus being that popular sentiment should not be pandered to the extent of altering an old name around which many associations cling... They are, however, in accord with a suggestion that some of the street names should bear tribute to the fame of the famous commanders at the front.
(Also see Register,
18 and 20 July 1900, pages 4f and 6g,
17 August 1900, page 4f.)
7 April 1900, page 28a,
5 May 1900, page 30a,
"The Water Question" on
15 and 22 September 1900, pages 16d and 28d.
The laying of the cornerstone of a public hall is reported in the Register,
22 August 1910, page 9f and
its opening on
2 August 1910, page 9f.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
27 August 1910, page 29.
The first Klemzig Show is reported in the Advertiser,
15 February 1915, page 11c.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
20 February 1915, page 28,
The Critic,
1 March 1916, page 15,
21 February 1917, page 13,
27 February 1918, page 23.
Also see South Australia Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows .
An obituary of William Nicolle is in the Register,
22 May 1928, page 11g.
The unveiling of a memorial to German pioneers is reported in the Advertiser,
31 August 1936, page 18c; also see
1 September 1936 (special edition), page 25.