Adelaide - Buildings
See Also:
Adelaide - Housing, Architecture and
Ancillary Matters
Arts and Entertainment
South Australia - Industries
- Rural, Primary and Secondary - Building Stone
- Adelaide Arcade
- Adelaide Club
- Adelaide Gay's Arcade
- Adelaide Observatory
- Bank Buildings
- Chamber of Manufactures
- Freemasons' Hall
- Information on new buildings
- German Club
- Griffith Brothers
- Harris, Scarfe
- Kither's Building
- Kuhnel's Emporium
- Miscellany
- D & W. Murray's Premises
- Old Boys' Institute
- Public Library
- Royal Exchange Building
- Ruthven Mansions
- Stevenson Brothers
- Supreme Court
- White's Rooms
- G. Wood & Sons
- Miscellany
Information on New Buildings
A summary of new buildings and improvements is in the Observer,30 September 1843, page 5a,
Southern Australian,
30 January 1844, page 2b,
5 April 1845, page 5c,
20 December 1845, page 5c,
16 September 1846, page 1d,
South Australian,
22 September 1846, page 7a,
20 April 1849, page 2b.
An 1849 sketch of Adelaide is in the Chronicle,
2 January 1936, page 31.
Information on a Union Bank of Australia building is in the Register,
23 August 1856, page 4d,
17 May 1928, page 5c.
Information on the Exhibition building is in the Register,
16 January 1860, page 3f,
15 December 1923, page 10a.
Also see Exhibitions
"New Buildings in King William Street" is in the Observer,
8 August 1863, page 2a (supp.).
"City Improvements" on
3 and 31 October 1863, pages 4g and 2h (supp.).
Morgan & Co's new building in Currie Street is discussed in the Observer,
30 January 1864, page 2h (supp.).
Whyte and Counsell's building in Currie Street is reported upon in the Register,
25 January 1864, page 3a,
of Morgan & Co. on
27 January 1864, page 3b.
A summary of public and private buildings completed and commenced during 1866 is in the Register,
15 January 1867, page 3a; also see
5 June 1866, page 2h;
26 January 1867, page 3a,
6 January 1868, page 3a,
18 January 1869 , page 2d,
10 February 1869, page 3c; also see
16 January 1869, page 6b.
"City Improvements" is in the Observer, 9 June 1866, page 7h.
"Architectural Improvements During 1867" is in the Advertiser,
9 January 1868, page 2c; also see
12 January 1869, page 2b.
The laying of the foundation stone of an Oddfellows' Hall is reported in the Express,
21 June 1872, page 3c.
Building improvements during 1873 in the city and suburbs are discussed in the Chronicle,
10 January 1874, page 6c.
"Architectural Improvements During 1875" is in the Advertiser, 11 January 1876, page 5c;
also see 9 and 10 January 1877, pages 5d and 6a.
New buildings near the Botanic Gardens at the corner of East and North Terraces are discussed in the Observer,
25 August 1877, page 20.
A sketch of the Advertiser building is in the SA Figaro, 8 August 1877 (supplement),
of Nixon's Photo Studios on 19 September 1877 (supplement),
of Donwell's auctioneering premises in Currie Street on 24 November 1877 (supplement).
Information on the proposed Academy of Music building in Rundle Street is in the Express,
31 August 1878, page 2c, Observer,
24 May 1879, page 13f;
also see Observer,
24 May 1884, page 37e.
The building is described in the Register,
8 January 1884, page 6d.
A sketch of a fire at the Academy of Music is in Frearson's Weekly,
12 January 1884, page 689.
A The destruction of the Academy of Music by fire is reported in the Observer,
12 January 1884, page 35;
also see Express,
27 June 1884, page 2d,
8 and 11 August 1884, pages 3f and 3d,
2 May 1885, page 4c,
5 June 1885, page 3e.
"New Academy of Music" is in the Advertiser,
11 August 1884, page 7c;
also see Register,
27 December 1886, page 6h.
Information on the Bank of Adelaide is in the Observer,
16 March 1878, page 20d.
"Buildings in Adelaide" is in the Express,
9 December 1878, page 3c.
"The Old Institute Building" is in the Register,
19 July 1902, page 6g.
"New Institute Building" is in theRegister,
30 April 1879, page 5g, Observer,
3 May 1879, page 10g, 5 June 1884, page 6e.
Historical information on its foundation is in the Register,
18 June 1918, page 4f.
Also see Libraries and Institutes.
"The New Government Offices" is in the Observer,
3 May 1879, page 12g,
the new Exchange and offices on 30 August 1879, page 10e,
1 May 1880, page 734a.
Information on the building is in theRegister,
28 October 1887, page 5b,
30 January 1888, page 6e,
28 April 1888, page 5b,
29 and 30 June 1888, pages 6b and 6c,
4 July 1888, page 5a.
The demolition of the Old Exchange building is reported in the Observer,
11 May 1889, page 38a.
New public offices in Victoria Square are discussed in the Register,
8 April 1880, page 4g.
The South Australian Club building in Pirie Street is discussed in the Observer,
13 September 1879, page 22c.
Melvin Chambers are described in the Register,
23 July 1880, page 5c.
Messrs Matter's new building in Victoria Square is described in the Register,
25 February 1882, page 5c.
"New Buildings in the City" is in the Register,
15 May 1884, page 6c.
The new Industrial Buildings are described in the Register,
13 August 1884, page 5b.
E.& W. Hackett's building in Rundle Street is described in the Observer,
28 March 1885, page 37b,
the Australian Widows Fund building on 24 April 1886, page 30a, Register,
25 July 1887, page 5g.
"New Buildings" is in the Express,
17 February 1886, page 3f.
Bruce, Aldridge & Co's new auction mart is described in the Register,
8 May 1886, page 5g,
the AMP building on 16 September 1886, page 6g.
"New Buildings in Adelaide" is in the Chronicle,
5 November 1887, page 5e.
Information on Cowra Buildings in Grenfell Street which were built on the site of the old Presbyterian Church is in the Observer,
24 October 1891, page 31a;
also seeRegister,
7 December 1892, page 5b.
"Some New Structures" is in the Express,
7 April 1892, page 3g.
New public buildings are described in the Advertiser,
25 October 1892, page 5f,
25 January 1894, page 7a.
The Adelaide Cooperative Society's new building is discussed in the Express,
22 April 1893, page 6h, Register,
18 January 1910, page 10b.
New buildings at the Beehive Corner are described in the Register,
19 April 1895, page 6d.
Also see Observer, 28 September 1895, page 13e, 18 July 1896, page 15b and Beehive Corner.
New public buildings are described in the Advertiser,
25 October 1892, page 5f,
25 January 1894, page 7a.
The Adelaide Cooperative Society's new building is discussed in the Express,
22 April 1893, page 6h.
New buildings at the Beehive Corner are described in the Register,
Biographical details of Charles E. Owen-Smyth, Superintendent of Public Buildings, are in the Observer,
The laying of the foundation stone of a church and institute for the adult deaf and dumb is reported in the Register,
Information on the new Wool Exchange is in the Observer,
Information on the Bible Society building in Grenfell Street is in the Observer,
"Government Buildings in 1897" is in the Observer,
Information on Wilkinson & Co's building, etc, is in Register,
Information on the Citizens Life Assurance Company building is in the Register,
Information on Clutterbuck Brothers new building in Hindley Street is in the Observer,
"State Public Buildings" is in the Register,
"New Buildings in the City" is in the Advertiser,
"City Improvements" is in the Express,
"New Buildings in 1907" is in the Advertiser,
"New Treasury Buildings" is in the Register,
"Modern Buildings - Reinforced Concrete in Adelaide" is in the Register,
Information on the new education building is in the Observer,
"Government Buildings - The Latest Structures" is in the Observer,
"Building Activity in Adelaide" is in the Register,
"Advance Adelaide - Around New Buildings" is in the Register,
A new Liberal Club building is reported upon in the Register,
Information on the Executor Trustee & Agency Co Building is in the Register,
"City Buildings - A Year's Progress" is in the Observer,
Photographs of the Executor Trustee and Adelaide Electric Supply Company's building under construction are in the Observer,
Information on the ANA building is in the Register,
Information on the Eudunda Farmers' Cooperative Society building is inThe Mail,
19 April 1895, page 6d.
Also see Register,
21 September 1895, page 5b,
28 September 1895, page 13e,
18 July 1896, page 15b.
Also see under Beehive Corner.
12 October 1895, page 16a.
1 November 1895, pages 3e-5c.
2 October 1897, page 21c.
16 October 1897, page 15e,
11 December 1897, pages 12e-31c.
15 January 1898, page 16a,
"Some New Buildings" is in the Express,
22 August 1898, page 2g.
10 June 1899, page 4d,
The Mail,
7 February 1914, page 7a.
Biographical details of an employee, G.H. Prosser, are in the Register,
14 May 1917, page 6f,
of F.N. Linington on 3 July 1923, page 4d,
6 June 1927, page 10h.
11 October 1900, page 8e.
20 September 1902, page 44d.
10 January 1903, page 9g.
13 November 1903, page 6d,
5 January 1907, page 40c.
16 May 1907, page 1f,
"New Buildings in 1907" on 7 February 1908, page 3d.
7 February 1908, page 10e.
2 November 1909, page 5f,
Observer, 6 November 1909, page 38e.
"A City Oasis" in the Treasury Building is described in the Observer,
25 February 1893, page 31b.
27 May 1911, page 8c,
"Important Architectural Additions" on 3 June 1911, page 8c (includes photographs).
6 April 1912, page 34d,
Register, 18 and 19 September 1912, pages 11 and 15c.
Photographs of the laying of the foundation stone of the Education Building in Flinders Street are in the Observer,
28 September 1912, page 29;
also see Express,
18 September 1912, page 4a,
18 September 1915, page 9b,
25 December 1915, page 8e.
17 January 1914, page 39e,
"Future Building Scheme" on 11 July 1914, page 48c.
18 April 1914, page 14h.
11 February 1915, page 6a.
Photographs of buildings completed in 1915 are in the Chronicle,
1 January 1916, page 26.
14 July 1922, page 8f, 21 August 1924, page 4d;
its opening is reported on 11 May 1925, page 10f.
Information on a new Liberal Club building is in the Advertiser,
14 July 1922, page 12e,
The News,
11 October 1923, page 2c.
3 October 1922, page 11e.
30 December 1922, page 14c.
16 August 1924, page 33.
A photograph of the Executor Trustee company's cricket team is in the Observer,
5 March 1927, page 33.
4 August 1926, page 11d, 28 April 1927, page 10c.
9 January 1937, page 16d,
on the Elder Smith building on 13 February 1937, page 1d,
on Cox Brothers building on 25 December 1937, page 19f.