Place Names of South Australia - A
Amyton - Angepena
- Amyton
- Anama
- Andamooka
- Andrews Farm
- Andrews, Hundred of
- Angas Park
- Angas Plains
- Angas, Hundred of
- Angas Valley
- Angaston
- Angelgrove
- Angepena
In the Hundred of Pinda named by Governor Jervois after his eldest daughter, Amy. The town was surveyed in 1879 into 204 house allotments and 180 larger blocks and parklands and proclaimed on 10 April 1879 and at one time had four buildings and many temporary constructions.
General Notes
The school opened in 1881 and closed in 1930.
An obituary of Joseph Gum is in the Observer,
2 and 9 November 1907, pages 38b and 3a (supp.),
of Thomas Gunn (Gum?) in the Register, 9 July 1914, page 10a,
of Mrs Josiah Thomas on 10 June 1920, page 7b.
Comment on local farming is in the Register, 20 December 1905, page 8f:
Most of the farmers of the Amyton district have come to the conclusion that on account of the uncertainty of the rainfall wheat growing only is out of the question; therefore they have combined wheat growing and dairying with the result that financially they are in much better circumstances than when they depended on wheat alone. In fact, many find that on account of the good variety of summer fodders, such as saltbush and blue bush, their returns from dairying surpass that from wheat growing.
A photograph of the town's main street is in the Observer of 22 January 1910, page 30.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
A town in the Hundred of Hart 14 km north-west of Clare was first offered for sale on 10 November 1865; it ceased to exist in 1924. The name was taken from a local property owned by G.C. Hawker which is described in the Register of 4 May 1861, page 4b.
General Notes
Sale of suburban land is reported in the Chronicle,
11 November 1865, page 2d (supp.).
Parliamentary Paper 18/1871 shows the school being conducted by Helen E. Heurtley with an enrolment of 25 pupils;
it opened in 1865 and closed in 1872.
A school Arbor Day is reported in the Register,
5 August 1904, page 6c,
1 September 1906, page 10c: Also see South Australia - Education - Arbor Days
An Arbor Day was held at the Hart Hall School in August 1904. Parents and friends assembled at 2 o'clock when Mr. A.L. McEwin addressed the scholars and those assembled, after which each child planted either a pepper or gum tree under the supervision of the committee. Later, the children, who had been trained by Miss Pratt, the teacher, gave a cantata entitled 'The White Garland'. There were songs and recitations in which the following took part: Mrs Smeaton, Misses Sampson, Pratt and Mugg and Messrs Dewhirst, W. Eime, J. Pratt. O. Eime and Sharnberg. Messrs D. Crawford, J.J. Malone and J. Cross carried out the duties connected with the sports.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Originally known as 'Andamoka', the Aboriginal name for a large waterhole discovered by John McD. Stuart on 21 June 1858. SA Museum records say the name derives either from the Aboriginal jantamoka - 'wide' or jandarimoka - 'hard round object', i.e., comet or meteorite). The 'Andamooka Run' (lease no. 2481) was held by E. and C.W. Bowman from 1875. The Andamoka (sic) run and others are described in the Observer, 10 March 1877, page 12c. At the inaugural meeting of the Royal Geographical Society (SA Branch) on 22 October 1887 Sir Samuel Davenport, in his address, said in contradiction: [It] was found by Messrs Swinden and others in 1857.
Opal was first discovered in the area in 1926 by two dam sinkers, Messrs Shepherd and Brooks and the town, 101 km NNE of Pimba, was gazetted on 16 December 1976. Andamooka Ranges are adjacent to the western shore of Lake Torrens and were named in August 1939 after the local station and island.
General Notes
The Andamoka (sic) run and others are described in the Observer,
10 March 1877, page 12c,
17 January 1880, page 91a.
Also see South Australia - Mining - Diamonds, Opals and Precious Stones.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Andrews Farm
A 1991 subdivision in the Munno Para Council area bounded by Stebonheath Road (named after the ship which brought the Andrews family to SA in 1849) and Andrews Road (named after Mr Gordon Andrews, a former councillor). An obituary of W. Andrews, an early settler, is in the Observer, 26 May 1928, page 49c:
Mr. W. Andrews died at his residence at Smithfield in May 1928. He had lived in the district for 70 years and was one of its most respected residents. In 1849, aged five, he arrived in South Australia
with his parents who travelled by bullock dray to Burra where the family lived in a dugout on the side of a creek. Later, he went to Smithfield which in those days was covered with dense scrub; there were no houses and instead of fences the boundaries were marked with a few pegs. He attended a little Bible Christian Church on the Gawler Blocks called Salem and later, he took up church work at Smithfield, where he was superintendent of the Sunday school for 44 years. On 24 November 1875 he was married to Miss Hillier and at the time of his death nine children of the marriage survived.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Andrews, Hundred of
Richard B. Andrews, MP.
General Notes
A controversy over the declaration of the Hundred is in the Register,
9 December 1864, page 2e.
A school of this name opened in 1873 and closed in 1875.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Angas Park
John Williams' brewery is described in the Register,25 July 1868, page 3b.
Also see South Australia - Industries - Rural, Primary & Secondary - Brewing.
For an account of a journey from Gawler to Angas Park see Register,
25 June 1868, page 3f.
The village is decribed in the Observer, 13 December 1884, page 37a:
The village contains about 70 dwellings (some of them unoccupied) and has a population of about 250. The drainage is somewhat defective, as the site of the township is flat. The water supply is obtained from tanks and wells. Each occupier keeps one or two pigs on his premises in sties which, in the majority of cases, are paved with hardwood planks raised a few inches above the surface of the ground; the drainage is led into and absorbed in the garden for manure. The residents of the village have in use a system of disposing of night soil peculiar to German villages - that is, in the majority of cases, no cesspools are used, the night soils being deposited on the surface covered with dry earth and about every 12 to 14 days the accumulation is used on gardens as manure.
Its first show is reported in the Register,
4 March 1895, page 6i.
Also see South Australia - Miscellany - Agricultural, Floricultural and Horticultural Shows.
Information on the Angas Park distillery is in the Register,
20 March 1900, page 3f.
A subdivision of this name "west of Mitcham railway station" is advertised in the Advertiser,
18 February 1925, page 7b.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Angas Plains
In 1853 Roderick McKenzie (c. 1812-1898) obtained the land grant of section 2771, Hundred of Bremer 14 km south-east of Strathalbyn and the following year subdivided it into smaller rural allotments. It takes its name from the nearby River Angas.
General Notes
Farming on the plains is described in the Register,
25 March 1862, page 3d.
The school was opened in 1862 and closed in 1947.
Examinations are reported in the Register,
4 December 1863, page 3g,
5 November 1864, page 3a,
9 November 1867, page 2e,
13 November 1869, page 7e,
28 October 1870, page 3g,
28 October 1871, page 7a,
18 September 1875, page 17e and
at Mr Berry's school in the Register on
7 November 1868, page 2h.
11 August 1925, page 10f.
The opening of a Primitive Methodist Chapel is reported in the Register,
29 September 1866, page 3b.
An obituary of John McLean is in the Register,
15 December 1903, page 5b,
of Donald Warren is in the Observer,
7 June 1913, page 44a.
Biographical details of Mrs Sarah Holmes are in the Register,
5 February 1919, page 6g.
Photographs of the running of the Waterloo Cup are in the Observer,
21 July 1923, page 29.
Also see South Australia - Sport - Coursing.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Angas Valley
A school south-east of Cambrai; opened in 1891 it closed in 1928.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
Angas, Hundred of
A school of this name opened in 1889 and closed in 1921.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
"Three miles from Rochester"; it was the former name for "Magpie Creek" - see Observer, 6 November 1875, page 19c.
See Place Names - Hart where there is mention of the Angle (sic) Grove Hotel.
The Register of
30 October 1875, page 7a talks of "Anglegrove" - "There are angles enough about to account for the first part of the name, for six roads branch off in various directions..."
The Register of 30 October 1875, page 7a talks of "Anglegrove" - "There are angles enough about to account for the first part of the name, for six roads branch off in various directions..."
Information on the Angle Grove School is in the Advertiser,
22 August 1871, page 3e.
Amyton - Angepena
Place Names
The 'Angepena Run' in the North Flinders Ranges was established by John Baker on 28 March 1856 (lease no. 475). Late in 1892 a report of an alluvial golf find was reported about nine kilometres east of the Angepena homestead. The name was also given to village near the Mochatoona mine about 45 km east of Copley and north of Mount Hack. The mine was worked from 1860 to 1869, but eventually it was abandoned.
General Notes
The results of a local horse-race meeting is in the Register,
23 January 1862, page 3g.
Its gold mine, including the "salting" of it, is discussed in the Register,
21 January 1893, pages 5a and 1c (supp.),
3, 13 and 16 February 1893, pages 3b, 6e and 5b,
4 May 1893, page 6h,
23 June 1893, page 6g,
3, 11, 20 and 27 July 1893, pages 6g, 5a, 6g and 5b,
12 and 17 August 1893, pages 6b and 7b,
22 November 1893, page 7a,
28 December 1893, page 6e.
Sketches are in the Pictorial Australian in
November 1893, page 168.
'Mining - Ways That Are Dark' and 'Salting a Mine' were headlines of the Advertiser in the 1890s in respect of the Golden Treasure mine at Angepena in the North Flinders Ranges, in which several prominent members of parliament were interested but, in the fullness of time, they realised they had been swindled:
They talked about the wonderful mine that was going to pay so handsomely, and at nights when tired eyelids dropped over tired eyes it [was] said that the Angepena Treasure... rose up before them and in their sleep they were deceived into imagining that they were wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice... [They now] go seriously on their way convinced that there is more money in dry as dust politics than in dazzling Angepena Treasures.
The short-lived Mochatoona Mine, about five kilometres NNW of Angepena station, was worked in 1859-1860; at first it was considered to be a wonderful copper discovery warranting 'vigorous developmental work' but, as with most of the copper 'shows' in the Flinders Ranges, the surface lode did not extend to greater depths.
Late in 1892 a report of an alluvial gold find in the area prompted a visit by Mr J.V. Parkes, Inspector of Mines, who reported finding 40 prospectors on a field that, in his opinion, was 'worth prospecting'. The land was 'about five miles east of Angipena (sic) old station'; the majority of the diggers managed to scrape together enough gold to supply their necessary wants and in this regard meat in the form of wethers from the local station was freely available until non-payment by some diggers led to the cessation of that facility.
The embryo town emerged in 1893 when 50 men were living in tents and crude huts, two stores were open for business and two butchers plied their trade. The nearest water supply was obtained from Bolla Bollina Spring about a mile from the town. In winter months the local creek ran occasionally and to prevent its spoliation a quarter of a mile of its banks was reserved for domestic water purposes.
By August 1893 there were over 300 men on the field when Mounted Constable Brown took up residence; no cells were provided for prisoners but chains driven into blocks of wood served the purpose - an Angepena Police Station had been manned from the 1850s until the prolonged drought of the 1860s found the law enforcers retreating to Blinman. To complete the services provided to the inhabitants a post office opened in July 1893, with Mr Doig as postmaster.
A month later it was reported that Mr McPherson had made a 'splendid find' which assayed about 6-8 ounces to the ton, while Mr Mailey, a local storekeeper, had been shown a nugget estimated to weigh 'fully 50 ounces' - to this 30 diggers responded by telegraphing the Commissioner of Crown Lands and expressing their disbelief. However, it would appear that these reports, which time proved to be false, set the minds of two prospectors working on a scheme that would lead one of them to gaol with a sentence of eighteen months hard labour.
In September 1894 a company, the Angipena (sic) Treasure Mining Company issued a prospectus for 40,000 one pound shares - 20,000 fully paid-up to be paid to the vendors in part payment for the mine (together with a cash payment of £700) and the balance to be offered for public subscription - the directors' names read like a 'Who's Who' of the local parliament - namely, Messrs G. Riddoch, A.R. Addison, J.H. Howe and A. Poynton.
Their expectations were based on what they had every reason to believe was most reliable and authoritative evidence of the presence of an 'unusually rich lode'. Further, they were only too proud to state that their speculation had a patriotic element in that they were promoting a genuine and promising gold mine in South Australia!
Both Mr White and Mr Poynton had visited the property in August 1894 and, from samples taken personally from the shafts by Messrs Howe and Addison, they concluded that the reef closely resembled the Great Boulder Mine at Kalgoorlie which was making a fortune for its proprietors. Then, to seal the matter, the 'late Inspector of Mines' concluded that it was 'one of the best surface shows I have met with in South Australia.' A parcel of ore taken from the main shaft gave an average return of over four ounces to the ton.
The matter duly came to trial early in 1896 when, in sentencing the 'salter', the Chief Justice said that if a guilty verdict had not been forthcoming it was possible that nothing would have been heard of 'matters in connection with the floating of the company.' His Honour 'felt constrained to speak strongly in reference to the omission from the prospectus of certain facts which might have considerably influenced the share-investing public had they been made known' and he commented adversely on the 'liberal provisions made by the promoters' which, if realised, would have benefited them to the detriment of shareholders.
In a final tilt the Judge referred 'not unfairly', to the candid dealing which the public naturally expects from gentlemen holding high public positions that was not apparent in the case before him - but as a politician would say - 'Regrettable facts remained' - to this indictment the humbled, and temporarily impecunious, politicians declined to respond!
Register, 31 August 1863, p. 3, 17 December 1867, p. 2, 20 May 1872, p. 5, 29 November 1887, p. 7, 21 January 1893, p. 5, 3 February 1893, p. 3, 13 February 1893, p. 6, 4 May 1893, p. 6, 11 July 1893, p. 5, 20 July 1893, p. 6, 27 July 1893, p. 5, 12 August 1893, p. 6, 17 August 1893, p. 7, 28 December 1893, p. 6, 22 and 23 November 1895, pp. 3 and 4, 14 December 1895, p. 5, 29 January 1927, p. 18, Observer, 25 October 1879, p. 3, Advertiser, 5 March 1896, p. 4, Hans Mincham, The Story of the Flinders Ranges.
General Notes
Also see Register,
5 August 1895, page 3f,
5 September 1895, page 3f,
22 and 23 November 1895, pages 3c and 4g,
14, 16 and 24 December 1895, pages 5b-6g, 4g and 6b,
17 and 21 January 1896, pages 5b and 7b,
5 and 7 March 1896, pages 4f-7b and 6g,
21 December 1895, page 25a,
21 November 1895, page 3f,
5 March 1896, page 4e,
28 May 1910, page 19h.
Its post office opened in 1893 - see Register,
12 August, page 7b.
"The Dead Man's Gold - An Old-Time Tragedy" is in the Observer,
19 June 1926, page 43a.
"An Old Tragedy" is in the Register,
25 December 1926, page 10e,
29 January 1927, page 18f.
A photograph of the homestead is in the Chronicle,
30 July 1927, page 39.