Place Names of South Australia - C
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of

A school near Mundulla was opened in 1890 and closed in 1962 taking its name from the adjacent Carew Well. John Reynell held three pastoral leases (nos. 2253, 2359 and 2623) 'north of Tatiara' and he may have named it as the Christian name 'Carew' appears in the Reynell family.
General Notes
An obituary of Johann A. Staude is in the Observer,
25 December 1926, page 45d.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Carey Gully
Two kilometres ESE of Uraidla. The earliest reference to the name is to be found in the survey book of Corporal Young, Royal Sappers and Miners when, in 1851, he refers to the 'survey of the road between sections 30 and 31, Paddy Carey's Gully'. Patrick 'Paddy' Carey never owned any land in the gully.
General Notes
The laying of the cornerstone of the Primitive Methodist Chapel is reported in the Register, 9 November 1864, page 3f:
The cornerstone of a new Primitive Methodist Chapel was laid by Mr. Renfrey of Mount Charles on 4 November 1864, when a very appropriate address was delivered by Rev J. Read of Woodside...
A sports day is reported in the Chronicle,
4 December 1880, page 12c.
The opening of the Bible Christian Chapel is reported in the Chronicle,
25 June 1881, page 22b.
A friendly society picnic is reported in the Chronicle,
3 December 1881, page 22d.
The district is described in the Register, 4 March 1893 (supp.), page 1a:
It is named after a man called "Paddy" Carey, a splitter of 40 years ago. He was the first to settle here. His hut was constructed of sheets of bark propped in tent-shaped fashion against the bending stem of a sapling. His saw-pit near the hut was for many years afterwards a landmark...
4 December 1905, page 6b;
his obituary is in the Register,
5 November 1909, page 13d, Observer,
13 November 1909, page 38a.
A photograph is in the Observer,
28 August 1909, page 32.
An obituary of R. Shueard is in the Register,
11 January 1896, page 5d,
of Mrs Thomas Sharp in the Observer,
6 June 1908, page 40a.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
The Hundred of Caroline in the County of Grey was proclaimed on 12 June 1862 and named by Governor Daly after his daughter.
General Notes
The district south-east of Mount Gambier is the subject of a letter from a local farmer in respect of "troubles" on the farm and the damage done by kangaroos - see Register, 30 January 1868, page 3c:
The new settlers, having laboured night and day to secure their wheat from the kangaroos have met with the misfortune of having it all swept away by fire... These farmers have nothing to live on now, to say nothing of paying rent, buying flour and seed wheat and living for the next 12 months...
It is the most south-easterly hundred in the colony and there was formerly a good deal of farming tried there. But the farms did not pay and the agriculturist has now given way to the sheep, the farms having been sold and formed into small runs, varying in size from 500 to 3,000 acres. There are , however, some Education lands for which about one shilling an acre rental per annum is being paid. Somebody, no doubt, reaps the benefit of this; but, judging by the quality of the land we passed through, I should not think it is the lessee... (Register, 23 October 1880, page 5.)
The Caroline East School was opened in 1913 and in the same year had its name changed to "Summer Hill"; it closed in 1917. The Hundred of Caroline School operated from 1893 until 1944.
An obituary of Joseph Bone is in the Register,
2 July 1917, page 6f.
A photograph of a forest watch tower is in the Observer,
23 March 1918, page 26.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Forestry.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Caroline, Port
Proclaimed on 26 January 1865 and probably named after the ship Caroline which sheltered at the port in Lacepede Bay; it was proclaimed as a Port on 26 January 1865.
General Notes
It is described in some detail in the Register,
13 June 1866, page 3g:
The schooner Gem, Captain Lindsay, rode here in perfect security on the day the Adelaide was lost in MacDonnell Bay. The steamer Ant, when unable to reach the shelter of the southern end of Kangaroo Island, after two day's hard endeavour, during one of our most fearful gales, ran at its height into Lacepede Bay and was there preserved at the time the Livingstone was wrecked in Guichen Bay, where the Alma went to pieces a day or two before.
I was astonished at the height of the gale at our passing into smooth water and anchoring about two miles from the shore in the open bay. It appeared to me that the formation of the bottom broke the force of the ocean waves and protected from a ground swell...
Place Names
'Caroona' was the name of a pastoral property '30 miles north-east of Burra'. The 'Caroona Run', was established by John Hallett in 1851 (lease no. 109).
General Notes
Thel property is described in the Register,
18 May 1904, page 3f,
21 May 1904, page 12c:
The station is the property of Bertram W. Pearce and is situated about 30 miles north-east of Burra... At every turn there is plainly stamped energy and progressiveness, backed up by heaps of enthusiasm... Around the homestead are all kind of fruit trees and vines; water is laid on throughout and is drawn by a windmill from a huge dam put down close by; all kinds of vegetables are grown... The rabbits are little troublesome now and a gang of men are digging out, trapping and dogging. For the past month they accounted for 6,000 of the pest.
Mr. Pearce believes in a little recreation and has a bicycle track, a splendid cricket pitch and a nice little tennis court... The run is watered by the old Caroona and Witto Creeks and numerous large dams...
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
A post office opened in April 1898 by D. Beinke on section 75, Hundred of Hawker 24 km south-west of Cowell and a school opened by Delia McEwen in 1892 which closed in 1948. Aboriginal for 'fighting place'.
General Notes
A photograph of the football team is in the Chronicle,
4 December 1909, page 32.
An obituary of Alex Horne is in the Register,
29 May 1926, page 11e.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Carpenter Rocks
In the South-East 16 km west of Kongorong were named Les Charpentiers by Baudin. In Peron's book of the voyage at page 248 he says that the words mean 'The Carpenters', in allusion to the fact that the rocks were 'indented like the teeth of a saw'.
General Notes
The wreck of the Flying Cloud is reported in the Observer,
16 April 1870, page 4g:
On 11 April 1870 a settler named Varcoe, living near
Carpenter Rocks, came into Port MacDonnell and reported
that a brig had been wrecked about 2 ½ miles
east from the place where the Admella was wrecked...
The captain, his wife and child, the mate and the
crew of six blacks (fine fellows) all got safely
to land in the boats, three of which were saved...
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Carr, Hundred of
John Carr, MP (1865-1884). Born in Yorkshire, England in September 1819 he arrived in the colony in 1849 and took up land in Dashwood Gully, subsequently leasing 1,600 square miles of country on the Nullarbor Plain, before engaging in a mercantile business at Port Adelaide. He died in February 1913.
General Notes
Also see South Australia - Politics.
For background information on the reason for its creation see Register,
24 May 1876, page 6a:
The Commissioner of Crown Lands was asked by a number of gentlemen 'who are interested in that part of the country' to resume a strip of country from Arkaba to Blinman for selection so that feed might be provided for the horse and cattle of teamsters and travellers...
It is described in the Register,
20 October 1884, page 6c,
25 October 1884, page 10a.
"Mr Carr's Alleged Prevarication" is discussed in the Register,
14 July 1877, page 6g.
His reminiscences appear on
19 August 1905, page 9g.
"Mr Carr and the Press" is in the Chronicle,
1 December 1877, page 5a.
An editorial in the Advertiser on 30 March 1878, page 4c says:
Mr Carr followed his leader and if he fell short of his pattern of verbosity, he outdid him in virulence... The most charitable view to take of Mr Carr is that when on his legs he is not responsible for his utterances.
19 August 1905, page 9g,
26 August 1905, page 45d; also see
21 September 1909, page 1f;
an obituary is in the Advertiser,
10 February 1913, page 15a.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Carribie, Hundred of
In the County of Fergusson, proclaimed on 24 January 1878 and derived from the Aboriginal karibi - 'where emus drink'.
General Notes
A school of this name operated from 1930 until 1935.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
A corruption of the name of a former Aboriginal camp on section 1018 meaning 'place for redgum firewood'.
General Notes
"The First Day With the Southern Hounds" is in the Register,
27 May 1843, page 3a:
I met the Southern, late Onkaparinga hounds, hunted by Mr. James... A kangaroo was soon found in the neighbourhood of Mr. Boord's station at Curry-kalinga which was killed after several runs of 20 minutes among the adjoining stony ranges...
Also see South Australia - Sport - Fox Hunting.
Information on a silver-lead mine in the area is in the Chronicle,
13 September 1862, page 2f,
18 December 1880, page 5b.
Also see South Australia - Mining.
Photographs of harvest time on James Matthews' farm are in the Observer,
28 December 1907, page 30.
"Hidden Mineral Wealth" is in the Register,
29 November 1913, page 7f.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
The town lies about 40 km north of Orroroo and was proclaimed on 10 April 1879; its school opened in 1882. Governor Jervois named it after his daughter, Lucy Caroline.
General Notes
A sale of town allotments is reported in the Chronicle,
13 December 1879, page 4f,
24 September 1881, page 8b.
A public meeting called to seek better government facilities in the town is reported in the Register,
28 February 1881, page 6e:
A public meeting was held in February 1881 to discuss the need for a better supply of water, erection of a school and teacher's residence, the holding of a Local Court at Carrion, etc. As for water, it was decided to petition for the provision of a better supply from the Yanyarrie Whim Well, either by deepening the well or lengthening the drive...
Also see South Australia - Water Conservation.
A photograph of council members is in the Observer,
20 February 1909, page 30.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Local Government.
Information on the Catholic Church is in the Chronicle,
11 March 1882, page 21c,
26 April 1884, page 8c.
A presentation to G. Read is reported in the Register,
10 April 1882, page 5b.
"The Wants of Carrieton" is in the Chronicle,
1 July 1882, page 8b.
Its school opened in 1882.
An Arbor Day is reported in the Register,
9 August 1894, page 6g (Also see South Australia - Education - Arbor Days) and
a school picnic and sports day on
16 November 1906, page 3f.
Its first Show is reported in the Register,
7 October 1882, (supp.) page 2b; also see
6 October 1883, page 6c,
4 October 1884, page 9g,
23 October 1885, page 7f.
Also see South Australia - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows.
A horse race meeting is reported in the Chronicle,
9 February 1884, page 21d,
14 February 1885, page 17e,
6 February 1886, page 17e,
19 August 1893, page 21d.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Horse Racing.
"Government Treatment of Carrieton" is in the Register, 10 July 1885, page 7e:
There is scarcely a township in the northern areas that has been more shamefully treated by the government than Carrieton... To their utter dismay the railway was taken about two miles to the west of the township... Still the residents did not grumble much; they asked for a tramway to the township and the Commissioner of Public works promised that when the traffic of Carrieton warranted the outlay he would have a report on the matter. Now the traffic has warranted the outlay and we are anxiously awaiting the report...
When the Vermin Boards were forming we did not clamour for a Board but quite expected the appointment of an officer to destroy scalps and issue certificates, but this has not been done. Neither did we ask for a Registrar of Dogs to be appointed, but after having that privilege for a number of years really thought we would not now be deprived of it...
A sports day is reported in the Chronicle,
10 January 1885, page 23b,
19 April 1890, page 23c,
31 March 1894, page 3g,
7 April 1893, page 3g.
A military sports day is reported in the Advertiser,
6 January 1888, page 7d; also see
30 May 1896, page 11g.
Reports on a typhoid epidemic in the town are in the Register,
28 April 1885, pages 4h-6a,
14 and 21 May 1885, pages 5c and 4e-6a - Also see South Australia - Health - Fevers - Typhoid:
At the government school no child except the master's family has answered to his name...
(Also see Register, 17, 18 and 20 February 1886, pages 5a, 6g and 5d.)
10 July 1885, page 7e and
Parliamentary Paper 66/1886, 66/1887; also see
11 July 1885, page 13e,
22 January 1887, page 35e,
10 December 1887, page 33a,
3 June 1899, page 15a,
27 August 1904, page 34d.
"Mineral Claims at Orroroo and Carrieton" is in the Chronicle,
24 July 1886, page 23b.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Coal.
The plight of farmers is discussed in the Observer,
31 October 1896, page 29a,
7 November 1896, page 4b,
7 November 1896, page 17a,
3 December 1898, page 17a,
9 February 1901, page 8b.
The reminiscences of Mr W.J. Gleeson appear on
24 October 1922, page 4f; also see
28 October 1922, page 5a,
13 July 1933, page 6.
Also see South Australia - Northern Lands Development and Allied Matters - Comments on Goyder's Line.
A photograph of Mr Davis's implement works is in the Pictorial Australian in
March 1895, page 45,
of members of the district council in the Chronicle,
30 January 1909, page 30.
"The Carrieton Tragedy" is in the Register,
12 and 13 February 1920, pages 7f and 7g,
12 February 1920, page 1a.
"Carrieton Caves" is in the Advertiser,
29 March 1922, page 10e,
"The Guano Caves" on
5 August 1922, page 12f; also see Place Names - Arcoota.
Carrieton - Obituaries
An obituary of John F. Fisher is in the Register,
30 July 1913, page 12h,
of Thomas Shephard on 21 November 1917, page 6f,
of P. McInerney and T.E. Sharp on 28 November 1917, page 6f,
of T.G. Sullivan on 13 May 1918, page 4g,
of Mrs Susan Sharp on 28 January 1925, page 8h,
of Mrs Winifred O'Dea on 24 April 1926, page 11c,
of Mrs Mary Moroney on 1 and 5 June 1926, pages 8f and 3g.
An obituary of P.A. Molloy is in the Observer,
10 March 1917, page 21d,
of Henry Hodgson on 2 June 1917, page 33a,
of W.S. Lasscock on 6 October 1917, page 39a,
of Thomas Shephard on 24 November 1917, page 40b,
of T.E. Sharp on 1 December 1917, page 30b,
of Mrs Ann King on 30 March 1918, page 19a,
of Mrs Mary Moroney on 5 June 1926, page 10c.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
An account of sheep droving from Bungaree to Carriewerloo is in the Advertiser, 10 April 1875, page 2f.
A photograph of local Aborigines is in the Observer,
1 July 1905, page 30.
A successful water divining operation is reported in the Advertiser, 1 March 1912, page 11d - Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Water Divining and Rainmaking:
With the object of tapping water Mr. R.M. Hawker arranged with Mr. Porter of Maitland to try what could be done with the aid of the divining rod and in July 1911 he marked out a number of likely sites... When the bore was started sand and boulders gave the contractors some little trouble... At 30 feet a small supply of water was struck. Then better sinking ground was gone through... The flow has not been properly ascertained, but up to 10,000 gallons per 24 hours is a certainty...
A farewell to Neil McGilp is reported in the Observer,
8 June 1912, page 50b.
This school west of Port Augusta opened and closed in 1917.
Dam sinking is reported upon in the Observer,
13 and 20 June 1925, pages 4c and 60c.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Water Divining and Rainmaking.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
The Observer of 12 and 19 August 1843, pages 5b and 5c says:
The teetotalers had a grand field day at Happy Valley near the village of Carrington on 15 August 1843. Several warm friends of the cold water system left the town at an early hour, forming a sort of a picnic party.... It appears that through the whole valley, not one habitual drunkard was to be found prior to the meeting... Mr. Cole said he was a trophy of teetotalism and therefore was warm in its cause. Moderate drinking had made him a drunkard and total abstinence had made him a sober man...
An 1840 list of farms in District B shows "Carrington" as the name of a farm conducted by Jeremiah Morphett on sections 484/485.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
A subdivision of part section 370, Hundred of Yatala. Patrick McCarron laid it out between Maria Terrace and the Port Road; now included in Brompton.:
- A new township to be called Carron Down after the celebrated iron works in Scotland... it is on preliminary section (no. 370) recently purchased by Mr P. McCarron. (Observer, 17 September 1864, page 8.)
General Notes
"Melancholy Case of Drowning [of Thomas McCarron]" is in the Register, 23 June 1856, page 2e:
Thomas McCarron, aged ten years, the youngest son of Mr. P. McCarron of the Railway Hotel, Bowden was drowned in the River Torrens in 1856. Accompanied by two playmates he was attracted to the side of the river by the rapid torrent of water bearing on its surface branches of trees. On trying
to reach one he fell head foremost into the stream which was going at about the rate of seven miles an hour. An alarm was given and the men employed at the tannery of Mr. Thomas McKay followed the course of the river for a considerable distance, but did not see anything of the body...
A cricket match against a Leigh Street team is reported in the Chronicle,
28 February 1874, page 4f.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Cricket - Miscellany.
The Adelaide Steam Rope Works is described in the Register,
17 October 1876, page 6e.
Also see Adelaide - Factories and Mills.
Information on the Baptist Church is in the Register,
22 November 1882, page 5c; also see
19 November 1884, page 5c,
18 June 1884, page 5f.
An obituary of John Shepherd is in the Register,
24 November 1891, page 3c,
of Mrs Mary A. Duncan on 3 March 1926, page 8h.
Biographical details of Mrs Susannah Dalcum are in the Register,
8 August 1921, page 7a.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
A town on eastern Eyre Peninsula north of Tumby Bay was laid out at 'Mottled Cove' by the surveyor W.G. Evans and proclaimed on 13 May 1909; an Aboriginal word relating to a soakage rock hole.
The town's name was changed to 'Port Neill' on 19 September 1940.
Also see Place Names - Port Neill.
General Notes
An account of a murder on one of John Tennant's stations on Eyre Peninsula is in the Register, 4 April 1851, page 4a:
John Shepherd was charged witth being an accessory to the murder of a hut keeper, Charles Crocker, on one of Mr. Tennant's stations in 1851. The prisoner is a young man about 21 years of age, of rather prepossessing exterior and appears to have belonged to a better sphere of life. He is quiet and unassuming and bears a good character. The deceased, on the contrary, seems to have been noted for violence of temper and a tendency to aggravate and annoy... The accused was committed for trial and sent to Adelaide in the Emu.
The Register of 2 July 1910, page 12g has information on the local place and "Carrow" in Norwich, England - this report is obviously the source of Cockburn's nomenclature as recorded in What's in a Name.
Its school opened in 1911 and became "Port Neill" in 1941.
A photograph is in the Chronicle, 12 January 1933, page 34.
An obituary of Mr Tennent (sic) is in the Register,
13 May 1867, page 2f.
Andrew Tennant's obituary is in the Register,
21 July 1913, page 7c.
A photograph of the Parker family is in the Observer,
3 July 1915, page 29.
Photographs of the shipment of charcoal are in the Chronicle,
14 December 1918, page 26,
of water carting on
1 February 1919, page 23.
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Cash Hill
East of Baird Bay on Eyre Peninsula. Thomas Patrick Cash (1861-1939) who had farming and pastoral interests in the district.
General Notes
An obituary of Mary Cash is in the Observer, 27 February 1909, page 40e:
Mrs Mary Cash, a native of County Kerry, Ireland, died at her son's residence, Calca Station, on 9 February 1909, aged 76 years. She arrived with her parents, Mr. & Mrs Ignatius O'Sullivan in the Mary Dugdale in 1840. In 1852 she married Patrick Cash, who had purchased land at St John's, near Kapunda. Her husband died in 1867, but she continued to carry on the farm and remained until 1878 when, with her son in law, Mr. D.T. Kenny, she selected land in the Hundred of Colton and with her sons commenced farming there. She remained there until 1886 when she removed to Calca...
Carew - Cassini, Hundred of
Place Names
Cassini, Hundred of
On the northern coast of Kangaroo Island 26 km west of Emu Bay. Named by Baudin on 4 January 1802 after Caesar F. Cassini de Thury, a French astronomer.
General Notes
"Among the Farmers" is in the Register, 21 March 1908, page 11c:
Although many years have passed since Cassini was settled and opened for settlement only lately has there been any noticeable influx of settlers. A rougher or more inaccessible district can scarcely be imagined. Of course, parts of the track are beyond cavil and present opportunities for exhilarating drives, but the balance made up principally of ruts, roots, sand and treacherous rocks, render speedy travel utterly impossible and the seat of a four-wheeled trap like the reverse of a bed of roses...