Place Names of South Australia - C
Comaum - Cook
- Comaum
- Commodore Point
- Commonwealth Hill
- Company Tiers
- Compass, Mount
- Compton
- Concordia
- Condowie
- Coneybeer, Hundred of/A>
- Conglima
- Conmurra
- Conway Town
- Coober Pedy
- Coobowie
- Cooeyana Well
- Cook
A corruption of the Aboriginal kuman - 'sheep washing place'.
General Notes
An obituary of Frederick Ockley is in the Register,
16 May 1912, page 4g.
The Comaum School had its name changed to "Durr" in 1941;
it closed in 1955.
The Hundred of Comaum School opened in 1888 and changed its name to "Comaum" in 1955.
Commodore Point
A report of the wreck is in the Register, 1 March 1856, page 3b:-
The schooner Commodore, 60 tons, Smith, master has become a total wreck, having parted her cable and struck against a reef of rocks outside the entrance of the harbour known as 'Rocky Point'...
Commonwealth Hill
The name was applied to a Rural School in 1975;it closed in 1978.
Company Tiers
A school in the Mount Lofty Ranges near Adelaide which in 1860 was conducted by William Smith; 30 scholars were on the roll - see Parliamentary Paper 174/1860.
Compass, Mount
On a journey to Encounter Bay in 1840 Governor Gawler lost his compass in the vicinity.
General Notes
The school opened in 1899.
"Blocks at Mount Compass" is in the Chronicle, 25 March 1899, page 15a:
Up to about nine years ago, with one slight exception, the land has remained in its wild and primitive condition - a quaking, spongy, sour swamp, overgrown with reeds, wire grass, swamp willow, silver wattle and other useless vegetation. It was then considered by most people who had seen it to be utterly useless... About 30 years ago Thomas Callaghan, the road station man, cleared a few rods on the edge of the swamp on slightly rising ground... Here he grew splendid potatoes and other vegetables... His successor, George Waye, increased the plot...
The laying of the foundation stone of a new public hall is reported in the Register,
12 June 1903, page 3e,
20 June 1903, page 4a (supp.).
A field naturalists excursion is reported in the Register,
12 November 1903, page 3d,
10 October 1924, page 7e.
A Show is reported in the Register,
16 April 1903, page 7d,
25 March 1907, page 9f,
1 April 1909, page 9d.
Also see South Australia - Agricultural, Floricultural & Horticultural Shows.
"Three Women Cremated" is in the Chronicle,
25 April 1908, page 43b.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Burying the Dead.
Biographical details of George Waye are in the Register,
9 August 1911, page 10g.
Photographs of the district are in the Chronicle,
2 September 1911, page 31.
The town and district are described in the Observer,
6 August 1901, page 10b,
31 January 1914, page 7a,
2 July 1914, page 10a,
4 and 11 July 1914, pages 15a and 14a,
18 June 1931, page 6a.
The sale of 10-acre allotments of "black peat swamp" is advertised on
11 March 1915, page 8.
Photographs of polling day are in the Observer,
2 August 1911, page 31.
Also see South Australia - Politics - Elections.
"Mount Compass and the Peat Flats" is in The Mail,
27 February 1915, page 7,
11 March 1915, page 8.
Also see Place Names - Black Swamp.
"Hermits of the Hills" is in the Advertiser,
28 September 1935, page 9g.
A railway siding 13 km north-west of Mount Gambier received its name from Evelyn P.S. Sturt's station which he took up under occupation licence on 10 April 1845. A possible clue as to its nomenclature is in The Mail, 9 May 1925 which says, inter alia:
- One of Stuart's best friend was Compton S. Ferrers who was a steward of what is now called the Victorian Racing Club away back in the 1850s.
General Notes
Parliamentary Paper 34/1877 shows Compton Downs School being conducted by Alexander McDougall with 71 enrolled pupils; it opened in 1862 and had its name changed to "Compton" in 1947. Register, 7 November 1862, page 3e:
A new school room is commenced at Compton Downs and Mr. Straube is carrying on his scholastic duties, lately occupied by Mr. Cooper.
Local farms are described in the Register,
5 February 1883, page 5g and
the cheese factory in the Observer,
8 December 1888, page 11d,
11 December 1888, page 7c.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Dairying.
The Mount Gambier Rabbit Factory is described in the Observer,
26 November 1898, page 3d,
27 May 1899, page 3c,
10 February 1900, page 4a,
4 July 1898, page 6f,
25 December 1905, page 4g,
"Preserved Rabbits for the Navy" on
3 March 1915, page 6e.
Also see South Australia - Flora and Fauna - Rabbits.
An obituary of Joachim Schmidt is in the Observer,
17 March 1906, page 38b,
of John Sutton on 8 January 1910, page 37c,
of Thomas Honan on 8 July 1922, page 20d,
of F.R. Sassinowsky on 16 February 1924, page 45b.
Situated 5 km ENE of Gawler; a subdivision of section 465, Hundred of Barossa the first of which was undertaken by L. Simon, F.A. Oehm and L. Belling in 1877, when part of it was sold to the Government for education purposes. Earlier, in 1861, Frederick Sickovich had opened 'Concordia School' where 'his pupils, mainly Germans, are making fair progress in English language..." 'Concordia' is the Roman Goddess of Peace and Harmony.
General Notes
Examinations at the school are reported upon in the Register,
15 April 1863, page 2h and
30 October 1868, page 3d;
records in the Department of Education are not compatible for they show the school opening in 1881 and closing in 1886:
On 10 April 1863 an examination took place at a school kept by Mr. Sikovich at Concordia, Barossa West and 70 visitors were present who appeared to take great interest in the progress of the scholars...
The Chronicle of 2 April 1898, page 12 says:
A tennis match against Hamley Bridge was held in that town in March 1898 when afternoon tea was provided by the ladies and partaken of in Mr. Bakerfield's garden... Members of the Concordia team were Messrs J. and E. Doyle, R. Hoepner, Mrs Hoepner, Miss Doyle...
An obituary of Mrs John Martin is in the Register,
1 August 1901, page 5b.
Aboriginal for 'good water'.
General Notes
The Condowie South School opened in 1877 and closed in 1940;
Condowie North School operated from 1877 until 1884, while the
Condowie Plains School existed from 1885 until 1895.
A sports day is reported in the Observer, 1 November 1879, page 7c:
The annual festival of the Condowie Band of Hope was held on 22 October 1879 in a paddock kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. W. Freebairn. The children met at the store and at 10 o'clock a start was made for the scene of the day's sports in a pretty part of the scrub about two miles away... Games of all kinds were engaged in by the ladies such as croquet, drop-the-handkerchief and various other games. The athletic sports were under the supervision of Messrs W.H. Johns, J. Oats and T. Morton. At the conclusion of the sports a start was made for the chapel where a meeting was held...
The opening of the Wesleyan Church is reported in the Chronicle,
6 March 1880, page 4d;
a photograph is in the Chronicle,
29 July 1911, page 31.
An obituary of John W. Adams is in theRegister,
27 July 1893, page 5c,
of G.F. Welke on 11 April 1896, page 5b.
The golden wedding of Mr & Mrs D. Pointer (Painter?) is reported in the Register,
16 February 1897, page 5c,
20 February 1897, page 30a.
Coneybeer, Hundred of
F.W. Coneybeer, MP (1893-1930). Born near Bristol, England in 1859 he came to New South Wales in 1865 where, following his school days, he learned horse collar making in his father's shop at Orange; in 1881 he came to Adelaide. He became Speaker in 1915, a position he held until 1921. In 1917 he was expelled from the Labor Party for supporting conscription and transferred his allegiance to the National Labor Party. He was noted for his presence as a master of ceremonies and humorous singer at countless smoke socials and concerts.
General Notes
Also see South Australia - Politics.
A school of this name opened in 1938 and closed in 1942.
Biographical details of Mr Coneybeer are in the Advertiser,
17 April 1893, page 6h,
Weekly Herald,
28 February 1896, page 1,
28 April 1896, page 6d;
he is interviewed in The Mail, 12 February 1916, page 4c;
also see Observer, 15 October 1927, page 71c.
A school near Elliston opened by Edna B. Brown in 1912; it closed in 1925. It took its name from a local homestead.
General Notes
Information on the school is in the Advertiser,
22 May 1912, page 8g.
An Aboriginal word for 'stony hill'. The name was first given to pastoral lease no. 219A of 1851 founded by Andrew Dunn (1819-1901), who held it until 1880 when it was resumed for agricultural purposes.
General Notes
Its school opened in 1888 and closed in 1946.
An obituary of Mrs Martha Langberg is in the Register,
1 July 1926, page 8i,
of Archibald Shaw on 6 April 1927, page 9a.
Conway Town
A subdivision of sections 22 and 24, Hundred of Davenport by John Nixon Conway, mail contractor of Port Augusta in 1881; it comprised 15 allotments bisected by Dunn Street and is now included in Port Augusta.
General Notes
It is described in the Register,
6 December 1883, page 6a,
4 February 1888, page 33d:
There is a horrible stretch of black mud near Conway Town which is uncovered at low tide every day and which gives off an abominable stench right into the town, the wind nearly always setting that way every afternoon and evening...
An obituary of Walter Graham is in the Register,
8 August 1908, page 11h.
Coober Pedy
A corruption of the Aboriginal kupa-piti - 'boys' waterhole'.
General Notes
"Stuart Range Opal Fields" is in the Register,
3 May 1919, page 7e,
10 May 1919, page 48e:
Many men are preparing to go to the Stuart Range opal field, 150 miles north of Tarcoola and 90 miles west of William Creek. Such glowing reports have been given of the opal, 'sticking out of the ground' and 'being dug out with knives' that the man in the street thinks he has only to go there and make his fortune...
Also see
8 September 1927, page 12e.
The "Best Opal Field in Australia" is in the Register,
29 October 1920, page 7c; also see
6 November 1920, page 45b,
12 March 1921, page 35a,
4 June 1921, page 28e,
3 and 10 December 1921, pages 45a and 23 (photos),
14 and 28 May 1921, pages 7a and 6g,
29 November 1921, page 5b.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Diamonds, Opals and Precious Stones.
The settlement is described in the Advertiser,
17 June 1925, page 16.
Photographs are in the Observer,
10 December 1921, page 23,
11 July 1925, page 34.
"Hill Dwellers of Coober Pedy" is in The Mail,
12 December 1925, page 31c,
"Digging for Fortune" in The News,
27 January 1926, page 10f.
A photograph is in the Chronicle,
20 June 1925, page 50.
A visitor to the place reports in the Register, 19 July 1927, page 10g:
We first noticed the striking sign "The Commonwealth Bank" and found it just a small hole burrowed in the hill, a real strongroom on three sides and requiring only a front door to make it burglar proof.
16 December 1933, page 9e.
Photographs are in the Chronicle,
25 July 1935, page 33.
"Motoring to Alice Springs" is in the Advertiser,
17 July 1934, page 10h, (Also see South Australia - Transport - Motor Cars and Cycles)
"The Story of Coober Pedy" in the Chronicle,
26 September 1935, page 58.
"Where People Live Underground" is in The News,
1 July 1936, page 10d.
"Only White Woman in Coober Pedy" is in The Mail,
22 August 1936, page 2o.
The school opened in 1960.
Aboriginal for 'wild fowl water'. It has been suggested it derives from ku-bawi - 'a ghost'. Its alternative name was 'Salt Creek'.
General Notes
Its alternative name was "Salt Creek" -
See Observer, 24 August 1878, page 20c.
The Coobowie School opened in 1878 and closed in 1971.
Information on it is in the Register,
16 September 1887, page 6g,
25 june 1914, page 9c,
4 July 1914, page 19a.
A meeting called to discuss the need for a jetty is reported in the Observer,
21 August 1875, page 4b; also see
16 September 1885, page 5a,
22 September 1885, page 3e.
"The Salt Industry and Coobowie Jetty Dues" is in the Register,
4 August 1885, page 7e.
Information on the town and local salt industry is in the Register,
4 August 1885, page 7e,
16 March 1904, page 7d,
19 April 1904, page 7h; also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary and Secondary - Miscellany and
its "toll free jetty" on
4 October 1907, page 4g:
At this port, Coobowie, better known as Salt Creek, Coobowie township was laid out by the government and nothing has been done here by the government for us in the matter of jetties or anything else.... Vested interests in other places unite to snuff us out of existence if possible; and as that cannot be done then to get us taxed for what we have not got... I may say that I have sent some thousands of pounds worth of salt to the other colonies and the colony has benefited by the cash coming back and being spent here; and also that 40 or 50 men are engaged in the work and we want to increase the number and not seeing them leave the colony while we are interviewing our members of parliament and asking for grants-in-aid.
The town and district are described in the Register,
29 October 1907, page 6d.
A sports day is reported in the Observer,
8 January 1876, page 6a.
An obituary of Edward Johnson is in the Register,
29 April 1915, page 4g,
of Mrs Frances E. Elliott on 3 November 1922, page 6h,
of John A. Bartram on 10 September 1925, page 19e.
Biographical details of Mrs Frances Bartram are in the Register,
15 February 1916, page 4h;
an obituary of J.A. Bartram is in the Observer,
12 September 1925, page 27e.
A photograph of a "big load" of wheat is in the Chronicle,
4 February 1922, page 30.
A photograph of the Coobowie causeway is in the Chronicle,
12 February 1931, page 36.
Cooeyana Well
Reminiscences by Samuel Dixon of life on Cooeyana Station are in the Register,19, 20, 23 and 27 July 1912, pages 9a, 18a, 8e and 15d,
3 August 1912, page 18d.
A railway station 403 km west of Tarcoola. Sir Joseph Cook, a former Prime Minister.
General Notes
Its school opened in 1919.
A photograph is in the Chronicle,
29 August 1935, page 34.